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M.Sc. WiInf

The bilingual Master of Science in Wirtschaftsinformatik program (M.Sc.)

The bilingual Master of Science in Wirtschaftsinformatik program has a two year (4 half-year semesters) curriculum with 120 ECTS credits and includes advanced courses on information systems development, management and assessment. The program is specifically designed to introduce students to state-of-the-art research on information systems and to prepare graduates for either an academic or executive management career. It is a full-time, day programme with 6 months reserved for a comprehensive, often research-oriented Master’s thesis that also serves to prepare the most gifted students for doctorate level Wirtschaftsinformatik studies. Selected topics on the program include research methods and scientific writing, strategic information systems planning, business process management, and requirements engineering.

About the program

Using information and communication technology to its full potential within an organization requires a highly-developed understanding of the technical, social and economic connections between the technology, the organization and the relevant stakeholders (e.g. decision makers, software developers, system users). Furthermore, creativity, a high capacity for abstract thinking, but also the ability to present ideas persuasively are required. The programme equips students with the necessary competences and skills, basing tuition on a solid theoretical foundation and, at the same time maintains a highly practical orientation. The breadth of the curriculum and its modular form allow students to adapt the course to match their personal interests. Leadership competences are promoted in interactive research seminars, student team projects and by working alongside practicing IT managers.

A key objective of the program is to create an attractive scientific culture and atmosphere of dedicated professionalism to inspire students to work intensively and interact critically with the teaching and the key research challenges of their field of study. The overarching aim is to ensure Wirtschaftsinformatik graduates are thoroughly prepared to address the challenges they will meet in their future professional lives.

Our faculty is committed to high standards of research and teaching, is well connected in the scientific and business networks, and has a reputation for excellence in Wirtschaftsinformatik research. Faculty members have published in top national and international journals, acquired funding from international, federal, local and industrial sources, and regularly participate in scientific conferences and workshops. In 2004, the Institute for Computer Science and Business Information Systems hosted the annual meeting of the Wirtschaftsinformatik community, the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik attended by more than 500 specialists. The intensity of the research involved does have an impact on the curriculum and course work. Master’s degree level courses link state-of-the-art research with practical business applications and introduce students to models, methods, and theories targeting solutions for the multiple challenges information systems are expected to address in today’s organizations. Students are also encouraged to participate in ongoing research and consulting projects led by faculty members.

International focus

The Master of Science in Wirtschaftsinformatik program recognizes both the increasing globalization of the job market and the importance of German as the scientific language of Wirtschaftsinformatik. It is therefore designed as a bilingual program with courses taught either in German or English. Thus, students develop a unique ability to combine knowledge from more than 30 years of Wirtschaftsinformatik research with the diverse international research streams on information systems. They can deepen their understanding of the German Wirtschaftsinformatik terminology and acquaint themselves with the international technical terminology. This way, graduates are prepared for the demands of national and international job markets. Due to the modular nature of the curriculum, students may opt for up to 80% of their credits to be earned from courses taught in either German or English.


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