The following pages present all committees of the faculty and all committees of the university that have members belonging to the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.
Faculty Council
The Faculty Council consists of university teachers, students, scientific staff as well as non-scientific staff. The most important task of the council is the election of the dean and, if necessary, additional members of the deanery (vice dean, academic dean etc.). According to the Higher Education Act of the state North Rhine-Westphalia and the basic order of a university, the Faculty Council consults or decides about the usage of resources of the faculty (monetary and non-monetary resources, human resources, rooms etc.) and about fundamental questions of research and teaching.
More InformationDoctoral Commitee
The Doctoral Committee decides about the prerequisites for graduates to be approved for a doctorate. Moreover it decides about the professors who supervise and examine doctoral students.
More InformationExamination Board
The Examination Board controls the compliance with the respective examination regulations. This includes the recognition of academic performances, extensions of time for the thesis, decisions about objections and verification of medical certificates. Moreover, it observes the development of examinations and the period of study and gives proposals on reforms of the examination and study regulations.
More InformationDegree Commissioners
Professors can be elected as Degree Commissioners. Their main task is the maintenance and development of a degree programme.
More InformationAdvisory Board
The Advisory Board consults the Faculty Council and dean in matters of teaching and studying, especially in matters of study reforms, and the evaluation of study and teaching. Moreover, it consults the Faculty Council and the dean with regard to an adoption or a change of the examination regulations (§ 28 Abs. 8 HG NRW). It consists of the academic dean and other university teachers as well as one academic and non-academic member, two students, who are enrolled in an economical study degree.
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The Commission for Quality Improvement consists of university teachers, academic and non-academic staff as well as non-scientific staff, students and the dean. They consult about the use of the quality improvement means at faculty level. These means are used for - among others - the improvement of student services and the organisation of education.
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The Senate is the parliament of the university. It solely deals with all matters regarding the areas of research, teaching and study, that concern the whole university. Organizing the administration is not part of its tasks. The senate approves the election of the rectorate, comments on the reports of the rector, gives recommendations about objective agreements of the university and resolves all regulations that apply to the whole university.
More InformationEthikkommission
Die Ethikkommission der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften nimmt auf Antrag Stellung zur forschungsethischen Vertretbarkeit von Forschungsvorhaben mit menschlichen Studienteilnehmer*innen. Insbesondere legt sie ihre Arbeit die ethischen Richtlinien und Empfehlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie zugrunde. Rechtliche Aspekte sind nicht Bestandteil der forschungsethischen Prüfung.
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