Publications of Faculty Staff


This is the aggregated list of publications of the faculty staff. Please note that this list does not represent the complete publication history of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, but takes into account the members active as of October 2023, as the faculty was structurally changed at that time.

  • Karlsson, Martin; with Juan Pablo Atal, Hanming Fang; Ziebarth, Nicolas: German Long-Term Health Insurance: Theory Meets Evidence. In: Journal of Political Economy (forthcoming) (2025). doi:10.3386/w26870CitationDetails
  • Meurer, F.; Breder, M; Bucksteeg, M; Hobbie, H.; Moest, D.; Scharf, H.; Weber, C.: Can an Obligation Bridge Germany’s PV Capacity Gap? Insights from a Regional Case Study - Details. 08/2024. Essen 2024. Full textCitationDetails
  • Brunsch, Daniel; Radek, Julian; Ostmeier, Lars; Weber, Christoph: Midterm perspectives on natural gas after the European gas crisis: Reviewing German energy transition studies. In: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol 2025 (2024) No 210. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2024.115223CitationDetails
  • Kiesel, Rüdiger; Chekriy, Kateryna; Stahl, Gerhard: A Probabilistic Approach of Assessing and Ranking Firm's Transition Efforts. 2024. Full textCitationDetails
  • Spitzner, St.; Retzmann, Th.: Vorstellung von Rahmenmodell und Kompetenztest zum innovativ-unternehmerischen Wissen und Denken. In: Kögler, Kristina; Kremer, H. -Hugo; Herkner, Volkmar (Ed.): Jahrbuch der berufs- und wirtschaftspädagogischen Forschung 2024. Barbara Budrich, Opladen/Berlin/Toronto 2024, p. 198-219. doi:10.3224/84743054CitationDetails
  • Hanck, C.; Massing, T.: Testing for nonlinear cointegration under heteroskedasticity. In: Econometric Reviews (2024), p. 1-32. doi:10.1080/07474938.2024.2429598CitationDetails
  • Pflugfelder, Y.; Schinke-Nendza, A.; Dumas, J.; Weber, C.: Deriving multivariate probabilistic solar generation forecasts based on hourly imbalanced data - Details. 07/2024. Essen 2024. Full textCitationDetails
  • Sander, Hendrik: Accounting for Goodwill: A Critical Analysis of the Impairment-Only Approach. In: Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium (2024), p. 1-32. doi:10.1515/ael-2021-0106CitationDetails
  • Boehnke, Florian; Kramer, Hendrik; Weber, Christoph: The Value of Decentral Flexibility in Nodal Market Design – a Case Study for Europe 2030. In: Energy Policy, Vol 2025 (2024) No 169. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2024.114396CitationDetails
  • Hofmann, Arnd J; Breder, Marco S; Boehnke, Florian; Weber, Christoph: Optimization model for simultaneous controlled charging of electric vehicles in distribution grids in rural, suburban and urban areas. Conference Paper. Symposium, 8Th E-Mobility Power System Integration, Helsinki (Finland) 2024. PDFCitationDetails
  • Nickol, P.; Horn, S.; Mihalyi, D.; Sosa-Padilla, C.: Hidden Debt Revelations. NBER / RWI / World Bank, online 2024. Full textCitationDetails
  • Arnold, Martin C.; Reinschlüssel, Thilo: Bootstrap Adaptive Lasso Solution Path Unit Root Tests. 2024. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2409.07859CitationDetails
  • Massing, Till: Parametric Estimation of Tempered Stable Laws. In: ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat., Vol 21 (2024) No 2, p. 1567-1600. doi:10.30757/ALEA.v21-59Full textCitationDetails
  • Karlsson, Martin; with Wang, Yulong; Ziebarth, Nicolas: Getting the Right Tail Right: Modeling Tails of Health Expenditure Distributions. In: Journal of Health Economics (2024) No 97. doi:10.1016/j.jhealeco.2024.102912 CitationDetails
  • Jahns, C: Inefficiencies in coupled electricity markets with different time granularity: Exploring the zigzag pattern. 06/2024. Essen 2024. Full textCitationDetails
  • Breder, M. S.; Hofmann, A.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Economic analysis of behavioral aspects of electromobility with a focus on consumers – A Review - Details. 05/2024. Essen 2024. Full textCitationDetails
  • Boehnke, Florian; Kolkmann, Sven; Leisen, Robin; Weber, Christoph: How wind forecast updates are balanced in coupled European intraday markets - Details. In: IET Renewable Power Generation (2024). doi:10.1049/rpg2.13065Full textCitationDetails
  • Schinke-Nendza, Aiko: Cross-sectoral coordination in highly interconnected multi-operator energy systems – A distributed framework with autonomous agents. SSRN Working Paper, 2024. Full textCitationDetails
  • Radek, J.; Breder, M; Weber, C.: Hydrogen in the European power sector – A case study on the impacts of regulatory frameworks for green hydrogen - Details. 02/2024. Essen 2024. Full textCitationRecordingDetails
  • Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Weber, Christoph: Event-based Evaluation of Congestions in Grids with High Shares of Renewable Generation using Multivariate Probabilistic Forecasts. TechRxiv, 2024. doi:10.36227/techrxiv.172107259.97408948/v1CitationDetails
  • Rasti, Sasan; Schegner, Peter; Flatter, Felix; Trossen, Christian; Goetz, Stefan; Kreizer, Ailen; Frerk, Julius; Zdrallek, Markus; Kramer, Hendrik; Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Faesser-Stock, Fabian; Weber, Christoph: SysZell: a holistic approach for providing ancillary services in cellular energy systems. In: IET Conference Proceedings (CIRED 2024), Vol 2024 (2024) No 5. doi:10.1049/icp.2024.2002CitationDetails
  • Spilger, M.; Schneider, D.; Weber, C.: Uncertainty Characterization for Generation Adequacy Assessments – Including an Application to the Recent European Energy Crisis. 2024. Full textCitationDetails
  • Sieger, Lisa: Investigating inefficiencies in the German rental housing market: The impact of disclosing total costs on energy efficiency appreciation. In: Energy & Buildings, Vol 312 (2024) No 114183. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2024.114183CitationDetails

    Energy efficiency and renewable energy are key pillars of the energy transition that is high on the political agenda of governments in face of the climate crisis. Germany, however, is underperforming in its emissions reduction goals. There is still room for improvement, especially in the building sector – but this is often associated with high upfront investments. There is evidence that the market for energy efficiency in the German rental housing market is inefficient, resulting in underinvestment. To investigate these inefficiencies, this study estimates a hedonic pricing model combined with a total-cost-of-use perspective based on the observation of warm rents for a sample of 3,903,473 rental offers from 2014 to 2021. In a “perfect world”, the effect of the energy performance score given in energy performance certificates as an indicator of energy consumption or demand, respectively, is expected to be zero, as corresponding costs are already included in the warm rent. If the coefficient is significantly different from zero, it can be interpreted as measure for inefficiencies. The study further investigates whether disclosing heating costs in real estate advertisements could lead to a better appreciation of energy efficiency in the rental market and thus contribute to closing the information gap. Results show that the market for energy efficiency is indeed inefficient; however, the disclosure of full information can help to overcome these inefficiencies. These results lead to several important policy implications.

  • Băncescu, Irina; Chivu, Luminiţa; Massing, Till; Preda, Vasile; Puente-Ajovín, Miguel; Ramos, Arturo: On the parametric description of log-growth rates of Romanian city sizes. In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol 643 (2024) No 1. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2024.129818Full textCitationDetails
  • Breidenbach, Philipp; Jäger, Philipp; Taruttis, Lisa: Aging and real estate prices in Germany. In: Review of Regional Research, Vol 44 (2024), p. 383-401. doi:10.1007/s10037-024-00210-2CitationDetails

    Exploiting regional heterogeneity in population dynamics across more than 10,000 municipalities in Germany, we provide robust empirical evidence that population aging depresses real estate prices and rents. Using millions of individual real estate listings and detailed demographic data at the municipality level, we estimate that average sales prices in 2020 would have been up to 12% higher if the population age distribution had been the same as in 2008. We show that population aging not only reduces prices but also increases the availability of real estate. In addition, we document substantial heterogeneity in price responses across dwelling type, property characteristics, and urban-rural status, suggesting that lower housing demand and life-cycle dissaving are driving our results. We predict that population aging will continue to exert downward pressure on house prices and exacerbate regional disparities in Germany.

