Medicine Management
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In recent years it has become very clear that economic factors will become ever more important in the administration of healthcare. A rapidly growing number of physicians in hospitals and private practice are finding themselves increasingly confronted with management tasks for which they are poorly or even totally unprepared. Medical personnel need more and more time to meet these responsibilities - time that does not exist given the primary need to treat patients.
Hospitals and private health insurance companies, the manufacturers of pharmaceuticals and medical devices are also facing a growing necessity for tackling issues on the interface between economics and medicine.
The University of Duisburg-Essen has responded to these challenges by establishing the Chair of Medicine Management which was funded as an endowed chair from 2003 to 2008 by the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation. At the centre of the medicine management course offerings are the Master’s in Medicine Management, the Master’s in Medicine Management for Medical Practitioners as well as the the bilingual Master's program in health economics. Medicine Management is also a core subject taught as part of the Business Administration and Economics bachelors' courses.
By providing this range of courses, the University of Duisburg-Essen is responding to the demands for an academic education and professional training with programmes jointly designed by the Economics and Business Administration and Medical faculties. The Medicine Management, Medicine Management for Medical Practitioners, and Business Administration – Health-care Economics and Health-care System Management masters’ programmes are research-orientated courses of the study that provide qualifications tailored for the increasingly important interface between research and practice. Given a situation where the need for business administration structures within the healthcare industry will significantly increase over the foreseeable future, it can be assumed that graduates will find a wide range of positions available with healthcare associations, healthcare insurance companies, associations of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, research institutions, government agencies as well as in the pharmaceutical industry and with clinics and clinic associations and other institutions operating in the healthcare system.