Economics Seminar

Presentations Winter Term 2024/2025

The presentations take place in-person or virtually on Wednesdays at 2.15 - 3.15pm. The login details are included in the invitation email.

University of Duisburg-Essen
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
Universitaetsstrasse 12
45141 Essen

Contact: daniel.kuehnle (at) or sebastian.otten (at)

16.10.2024Galina Zudenkova (TU Dortmund)Information and Communication Technologies, Protests, and CensorshipR11 T07 C732.15-3.15pm
23.10.2024Philipp Lergetporer (Technical University of Munich)Early Child Care, Maternal Labor Supply, and Gender Equality: A Randomized Controlled TrialR11 T07 C732.15-3.15pm
30.10.2024Jonas Jessen (WZB Berlin)A Star is Born: The Supply of and Workers' Response to Politically-Charged Job AdsR11 T07 C732.15-3.15pm
13.11.2024Otilia Boldea (Tilburg University)Inference about impulse responses based on external instrumentsR11 T08 D012.15-3.15pm
20.11.2024Timo Dimitriadis (Heidelberg University)Asymptotic Inference for Score DecompositionsR11 T08 D012.15-3.15pm
27.11.2024Lena Janys (Newcastle University)Daycare, mental health and education: Evidence from subsidy changes in the NetherlandsR11 T07 C732.15-3.15pm
11.12.2024Michael Oberfichtner (FAU Nürnberg)The pass-through of monopsony power to wagesR11 T07 C732.15-3.15pm
18.12.2024Joseph Sabia (San Diego State University)The Intended and Unintended Effects of E-Cigarette Policies on Tobacco and Non-Tobacco HealthR11 T07 C732.15-3.15pm
08.01.2025Stefan Bauernschuster (University of Passau)The Impact of Margaret Sanger‘s Birth Control Clinics on Early 20th Century U.S. Fertility and MortalityR11 T07 C732.15-3.15pm
29.01.2025Emma Tominey (University of York)Gender Equality Through MarriageR11 T07 C732.15-3.15pm

Find here the archive of the Economics Seminar.