  • Pflugfelder, Yannik; Kramer, Hendrik; Weber, Christoph: A novel approach to generate bias-corrected regional wind infeed timeseries based on reanalysis data. In: Applied Energy, Vol 2024 (2024) No 361. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2024.122890Full textCitationDetails
  • Ramos, A.; Massing, T.;  Ishikawa, A.;  Mizuno, T.  : Mixtures of log‑normal distributions in the mid‑scale range of firm‑size variables. In: Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review (2024). doi:10.1007/s40844-024-00283-1CitationDetails
  • Kohlhaas, N.; Knobloch, C.: Vielfalt im Team gewinnbringend nutzen - Die Generation Z im Apotheken-Team - Teil 3. In: AWA - Aktueller Wirtschaftsdienst für Apotheker, Vol 49 (2024) No 8, p. 14-15. CitationDetails
  • Leisen, Robin; Radek, Julian; Weber, Christoph: Modeling combined-cycle power plants in a detailed electricity market model. In: Energy, Vol 2024 (2024) No 298. doi:10.1016/ textCitationDetails
  • Knobloch, C.; Schröder, H.: Wer hat zugemacht? - Datenanalyse zum Rückgang der Apothekenzahl in Baden-Württemberg. In: Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung, Vol 164 (2024) No 14, p. 66-70. PDFFull textCitationDetails
  • Kohlhaas, N.; Knobloch, C.: Wertschätzung ist keine Einbahnstraße - Die Generation Z im Apothekenteam - Teil 2. In: AWA Aktueller Wirtschaftsdienst für Apotheker, Vol 49 (2024) No 6, p. 14-15. CitationDetails
  • Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Kramer, Hendrik; Khalid, Abuzar; Flatter, Felix; Rasti, Sasan; Uhlemeyer, Björn; Weber, Christoph: Modeling of large decentral multi-energy systems – An application to flexible heat pumps in a decarbonized scenario. TechRxiv, 2024. doi:10.36227/techrxiv.170861965.51606148/v1Full textCitationDetails
  • Sander, Hendrik; Scherer, Anna-Lena; Schmiel, Ute: The Arm’s Length Principle - An Adequate Means for Taxing Multinational Corporate Groups?. In: Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium (2024). doi:10.1515/ael-2023-0018CitationDetails
  • Kohlhaas, N.; Knobloch, C.: Verstehen, wie der Nachwuchs tickt - Die Generation Z im Apotheken-Team – Teil 1. In: AWA Aktueller Wirtschaftsdienst für Apotheker, Vol 49 (2024) No 4, p. 12-13. Full textCitationDetails
  • Scherer, Anna-Lena: The Interlinking Between Taxation, Citizenship, and Democracy: Why Should and How Can We Integrate Large Corporations? - (im Erscheinen). In: Lind, Yvette; Avi-Yonah, Reuven (Ed.): Taxation, Citizenship, and Democracy in the 21st Century. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024. CitationDetails
  • Karlsson, Martin; with Avdic, Daniel; Decker, Simon; Salm, Martin: No-claim refunds and healthcare use. In: Journal of Public Economics , Vol 230 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.jpubeco.2023.105061CitationDetails

    No-claim refunds are cost-control instruments which stipulate a payback agreement contingent on one or more claim-free years. We study how such no-claim refunds affect claiming behavior using claims data from a large German health insurer and a policy that increased the refund size for certain plans. We propose a method to decompose the effect on claims into behavioral and non-behavioral components, and show that individuals responded to the refund policy by reducing claims by eight percent on average. The effect persisted for several years; behavioral responses were stronger for clients with more to gain from the policy; and reductions in claims were not restricted to treatments of questionable medical value.

  • Knobloch, C.: Von Prompts, Primings und Professor Synapse - So nutzen Sie ChatGPT in der Apothekenpraxis. In: AWA Aktueller Wirtschaftsdienst für Apotheker, Vol 49 (2024) No 3, p. 6-8. PDFFull textCitationDetails
  • Fissler, T.; Hoga, Y.: Backtesting Systemic Risk Forecasts using Multi-Objective Elicitability. In: Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Vol 42 (2024) No 2, p. 485-498. doi:10.1080/07350015.2023.2200514CitationDetails
  • Hoga, Y.: The Estimation Risk in Extreme Systemic Risk Forecasts. In: Econometric Theory (2024), p. 1-50. doi:10.1017/S0266466623000233CitationDetails
  • Berrisch, Jonathan; Ziel, Florian: Multivariate probabilistic CRPS learning with an application to day-ahead electricity prices. In: International Journal of Forecasting (2024). doi:10.1016/j.ijforecast.2024.01.005Full textCitationDetails

    This paper presents a new method for combining (or aggregating or ensembling) multivariate probabilistic forecasts, considering dependencies between quantiles and marginals through a smoothing procedure that allows for online learning. We discuss two smoothing methods: dimensionality reduction using Basis matrices and penalized smoothing. The new online learning algorithm generalizes the standard CRPS learning framework into multivariate dimensions. It is based on Bernstein Online Aggregation (BOA) and yields optimal asymptotic learning properties. The procedure uses horizontal aggregation, i.e., aggregation across quantiles. We provide an in-depth discussion on possible extensions of the algorithm and several nested cases related to the existing literature on online forecast combination. We apply the proposed methodology to forecasting day-ahead electricity prices, which are 24-dimensional distributional forecasts. The proposed method yields significant improvements over uniform combination in terms of continuous ranked probability score (CRPS). We discuss the temporal evolution of the weights and hyperparameters and present the results of reduced versions of the preferred model. A fast C++implementation of the proposed algorithm is provided in the open-source R-Package profoc on CRAN.

  • Hirsch, Simon; Ziel, Florian: Multivariate simulation-based forecasting for intraday power markets: Modeling cross-product price effects. In: Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (2024). doi:10.1002/asmb.2837Full textCitationDetails
  • Arnold, Martin Christopher; Reinschlüssel, Thilo: Adaptive Unit Root Inference in Autoregressions using the Lasso Solution Path. 2024. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2404.06205CitationDetails
  • Zimmermann, Monika; Ziel, Florian: Efficient mid-term forecasting of hourly electricity load using generalized additive models. In: arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.17070 (2024). CitationDetails
  • Ghelasi, Paul; Ziel, Florian: Far beyond day-ahead with econometric models for electricity price forecasting. In: arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.00326 (2024). CitationDetails
  • Alberizzi, Andrea; Di Barba, Paolo; Ziel, Florian: Agent based modeling for intraday electricity markets. In: OPSEARCH (2024), p. 1-20. CitationDetails
  • Peper, Jan; Kröger, David; Kipp, Jonathan; Ziel, Florian; Rehtanz, Christian: Assessing the impact of weather-induced uncertainties in large-scale electricity systems. In: arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.19845 (2024). CitationDetails
  • Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Conejo, Antonio; Weber, Christoph: Modeling bidirectional flows in natural gas networks – A comparison of convex linear relaxations using polyhedral envelopes. SSRN, 2023. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4674375Full textCitationDetails
  • Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Conejo, Antonio; Weber, Christoph: A distributed market-clearing framework for highly interconnected electricity and gas systems. SSRN, 2023. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4674404Full textCitationDetails
  • Karlsson, Martin; with Hammarfelt, Björn: Nordic Academic Publishing in Health Economics. In: Nordic Journal of Health Economics, Vol 6 (2023) No 1, p. 59-78. doi:10.5617/njhe.10189CitationDetails

    We analyse how the Nordic contribution to health economics has evolved over the past three decades -- in quantitative and qualitative terms. Using a dataset of publications from five prominent field journals for health economics, we combine different empirical methods to analyse the general trends in terms of number of distinct publications, topics covered, and co-authorship relationships between countries and individuals. We find that the Nordic countries are responsible for a stable share of international publications in health economics. The topics that Nordic health economists publish on are relatively similar to those most prevalent in the international community, even though health insurance is remarkably absent as a research topic in Nordic countries. In terms of links between countries and co-authors, we see that Nordic researchers are well embedded in the international community, and that the Nordic research community has moved toward less hierarchical relationships.

  • Dräger, Lena; Lamla, Michael; Pfajfar, Damjan: How to limit the spillover from an inflation surge to inflation expectations?. In: Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol 2023 (2023). Full textCitationDetails
  • Kellard, Neil M.; Kontonikas, Alexandros; Lamla, Michael; Maiani, Stefano; Wood, Geoffrey: Institutional settings and financing green innovation. In: Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money (2023) No 89. Full textCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: When the boundaries of truth and accuracy are crossed – Effectiveness and efficiency in communicating about trade. In: trans-kom – Zeitschrift für Translationswissenschaft und Fachkommunikation, Vol 16 (2023) No 1, p. 22-42. PDFFull textCitationDetails
  • Sonnenschein, Björn; Ziel, Florian: Probabilistic Intraday Wastewater Treatment Plant Inflow Forecast Utilizing Rain Forecast Data and Sewer Network Sensor Data. In: Water Resources Research (2023). doi:10.1029/2022WR033826CitationDetails
  • Kohlhaas, N.; Knobloch, C.: Das erzwungene Lächeln hat seinen Preis - Strategien der Emotionsregulation für das Apotheken-Team. In: AWA Aktueller Wirtschaftsdienst für Apotheker, Vol 48 (2023) No 21, p. 10-11. Full textCitationDetails
  • Sieger, Lisa: Investigating Inefficiencies in the German Rental Housing Market: The Impact of Disclosing Total Costs on Energy Efficiency Appreciation. 05/2023. Essen 2023. 10.2139/ssrn.4605912CitationDetails
  • Stein, Tobias; Sieger, Lisa; Weber, Christoph: Disentangling Small-Scale Solar Photovoltaic Adoption: A Spatial Analysis of Decision Factors and Localized Interactions in Germany. 06/2023. Essen 2023. 10.2139/ssrn.4605917CitationDetails
  • Dräger, Lena; Lamla, Michael: Consumers' macroeconomic expectations. In: Journal of Economic Surveys (2023), p. 427-451. Full textCitationDetails
  • Sieger, Lisa; Weber, Christoph: Inefficient markets for energy efficiency - The efficiency premium puzzle in the German rental housing market. In: Energy Policy, Vol 183 (2023) No 113819. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113819CitationDetails

    On the market where prospective renters meet dwelling offers, competitive forces and rational behavior on both sides would imply that the monthly basic rent should reflect differences in expected monthly heating costs – other things being equal. We test this hypothesis by specifying a hedonic price model reflecting a total-cost-of-renting perspective. Drawing on 844,229 apartment listings for rent from 2014 to 2020 on a small spatial scale, we find a premium for more energy-efficient apartments; however, it is rather small. If the energy performance score decreases by 10 kWh/m2a, the monthly basic rent increases, on average, by roughly €0.01 per square meter living area. The expected energy cost savings thereby exceed the premium by a factor of three to seven. Rather, we find discounts of up to 9.2 % if apartments use heating technologies that are known to be inefficient. We explore various explanations for these outcomes, considering both landlord and renter behavior.

  • Hoga, Y.: Extremal Dependence-Based Specification Testing of Time Series. In: Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Vol 41 (2023) No 4, p. 1274-1287. doi:10.1080/07350015.2022.2120483CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Die Umsatzrendite ist der falsche Erfolgsmaßstab! - Ein detaillierter Blick auf Umsatz, Umsatzrendite und internes Betriebsergebnis. In: AWA Aktueller Wirtschaftsdienst für Apotheker, Vol 48 (2023) No 17, p. 8-10. Full textCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Knobloch, C.: Category Management: Warengruppen mit Kennzahlen aus qualtitativen Daten steuern - Fachbeitrag Apothekenentwicklung, Teil 3. In: AH Apotheke heute (2023) No 8, p. 2-6. Full textCitationDetails
  • Bauernschmidt, Verena; Beitz, Beatrice; Schröder, Hendrik: A new generation of consumers? A study on the pro-environmental behavior of the Fridays for Future generation based on the social identity approach. In: Frontiers in Sustainability, Vol 4 (2023) No 1231731, p. 1-16. doi:10.3389/frsus.2023.1231731CitationDetails
  • Knobloch, C.; Schröder, H.: Zu wenige und zu viele Apotheken? - Ergebnisse einer geodatenbasierten Analyse der Apothekendichte in Deutschland. In: Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung, Vol 163 (2023) No 34, p. 16-20. PDFFull textCitationDetails
  • Heckmann, Jens; Jacobs, Heiko; Schwarz, Patrick: Synthesizing Information-driven Insider Trade Signals. 2023. Full textCitationDetails
    Synthesizing Information-driven Insider Trade Signals


    We propose a simple approach to synthesize presumably information-driven insider trading signals for the cross-section of stocks. We find that the resulting composite strategy can predict returns, predominantly in equal-weighted portfolios, in our global sample. The results indicate that the benefits of our composite strategy reflect a short-term informational advantage of insiders. Finally, cross-country analysis reveals that varying insider trading restrictions between countries have limited explanatory power for the benefits of the composite strategy.

  • Schröder, H.; Knobloch, C.: Category Management: Warengruppen mit Kennzahlen aus quantitativen Daten steuern - Fachbeitrag Apothekenentwicklung, Teil 2. In: AH Apotheke heute (2023) No 8, p. 2-6. Full textCitationDetails
  • Goemans, Pascal: The impact of public consumption and investment in the euro area during periods of high and normal uncertainty.. In: Economic Modelling (2023). doi:10.1016/j.econmod.2023.106370CitationDetails
  • Massing, T.: Approximation and Error Analysis of Forward–Backward SDEs Driven by General Lévy Processes Using Shot Noise Series Representations. In: ESAIM: Probability and Statistics (2023) No 27, p. 694-722. doi:10.1051/ps/2023013CitationDetails
  • Marcjasz, Grzegorz; Narajewski, Michał; Weron, Rafał; Ziel, Florian: Distributional neural networks for electricity price forecasting. In: Energy Economics (2023). doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2023.106843CitationDetails
  • Langerbein, J.; Massing, T.; Klenke, J.; Striewe, M.; Goedicke, M.; Hanck, C.; Reckmann, N.: A Data Mining Approach for Detecting Collusion in Unproctored Online Exams. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (2023) No 1, p. 6-16. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8115649CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Knobloch, C.: Welchen Beitrag kann Category Management zum Erfolg einer Apotheke leisten? - Fachbeitrag Apothekenentwicklung, Teil 1. In: AH Apotheke heute (2023) No 7, p. 2-6. Full textCitationDetails
  • Knobloch, C; Schröder, H.: Standortanalysen im Einzelhandel mit kundenbezogenen Daten – dargestellt am Beispiel von Apotheken. In: Bruhn, M.; Hadwich, K. (Ed.): Gestaltung des Wandels im Dienstleistungsmanagement. Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement. 1st Edition. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2023, p. 139-173. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-41815-1_6Full textCitationDetails
    Standortanalysen im Einzelhandel mit kundenbezogenen Daten – dargestellt am Beispiel von Apotheken
  • Knobloch, C.; Schröder, H.: Hört gut zu, wenn den Kunden etwas stört! - Analyse der Online-Kundenbewertungen von Apotheken in Baden-Württemberg. In: Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung, Vol 163 (2023) No 26, p. 40-44. PDFFull textCitationDetails
  • Knobloch, C.; Schröder, H.: Schlaue Schachprogramme und schwarze Schachteln - Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) in der Apothekenpraxis (Teil 2). In: AWA Aktueller Wirtschaftsdienst für Apotheker, Vol 48 (2023) No 12, p. 8-9. Full textCitationDetails
  • Rasti, Sasan Jacob; Kramer, Hendrik; Flatter, Felix; Schegner, Peter; Weber, Christoph; Goetz, Stefan: Generic Technology Models To Simulate Flexible Operation In Multi-Energy Cellular Energy Systems. In: IET Conference Proceedings (CIRED 2023), Vol 2023 (2023) No 6. doi:10.1049/icp.2023.1138Full textCitationDetails

    Distribution grids are more and more penetrated by decentralized, flexible units. For this reason, aspects of active system operation become increasingly relevant there. The management of many active units on the lower voltage network levels is a challenge that requires improved data communication and multi-energy-system operation management. In this work, we propose a common data layer for different generic technology models that can be used in a standardized manner to depict energy consumption, generation, and conversion. The technology models allow to compute system operation points or dispatch schedules for different stakeholders related to distribution grids e.g., system operators.

  • Nientimp, Axel; Scherer, Anna-Lena: Kommentierung des § 1 Abs. 3b Satz 2 und 3 AStG. In: Fuhrmann, Sven; Geurts, Matthias; Nientimp, Axel; Wilmanns, Jobst (Ed.): Außensteuergesetz Kommentar. 4th Edition. NWB, Herne 2023. CitationDetails
  • Sgarlato, Raffaele; Ziel, Florian: The Role of Weather Predictions in Electricity Price Forecasting Beyond the Day-Ahead Horizon. In: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol 38 (2023) No 3, p. 2500-2511. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2022.3180119CitationDetails
  • Hirsch, Simon; Ziel, Florian: Simulation-based Forecasting for Intraday Power Markets: Modelling Fundamental Drivers for Location, Shape and Scale of the Price Distribution. In: The Energy Journal (2023). doi:10.5547/01956574.45.3.shirCitationDetails
  • Dietrich, A.: Incentives for flexible consumption and production on end-user level - Evidence from a German case study and outlook for 2030. 02/2023. Essen 2023. Full textCitationDetails
  • Demetrescu, M.; Hanck, C.; Kruse-Becher, R.: Robust Fixed-b Inference in the Presence of Time-Varying Volatility. In: Econometrics and Statistics (2023). doi:10.1016/j.ecosta.2023.05.003CitationDetails
  • Weber, Christoph; Radek, Julian; Schinke-Nendza, Aiko: Kurzeinschätzung zur Wirtschaftlichkeit von Wärmepumpen auf der Basis von Ausführungen von Minister Habeck und des BMWK - Analyse aufgrund einer Faktencheck-Anfrage von Essen 2023. PDFCitationDetails
  • Voswinkel, Simon: Simplifying the Computation of Shapley Values for Allocating Congestion Costs in Large Power Grid Models. 2023. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4449794Full textCitationDetails
  • Knobloch, C.; Schröder, H.: Nur ein kleiner Schritt von der Theorie zur Praxis - Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) in der Apothekenpraxis (Teil 1). In: AWA Aktueller Wirtschaftsdienst für Apotheker, Vol 48 (2023) No 10, p. 9-11. Full textCitationDetails
  • Spilger, M.; Schneider, D.; Weber, C.: Assessment of generation adequacy taking into account the dependence of the European power system on natural gas. 03/2023. Essen 2023. Full textCitationDetails
  • Vernekar, Nisha; with Meghir, Costas; Attanasio, Orazio; Jervis, Pamela; Day, Monimalika; Makkar, Prerna; Behrman, Jere; Gupta, Prachi; Pal, Rashim; Phimister, Angus; Grantham-McGregor, Sally: Early Stimulation and Enhanced Preschool: A Randomized Trial. doi:10.1542/peds.2023-060221HCitationDetails
  • Jacobs, Heiko: Ten selected publications (chronological). CitationDetails
  • Klenke, J.; Massing, T.; Reckmann, N.; Langerbein, J.; Otto, B.; Goedicke, M.; Hanck, C.: Effects of Early Warning Emails on Student Performance. In: Proceedings Of The 15Th International Conference On Computer Supported Education (2023) No 1, p. 225-232. doi:10.5220/0011847800003470CitationDetails
  • Huber, Daniel; Jacobs, Heiko; Müller, Sebastian; Preissler, Fabian: International factor models. In: Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol 2023 (2023) No 150. doi:10.1016/j.jbankfin.2023.106819Full textCitationDetails
    International factor models


    We evaluate the relative and absolute performance of competing factor-based asset pricing models in international regions and globally. Our holistic analysis controls for model transaction costs and incorporates both right-hand-side tests (based on maximum squared Sharpe ratios) and left-hand-side tests (individual return predictors, composite mispricing proxies). The overall view of the tests shows that recently proposed models tend to perform better than classical models, but otherwise perform comparably. This finding, the performance of the models in some of the LHS tests as well as further results collectively suggest the need for new powerful asset pricing models for global equity markets.

  • Boustanifar, Hamid; Schwarz, Patrick: Measuring Business Social Irresponsibility: The Case of Sin Stocks. 2023. Full textCitationDetails
    Measuring Business Social Irresponsibility: The Case of Sin Stocks


    Negative screening (of "sin" stocks) is the most common strategy used by socially responsible investors. There is no consensus in the literature whether these exclusions result in higher cost of capital (and hence higher expected returns) for targeted firms. The existing literature identifies sin companies using industry classification codes (IC). We propose an alternative measure of firms' exposure to sin activities (sinfulness) based on textual analysis (TA). Sinfulness captures both cross-sectional and time-series variation in firms' exposure to sin activities. The correlation between the IC and TA sin indicators is only 0.69, with twice as many sin stocks in TA than in IC. TA reveals several important false positive and numerous false negative sin stocks in IC. While the number of publicly listed sin-related stocks has declined by 43% between 1997 and 2021, their total market capitalization has increased almost threefold from about $200bn to $600bn during the same period. A sin-weighted portfolio of sin stocks earns an annualized Fama-French 6-factor alpha of 4%. Overall, our study highlights important shortcomings of using IC to identify sinful firms and resurrects the sin premium, that is, more sinful stocks have higher expected returns.

  • Retzmann, Th.; Yilmaz, C.: Inklusive Übungsfirma 4.0 - Forschung und Entwicklung im designbasierten Verbundprojekt. In: Kremer, H. -Hugo.; Ertl, Hubert; Sloane, Peter F. E. (Ed.): Wissenschaft trifft Praxis – Designbasierte Forschung in der beruflichen Bildung. Berichte zur beruflichen Bildung. Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung, Bonn 2023, p. 48-66. Full textCitationDetails
  • Hoga, Y.; Demetrescu, M.: Monitoring Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall Forecasts. In: Management Science, Vol 69 (2023) No 5, p. 2954-2971. doi:10.1287/mnsc.2022.4460CitationDetails
  • Blasberg, A.; Kiesel, R.: Climate Risk in Structural Credit Models. In: Benth, F. E.; Veraart, A. E. D. (Ed.): Quantitative Energy Finance: Recent Trends and Developments. 2nd Edition. Springer, 2023, p. 247-267. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-50597-3_7Full textCitationDetails

    This survey article reviews the current state of literature on how structural models of credit risk are employed to model the impact of climate risk on financial markets. We discuss how the two prominent types of climate risk, physical and transition risk, are captured by the seminal Merton model and its well-known extensions. Theoretical and practical advantages and drawbacks are worked out and an outlook on possible model improvements is provided.

  • Sander, Hendrik; Schmiel, Ute: Kontrafaktische Prämissen von Investitionskalkülen – aus methodologischer Sicht ein Problem?. In: Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, Vol 75 (2023) No 2, p. 263-287. CitationDetails
  • Jahns, Christopher; Stein, Tobias; Höckner, Jonas; Weber, Christoph: Prevention of strategic behaviour in local flexibility markets using market monitoring – Concept, application example and limitations. In: Energy Policy, Vol 174 (2023) No C. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113427Full textCitationDetails

    Market-based congestion management has been proposed as a more efficient means of coping with congestion issues in zonal market designs. However, strategic behaviour has been identified as a fundamental problem of market-based approaches. This paper focuses on strategic behaviour in the setting of a local flexibility market. In this type of market, trading occurs in parallel with the intraday market and flexibility is verified by reporting baselines through a verification platform. Under these conditions, market monitoring based on statistical tests is presented as a countermeasure. By implementing tests that are robust against autocorrelation and based on the illustrative example, it is shown that the identification of strategic behaviour is possible. In combination with appropriate regulatory sanctioning, strategic behaviour can become less attractive and, in the best case, be prevented leading to a reduction in congestion management costs. The simplified example presented in this paper can serve as a basis for more complex use cases where additional factors need to be considered.

  • Hoga, Y.; Dimitriadis, T.: On Testing Equal Conditional Predictive Ability Under Measurement Error. In: Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Vol 41 (2023) No 2, p. 364-376. doi:10.1080/07350015.2021.2021923CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Spitzner, St.: Orientierung in der Berufs- und Arbeitswelt! Im Museum? Empirische Exploration von Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer außerschulischen Lerngelegenheit für die ökonomische Bildung. In: Birke, F. (Ed.): Ökonomische Bildung als Allgemeinbildung. Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden 2023, p. 133-153. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-38560-6_11 CitationDetails
  • Karlsson, Martin; with Cattan, Sarah; Kamhöfer, Daniel A.; Nilsson, Therese: The Short- and Long-term Effects of Student Absence: Evidence from Sweden. In: The Economic Journal, Vol 133 (2023) No 650, p. 888-903. doi:10.1093/ej/ueac078CitationDetails

    {Despite the relatively uncontested importance of promoting school attendance in the policy arena, little evidence exists on the causal effect of school absence on long-run outcomes. We address this question by combining historical and administrative records for cohorts of Swedish individuals born in the 1930s. We find that elementary school absence significantly reduces contemporaneous academic performance, final educational attainment and labour income throughout the life cycle. The findings are consistent with a dynamic model of human capital formation, whereby absence causes small immediate learning losses, which cumulate to larger human capital losses over time and lead to worse labour market performance.}

  • Jahns, C.; Osinski, P.; Weber, C.: A statistical approach to modeling the variability between years in renewable infeed on energy system level. In: Energy (2023) No 263, p. 125610. doi:10.1016/ textCitationDetails
  • Arampatzidis, I.; Panagiotidis, Th.: On the identification of the oil-stock market relationship. In: Economic Modelling (2023) No 120. doi:10.1016/j.econmod.2022.106157CitationDetails
  • Meurer, F.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Incentivizing Flexible Operation of Bioenergy Power Plants – Subsidies, Markets, or Both?. 01/2023. Essen 2023. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4317714Full textCitationDetails
  • Berrisch, Jonathan; Ziel, Florian: CRPS learning. In: Journal of Econometrics, Vol 237 (2023), p. 105221. doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2021.11.008Full textCitationDetails

    Combination and aggregation techniques can significantly improve forecast accuracy. This also holds for probabilistic forecasting methods where predictive distributions are combined. There are several time-varying and adaptive weighting schemes such as Bayesian model averaging (BMA). However, the quality of different forecasts may vary not only over time but also within the distribution. For example, some distribution forecasts may be more accurate in the center of the distributions, while others are better at predicting the tails. Therefore, we introduce a new weighting method that considers the differences in performance over time and within the distribution. We discuss pointwise combination algorithms based on aggregation across quantiles that optimize with respect to the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS). After analyzing the theoretical properties of pointwise CRPS learning, we discuss B- and P-Spline-based estimation techniques for batch and online learning, based on quantile regression and prediction with expert advice. We prove that the proposed fully adaptive Bernstein online aggregation (BOA) method for pointwise CRPS online learning has optimal convergence properties. They are confirmed in simulations and a probabilistic forecasting study for European emission allowance (EUA) prices.

  • Hanck, Christoph; Arnold, Martin Christopher: Hierarchical Bayes modelling of penalty conversion rates of Bundesliga players. In: AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, Vol 107 (2023). doi:10.1007/s10182-021-00420-wCitationDetails
  • Berrisch, Jonathan; Narajewski, Michał; Ziel, Florian: High-resolution peak demand estimation using generalized additive models and deep neural networks. In: Energy and AI, Vol 13 (2023), p. 100236. doi:10.1016/j.egyai.2023.100236Full textCitationDetails
  • Berrisch, Jonathan; Pappert, Sven; Ziel, Florian; Arsova, Antonia: Modeling volatility and dependence of European carbon and energy prices. In: Finance Research Letters, Vol 52 (2023), p. 103503. doi:10.1016/ textCitationDetails
  • Karlsson, Martin; with Matvieiev, Mykhailo; Obrizan, Maksym: The Macroeconomic Impact of the 1918-19 Influenza Pandemic in Sweden. In: The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol 23 (2023) No 2. doi:10.1515/bejm-2021-0018CitationDetails

    In this paper, we develop an overlapping generations model with endogenous fertility and calibrate it to the Swedish historical data in order to estimate the economic cost of the 1918–19 influenza pandemic. The model identifies survivors from younger cohorts as main benefactors of the windfall bequests following the influenza mortality shock. We also show that the general equilibrium effects of the pandemic reveal themselves over the wage channel rather than the interest rate, fertility or labor supply channels. Finally, we demonstrate that the influenza mortality shock becomes persistent, driving the aggregate variables to lower steady states which costs the economy 1.819% of the output loss over the next century.

  • Yilmaz, C.; Retzmann, Th.: Gestaltungsprinzipien für die Innovation der Übungsfirma unter den Bedingungen von Digitalisierung, Geschäftsprozessorientierung und Inklusion. - Ergebnisse aus einem Design-Based Research-Projekt in der außerschulischen Berufsbildung. In: Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, Vol 2023 (2023) No 2, p. 287-318. doi:10.25162/ZBW-2023-0012CitationDetails
  • Reinschlüssel, Thilo; Arnold, Martin Christopher: Information-Enriched Selection of Stationary and Non-Stationary Autoregressions using the Adaptive Lasso. 2023. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2402.16580CitationDetails
  • Clausen, V.: Memorial Event for Ansgar Belke - November 25 - 26th, 2021 in Essen. In: Credit and Capital Markets (2022) No 3/2022, p. 413-417. doi:10.3790/ccm.55.3.413CitationDetails
  • Knobloch, C.; Schröder, H: Was macht die Konkurrenz im Netz? - Preise und Verfügbarkeiten von OTC-Arzneimitteln bei Versendern. In: Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung, Vol 162 (2022) No 50, p. 48-51. PDFFull textCitationDetails
  • Brosig-Koch, J.; Griebenow, M.; Kifmann, M.; Then, F.: Rewards for information provision in patient referrals: a theoretical model and an experimental test. In: Journal of Health Economics, Vol 86 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.jhealeco.2022.102677 CitationDetails
  • Ghelasi, Paul; Ziel, Florian: Hierarchical forecasting for aggregated curves with an application to day-ahead electricity price auctions. In: International Journal of Forecasting (2022). doi:10.1016/j.ijforecast.2022.11.004CitationDetails
  • Bredtmann, Julia; Otten, Sebastian: Culture and the Labor Supply of Female Immigrants. In: Economic Inquiry (2022). CitationDetails
    Culture and the Labor Supply of Female Immigrants
  • Karlsson, Martin; with Bhalotra, Sonia; Nilsson, Therese; Schwarz, Nina: Infant Health, Cognitive Performance and Earnings: Evidence from Inception of the Welfare State in Sweden. In: Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol 104 (2022) No 6, p. 1138-1156. doi:10.1162/rest_a_01031CitationDetails
  • Schmiel, Ute: Why Tax Planning Without Considering Societal Interests is Unfounded. In: Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium (2022). doi:10.1515/ael-2021-0115Full textCitationDetails
  • Breidenbach, P.; Jäger, P.; Taruttis, L.: Aging and Real Estate Prices in Germany. Ruhr Economic Papers #953. Essen 2022. doi:10.4419/96973117Full textCitationDetails
  • Bienengräber, Th.; Greiten, S.; Retzmann, Th.; Bogaczyk, L.; Geber, G.; Lenzen, H.; Rustemeyer, M.; Turhan, L.: Entwicklung eines Qualifikationstableaus für die inklusive Berufsorientierung im Gemeinsamen Lernen der Sekundarstufen - das Projekt BEaGLE.. In: Lutz, D.; Becker, J.; Buchhaupt, F.; Katzenbach, D.; Strecker, A.; Urban, M. (Hrsg. ): (Ed.): Qualifizierung für Inklusion. Sekundarstufe. Waxmann, Münster, New York 2022, p. 55-68. CitationDetails
  • Karlsson, Martin; with Fischer, Martin; Heckley, Gawain; Nilsson, Therese: Revisiting Sweden’s Comprehensive School Reform: Effects on Education, Earnings and Inequality. In: Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol 37 (2022) No 4, p. 811-819. doi:10.1002/jae.2881CitationDetails
  • Finnah, Benedikt; Gönsch, Jochen; Ziel, Florian: Integrated day-ahead and intraday self-schedule bidding for energy storage systems using approximate dynamic programming. In: European Journal of Operations Research, Vol 301 (2022) No 2, p. 726-746. CitationDetails
  • Knobloch, C.; Schröder, H.: Preismanagement in Apotheken - Alles eine Frage der Elastizität. In: AWA Aktueller Wirtschaftsdienst für Apotheker, Vol 47 (2022) No 17, p. 8-9. Full textCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Knobloch, C.: Erwartungen von Apotheken an OTC-Hersteller. In: Healthcare Marketing (2022) No 8, p. 30-32. Full textCitationDetails
  • Breder, M; Meurer, F.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Spatial Incentives for Power-to-hydrogen through Market Splitting. 03/2022. Essen 2022. Full textCitationDetails
  • Narajewski, Michal: Probabilistic Forecasting of German Electricity Imbalance Prices. In: Energies, Vol 15 (2022) No 14. doi:10.3390/en15144976CitationDetails
  • Ersöz, S.; Schröder, H.: Presenting OTC Drugs on Digital Signage: Effects on the Perceived Purchase Risk. In: Bruhn, M.; Hadwich, K. (Ed.): Forum Dienstleistungs-management. Kundenperspektive – Mitarbeiterperspektive – Rechtsperspektive. 1st Edition. Springer, 2022, p. 529-555. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Knobloch, C.: Zunehmender Wettbewerb - Welche Anforderungen haben Apotheken an die Hersteller von OTC-Arzneimitteln?. In: markenartikel (2022) No 7, p. 24-27. Full textCitationDetails
  • Ersöz, S.; Schröder, H.: Convenience and Emotions through Facial Expressions - Evidence from Online Medication Shopping Behavior. In: The Retail and Marketing Review, Vol 18 (2022) No 2, p. 94-121. PDFFull textCitationDetails
  • Voswinkel, Simon; Höckner, Jonas; Khalid, Abuzar; Weber, Christoph: Sharing congestion management costs among system operators using the Shapley value. In: Applied Energy, Vol 2021 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.119039Full textCitationDetails

    With energy generation becoming increasingly decentralized, the need for congestion management across grid voltage levels is also increasing. To enable fair sharing of congestion costs among grid operators, these costs must be allocated to congested grid elements. We propose using the Shapley value for this purpose. The Shapley value is a cooperative game theory concept that was developed to share a total surplus generated by a coalition of players between the players based on their marginal contributions to the coalition. We apply this concept to share the costs of congestion management between grid elements based on their contributions to overall congestion management costs. To reduce the computational complexity of the Shapley value, we introduce two novel simplification approaches and compare them to existing methods using a numerical example based on CIGRE benchmark grids. The first method exploits the fact that the characteristic function for the congestion costs is obtained from an optimal power flow computation (i.e., a constrained optimization problem). It utilizes knowledge about which constraints are non-binding in the optimization to derive the values of related coalitions without calculating them. The second method takes advantage of the fact that the congestion management cost-allocation game is monotone and derives the values of coalitions based on this property. Both methods are implemented and compared to sampling. Using the first method, we are able to reduce computational complexity to less than 20% of that of the original problem while maintaining exact results. Our second approach is not dependent on detailed knowledge of the underlying optimization problem and can reduce the computational time by almost half with exact results and much further when compromising precision. While the methods are presented through an application example, they can be applied to other games with similar properties.

  • Schmiel, Ute: Wealth taxation of individuals and equity: A political-cultural market theory perspective. Online veröffentlicht am 30.05.2022. In: Critical Perspectives on Accounting (2022). doi:10.1016/ textCitationDetails
  • Demetrescu, M.; Hanck, C.; Kruse, Robinson: Robust Inference under Time-Varying Volatility: A Real-Time Evaluation of Professional Forecasters. In: Journal of Applied Econometrics (2022). doi:10.1002/jae.2906CitationDetails
  • Narajewski, Michal; Ziel, Florian: Optimal bidding in hourly and quarter-hourly electricity price auctions: Trading large volumes of power with market impact and transaction costs. In: Energy Economics, Vol 110 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2022.105974CitationDetails
  • Knobloch, C.; Schröder, H.: Die großen Versender und ihre großen Rabatte - ApoWi-Preismonitor der OTC-Top-200-Artikel in Versandapotheken – Teil 2. In: AWA Aktueller Wirtschaftsdienst für Apotheker, Vol 47 (2022) No 6, p. 6-8. Full textCitationDetails
  • Retzmann, T.; Seeber, G.: Ökonomische Bildung in der Schule als Politikum – zur Geschichte und Situation einer umstrittenen Selbstverständlichkeit. In: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, Vol 2022 (2022). doi:10.1515/pwp-2021-0063CitationDetails
  • Taruttis, L.; Weber, C.: Inefficient markets for energy efficiency - Empirical evidence from the German rental housing market. 02/2022. Essen 2022. 10.2139/ssrn.4047715CitationDetails
  • Knobloch, C.; Schröder, H.: Kämpfe nur dort, wo Du auch gewinnen kannst! - ApoWi-Preismonitor der OTC-Top-200-Artikel in Versandapotheken – Teil 1. In: AWA Aktueller Wirtschaftsdienst für Apotheker, Vol 47 (2022) No 5, p. 6-8. Full textCitationDetails
  • Goemans, P.: Historical evidence for larger government spending multipliers in uncertain times than in slumps. In: Economic Inquiry (2022) No 60/3, p. 1164-1185. doi:10.1111/ecin.13068CitationDetails
  • Bellenbaum, Julia; Höckner, Jonas; Weber, Christoph: Designing flexibility procurement markets for congestion management – investigating two-stage procurement auctions. In: Energy Economics, Vol 106 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2021.105775CitationDetails
  • Kellard, Neil M.; Kontonikas, Alexandros; Lamla, Michael; Maiani, Stefano; Wood, Geoffrey: Risk, financial stability and FDI. In: Journal of International Money and Finance (2022) No 120. Full textCitationDetails
  • Hoga, Y.: Limit Theory for Forecasts of Extreme Distortion Risk Measures and Expectiles. In: Journal of Financial Econometrics, Vol 20 (2022) No 1, p. 18-44. doi:10.1093/jjfinec/nbz032CitationDetails
  • Taruttis, L.; Weber, C.: Auswirkungen von Energieeffizienz auf Immobilienpreise: Eine Analyse fuer Schleswig-Holstein, Dithmarschen und Heide. 01/2022. Essen 2022. Full textCitationDetails
  • Karlsson, M.; Kuehnle, D.; Prodromidis, N.: The 1918–1919 Influenza Pandemic in Economic History. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance (2022). doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190625979.013.682CitationDetails
  • Karlsson, Martin; Kühnle, Daniel; Prodromidis, Nikolaos: The 1918-19 Influenza Pandemic in Economic History. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance (2022). doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190625979.013.682CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Yilmaz, C.: Inklusive Übungsfirma 4.0 - Forschung und Entwicklung im designbasierten Verbundprojekt. In: Kremer, H. -Hugo; Ertl, H.; Lloane, P. F. E. (Ed.): Wissenschaft trifft Praxis – Designbasierte Forschung in der beruflichen Bildung. Tagungsband der AG Berufsbildungsforschungsnetz.. 2022. CitationDetails
  • Bredtmann, Julia; Otten, Sebastian: Natives' Gender Norms and the Labor Market Integration of Female Immigrants. 2022. CitationDetails
  • Hoga, Y.: Modeling Time-Varying Tail Dependence, With Application to Systemic Risk Forecasting. In: Journal of Financial Econometrics, Vol 20 (2022) No 5, p. 1007-1037. doi:10.1093/jjfinec/nbaa043CitationDetails
  • Hoga, Y.: Quantifying the Data-Dredging Bias in Structural Break Tests. In: Statistical Papers, Vol 63 (2022), p. 143-155. doi:10.1007/s00362-021-01233-4CitationDetails
  • Blumberg, Gerald; Broll, Roland; Weber, Christoph: The impact of electric vehicles on the future European electricity system – A scenario analysis. In: Energy Policy, Vol 2021 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2021.112751Full textCitationDetails

    The future transformation of the European electricity system will be strongly influenced by both an ongoing
    integration of variable renewable energy sources (VREs) and an increased proliferation of electric vehicles (EVs).
    This combination will cause considerable uncertainty, especially since EV diffusion may greatly vary regarding
    both the spatio-temporal penetration pattern and the achievable flexibility level. Notably, power plant investment
    in the long run and dispatch in the short run will be affected. Hence, this paper assesses the impact of EV
    penetration on the integration of VREs and the costs of CO2 emission reduction as well as the necessary investments
    in controllable plant capacities under the consideration of frequency reserve and backup capacity
    requirements. Applying an extended European energy system model, we found that EVs with a high flexibility
    level may contribute tremendously to improved VRE integration, alleviating the number of necessary VRE investments
    to achieve emission-reduction goals. Simultaneously, overall system costs are reduced even though
    necessary investments in controllable plants, ensuring the abovementioned system stability needs, significantly
    increase. Policy makers should hence ensure sufficient incentives to both exploit the EVs’ potential and safeguard
    corresponding investments in controllable plants, which need to remain attractive even though full-load hours
    are decreasing.

  • Schröder, H.; Hurlin, A. -K.: Digitalisierung im stationären Einzelhandel - Ergebnisse empirischer Studien. In: Roth, St.; Corsten, H. (Ed.): Handbuch Digitalisierung. 1st Edition. Franz Vahlen, München 2022, p. 893-929. doi:10.15358/9783800665631-IFull textCitationDetails
  • Nientimp, Axel; Scherer, Anna-Lena: BMF: Referentenentwurf einer neuen Funktionsverlagerungsverordnung veröffentlicht. In: GmbHR, Vol 2022 (2022) No 16. CitationDetails
  • Scherer, Anna-Lena; Gilson, Gert: OECD: Fortschrittsbericht zu Betrag A der Säule 1 und überarbeiteter Zeitplan zu Säule 1 veröffentlicht. In: GmbHR, Vol 2022 (2022) No 16. CitationDetails
  • Berrisch, Jonathan; Ziel, Florian: Distributional modeling and forecasting of natural gas prices. In: Journal of Forecasting, Vol 41 (2022), p. 1065-1086. doi:10.1002/for.2853Full textCitationDetails
  • Nissen, A.; Ersoez, S.: Towards a Psychophysiological Investigation of Perceived Trustworthiness and Risk in Online Pharmacies: Results of a PreStudy. In: Davis, F. D.; Riedl, R.; Brocke, J.; Léger, P. -M.; Randolph, A. B.; Mueller-Putz, G. (Ed.): NeuroIS Retreat 2021. Springer, 2022. CitationDetails
  • Ziel, Florian: Smoothed bernstein online aggregation for short-term load forecasting in ieee dataport competition on day-ahead electricity demand forecasting: Post-covid paradigm. In: IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy, Vol 9 (2022), p. 202-212. CitationDetails
  • Taruttis, L.; Weber, C.: Estimating the impact of energy efficiency on housing prices in Germany: Does regional disparity matter?. In: Energy Economics, Vol 105 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2021.105750Full textCitationDetails

    The German government is aiming for a climate-neutral building stock before 2050 to meet the defined goals of the Climate Action Plan 2050. Increasing the building stock's energy efficiency is therefore a high priority, and investments by private homeowners will greatly influence this, as around 46.5% of German homes are owner-occupied. To identify the possible monetary benefits of investments in energy retrofits, we investigate whether energy efficiency is reflected in the property values of German single-family homes. Therefore, we examine potential heterogeneous effects across regions. With 422,242 individual observations on a 1 km2-grid level from 2014 to 2018, this study adds to the extant literature by 1) examining the energy efficiency effect on housing values for the entire country and specifically investigating regional disparities in this context, and 2) estimating an energy efficiency value-to-cost ratio to compare housing values' increase with initial investment costs and future energy cost savings. Applying hedonic analysis, we find a positive relationship between energy efficiency and asking prices. If energy efficiency increases by 100 kWh/m2a, prices increase by 6.9% on average. We also find evidence for regional disparities. The effects are significantly weaker in large cities than in other urban areas, whereas the impact in rural regions is much stronger. According to this, housing shortage and higher purchasing power per capita were identified as drivers for low energy efficiency premiums. Finally, there is evidence that about 98% of future energy cost savings are already reflected in a higher housing value under myopic expectations regarding future energy prices.

  • Retzmann, Thomas; Yilmaz, Cennet: Die inklusive virtuelle Übungsfirma - Ein innovatives Lehr-Lernarrangement an der Schnittstelle von Digitalisierung und Inklusion. In: Die Berufliche Rehabilitation – Zeitschrift zur beruflichen und sozialen Teilhabe, Vol 2019 (2022), p. 199-208. CitationDetails
  • Nientimp, Axel; Scherer, Anna-Lena: OECD: Verrechnungspreisleitlinien 2022 veröffentlicht. In: GmbHR, Vol 2022 (2022) No 6. CitationDetails
  • Haylock, Michael: Distributional differences in the time horizon of executive compensation. In: Empirical Economics, Vol 62 (2022), p. 157-186. CitationDetails
  • Haylock, Michael; Kampkötter, Patrick; Macis, Mario; Sauter, Jürgen; Seitz, Susanne; Slonim, Robert; Wiesen, Daniel; Schmidt, Alexander H: Improving the availability of unrelated stem cell donors: Evidence from a major donor registry. 2022. CitationDetails
  • Brändle, Tobias; Grunau, Philipp; Haylock, Michael; Kampkötter, Patrick: Heterogeneity in firms’ recruitment practices: New evidence from representative employer data. In: German Journal of Human Resource Management (2022), p. 2147483647. CitationDetails
  • Haylock, Michael; Kampkötter, Patrick; Kosfeld, Michael; Others: Helping and Antisocial Behavior in the Workplace. CitationDetails
  • Kellard, Neil M.; Kontonikas, Alexandros; Lamla, Michael; Maiani, Stefano: Deal or no deal? Modelling the impact of Brexit uncertainty on UK private equity activity. In: British Journal of Management, Vol 33 (2022) No 1, p. 46-68. Full textCitationDetails
  • Karlsson, Martin; with Bannenberg, Norman; Førland, Oddvar; Iversen, Tor; Øien, Henning: Preventive Home Visits. In: American Journal of Health Economics (forthcoming), Vol 7 (2021) No 4. doi:10.1086/714988CitationDetails
  • Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Flatter, Felix; Kramer, Hendrik; Khalid, Abuzar; Uhlemeyer, Björn; Rasti, Sasan Jacob; Trossen, Christian; Mohammadi, Sara; Mayorga Gonzalez, Daniel; Spanel, Udo; Wellssow, Wolfram; Weber, Christoph; Zdrallek, Markus; Schegner, Peter; Kubis, Andreas: 'ZellNetz2050' – A Concept for the Efficient and Effective Operation of Multi-Sector Web-of-Cells Energy Systems. In: CIGRE Session 2022 (2021). Full textCitationDetails
  • Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; von Loeper, Freimut; Osinski, Paul; Schaumann, Peter; Schmidt, Volker; Weber, Christoph: Probabilistic forecasting of photovoltaic power supply — A hybrid approach using D-vine copulas to model spatial dependencies. In: Applied Energy, Vol 304 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.117599CitationDetails
  • Wasem, Jürgen; Neumann, Anja; Valbert, Frederik; Schwarze, Katharina; Al., Et.: FindHIV - Handlungsempfehlung zum Einsatz des Scoringinstruments zur Unterstützung einer frühzeitigen HIV-Erstdiagnose. 2021. PDFCitationDetails

    Erstellt durch die FindHIV-Projektgruppe

    • Lehrstuhl für Medizinmanagement, Universität Duisburg-Essen (vertreten durch: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wasem, Prof. Dr. Dr. Anja Neumann, Frederik Valbert, Katharina Schwarze),
    • Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft niedergelassener Ärzte in der Versorgung HIV-Infizierter e. V. (vertreten durch: Dr. Sven Schellberg, Dr. Knud Schewe, Robin Rüsenberg, Nikola Hanhoff),
    • MUC Research GmbH (vertreten durch: Dr. Eva Wolf, Dr. Birgit Mück, Dr. Christine Kögl, Paul Lauscher),
    • ClinovateNET GmbH & Co KG (vertreten durch: Dr. Stefan Preis)

    und Experten der Fokusgruppengespräche:

    • PD Dr. Markus Bickel,
    • Prof. Dr. Norbert Brockmeyer,
    • Prof. Dr. Sebastian Dolff,
    • Silke Eggers,
    • PD Dr. Stefan Esser,
    • Stephan Gellrich,
    • Dr. Frank Gilger,
    • Binod Mahanty,
    • Dirk Meyer,
    • Stefan Miller,
    • Dr. Gerhard Schillinger,
    • Dr. Hartmut Stocker,
    • Dr. Armin Wunder.
  • Petropoulos, Fotios; Apiletti, Daniele; Assimakopoulos, Vassilios; Babai, Mohamed Zied; Barrow, Devon K.; Taieb, Souhaib Ben; Bergmeir, Christoph; . . .; Winkler, Robert L.; Yusupova, Alisa; Ziel, Florian: Forecasting: theory and practice. In: International Journal of Forecasting (2021). CitationDetails
  • Ziel, Florian: M5 Competition Uncertainty: Overdispersion, distributional forecasting, GAMLSS and beyond.. In: International Journal of Forecasting (2021). doi:10.1016/j.ijforecast.2021.09.008CitationDetails
  • Gonzalez, Paula; Brayshaw, David; Ziel, Florian: A new approach to subseasonal multi-model forecasting: Online prediction with expert advice.. In: Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society (2021). doi:10.1002/qj.4177CitationDetails
  • Rostami-Tabar, Bahman; Ziel, Florian: Anticipating special events in Emergency Department forecasting. In: International Journal of Forecasting (2021). doi:10.1016/j.ijforecast.2020.01.001Full textCitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; mit Schröder, M.; Bienengräber, Th.; Greiten, S.: Anforderungen an Lehrkräfte und weitere pädagogische Fachkräfte in der schulischen inklusiven Berufsorientierung aus schulinterner und schulexterner Perspektive. In: Weyland, U.; Ziegler, B.; Driesel-Lange, K.; Kruse, A. (Ed.): Entwicklungen und Perspektiven in der Berufsorientierung – Stand und Herausforderungen. Berichte zur Beruflichen Bildung AG BFN. . Bonn 2021, p. 239-258. Full textCitationDetails
  • Nientimp, Axel; Scherer, Anna-Lena: BMF: Verwaltungsgrundsätze Verrechnungspreise veröffentlicht. In: GmbHR, Vol 16 (2021) No 2021. CitationDetails
  • Beran, P.; Vogler, A.; Weber, C.: Multi-day-ahead Electricity Price Forecasting: A Comparison of fundamental, econometric and hybrid Models. 02/2021. Essen 2021. Full textCitationDetails
  • Nientimp, Axel; Scherer, Anna-Lena: Änderung der Grundsätze zu Verrechnungspreisen nach dem Abzugsteuerentlastungsmodernisierungsgesetz. In: IStR-LB , Vol 2021 (2021) No 11, p. 54-55. CitationDetails
  • Nientimp, Axel; Scherer, Anna-Lena: BVerfG: Aufhebung des BFH-Urteils zur Einkünftekorrektur bei fehlender Besicherung von Konzerndarlehen. In: GmbHR, Vol 2021 (2021) No 10. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; mit Bienengräber, Th.; Greiten, S.; Geber, G.: Kooperationen zu Schülerbetriebspraktika in der inklusiven Berufsorientierung. In: Kunze, K.; Petersen, D.; Bellenberg, G.; Fabel-Lamla, M.; Hinzke, J. - H; Moldenhauer, A.; Peukert, L.; Reintjes, C.; Poel, K. te (Ed.): KOOPERATION – KOORDINATION – KOLLEGIALITÄT. Befunde und Diskurse zum Zusammenwirken pädagogischer Akteur*innen an Schule(n). Bad Heilbrunn 2021, p. 275-285. CitationDetails
  • Neumann, U; Taruttis, L.: Sorting in an Urban Housing Market – Is There a Response to Demographic Change?. In: Review of Regional Research (2021). doi:10.1007/s10037-021-00158-7Full textCitationDetails
  • Arampatzidis, I.; Dergiades, Th.; Kaufmann, R. K.; Panagiotidis, Th.: Oil and the U.S. stock market: Implications for low carbon policies. In: Energy Economics (2021) No 103. doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2021.105588Full textCitationDetails
  • Scherer, Anna-Lena; Schmiel, Ute: Ethical and Legal Responsibility of Multinational Corporate Groups for a Fair Share of Taxes. In: Nordic Tax Journal, Vol 2021 (2021) No 1, p. 32-46. doi:10.2478/ntaxj-2021-0002Full textCitationDetails
  • Schwarz, Patrick: On the performance of volatility-managed equity factors - international and further evidence. 2021. Full textCitationDetails
    On the performance of volatility-managed equity factors - international and further evidence


    Motivated by the mixed evidence on the performance of (downside) volatility-managed equity factor portfolios in the U.S., I study the performance of nine (downside) volatility-managed equity factors before and after considering transaction costs in a set of 45 international equity markets. My results suggest that volatility management is most promising for market, value, profitability, and momentum portfolios and that the performance can be enhanced by applying downside volatility instead of total volatility (variance) as a scaling factor. Nevertheless, a marginal trader would find it difficult to profit from these strategies as only the managed market and momentum strategies are partially robust to my transaction cost estimations. Collectively, my results suggest that the persistence of abnormal returns of (downside) volatility-managed equity factors can largely be explained by the associated transaction costs. Finally, my cross-country analysis suggests that the slow trading hypothesis is partially able to explain cross-country performance differences of volatility-managed value and momentum portfolios.

  • Narajewski, Michal; Kley-Holsteg, Jens; Ziel, Florian: tsrobprep – an R package for robust preprocessing of time series data.. In: SoftwareX, Vol 16 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.softx.2021.100809CitationDetails
  • Blumberg, Gerald; Wagner, Christian; Lehnert, Wieland; Bucksteeg, Michael; Greve, Marco: Marktgestützte Beschaffung von Blindleistung - Bericht im Vorhaben „SDL-Zukunft“. Wirtschaft, Im Auftrag Des Bundesministeriums Für; Energie (Ed.), Berlin 2021. PDFFull textCitationDetails
  • Kuehnle, D.; Oberfichtner; M.; Ostermann; K.: Revisiting Gender Identity and Relative Income within Households -- A cautionary tale on the potential pitfalls of density estimators. In: Journal of Applied Econometrics (2021). CitationDetails
  • Hanck, C.; Prüser, J.: A Comparison of Approaches to Select the Informativeness of Priors in BVARs. In: Journal of Economics and Statistics (2021). doi:10.1515/jbnst-2020-0050CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Yilmaz, C.; Walter, J.: Die inklusive Übungsfirma - Das Handbuch für pädagogische Fachkräfte. 2021. Full textCitationDetails
  • Dorlöchter, Jonas; Amann, Erwin: Risk preferences and economic shocks: Experimental evidence. 2021. PDFFull textCitationDetails
    Risk preferences and economic shocks: Experimental evidence


    We demonstrate in our experiment that an exogenous shock does not lead to increasing risk aversion, and has ultimately no significant impact on investors’ risk preference in general. To do so, we keep subjects’ risk and return expectations fixed and focus solely on loss in wealth. As a theoretical framework, we use the expected utility approach and take the class of HARA-utility functions to analyse subjects’ preferences. Particularly, our methodical approach affords insights into the impact of economic fluctuations on investors’ risk-taking and the measurement of risk preferences per se. We conclude that cautious investment behavior after an economic crisis might rather be due to changes in the perception of risk and return. Moreover, we give evidence that, in general, it is not sufficient to explain investors’ risk-taking solely by preferences.

  • Gaete-Morales, Carlos; Kramer, Hendrik; Schill, Wolf-Peter; Zerrahn, Alexander: An open tool for creating battery-electric vehicle time series from empirical data, emobpy. In: Scientific Data, Vol 2021 (2021) No 8. doi:10.1038/s41597-021-00932-9CitationDetails
  • Kremer, M.; Kiesel, R.; Paraschiv, F.: An econometric model for intraday electricity trading. In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, Vol 379 (2021) No 2202. doi:10.1098/rsta.2019.0624Full textCitationDetails
  • Nissen, A.; Ersoez, S.: Towards a Psychophysiological Investigation of Perceived Trustworthiness and Risk in Online Pharmacies: Results of a PreStudy. Davis, Fred D.; Riedl, René; vom Brocke, Jan; Léger, Pierre-Majorique; Randolph, Adriane B.; Müller-Putz, Gernot (Ed.), Springer, 2021. CitationDetails
  • Blasberg, A.; Kiesel, R.; Taschini, L.: Carbon Default Swap – Disentangling the Exposure to Carbon Risk Through CDS. 2021. Full textCitationDetails

    Using Credit Default Swap spreads, we construct a forward-looking, market-implied carbon risk factor and show that carbon risk affects firms’ credit spread. The effect is larger for European than North American firms and varies substantially across industries, suggesting the market recognises where and which sectors are better positioned for a transition to a low-carbon economy. Moreover, lenders demand more credit protection for those borrowers perceived to be more exposed to carbon risk when market-wide concern about climate change risk is elevated. Finally, lenders expect that adjustments in carbon regulations in Europe will cause relatively larger policy-related costs in the near future.

  • Massing, T.; Ramos, A.: Student's t mixture models for stock indices. A comparative study. In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (2021). doi:10.1016/j.physa.2021.126143CitationDetails
  • Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Weber, Christoph: Forecasting Congestions in Interconnected Power Systems with High Shares of Renewable Energy: A Probabilistic Approach using Copulas. Preprint submitted to IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (published via TechRxiv), 2021. Full textCitationDetails
  • Karlsson, Martin; with Boberg Fazlic, Nina; Ivets, Maryna; Nilsson, Therese: Disease and fertility: Evidence from the 1918–19 influenza pandemic in Sweden. In: Economics and Human Biology (2021) No 43. doi:10.1016/j.ehb.2021.101020CitationDetails
  • Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Blumberg, Gerald; Khalid, Abuzar; Weber, Christoph: Regulatory and Policy Aspects for a Cellular Design of Electricity Markets. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Hybrid Power Systems Workshop | 18 - 19 May 2021 (2021). PDFFull textCitationDetails
  • Flatter, Felix; Mohammadi, Sara; Wellßow, Wolfram; Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Blumberg, Gerald; Weber, Christoph; Rasti, Sasan J.; Schegner, Peter; Uhlemeyer, Björn; Zdrallek, Markus; Spanel, Udo; Dickert, Jörg: ZellNetz2050 – Structure, Planning and Operation of a Cellular Energy System in 2050. In: ETG Congress 2021, Vol 2021 (2021). CitationDetails
  • Belke, A.; Goemans, P.: Uncertainty and nonlinear macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy in the US: a SEIVAR-based analysis. In: Journal of Economic Studies (2021) No 49/4, p. 623-646. doi:10.1108/JES-07-2020-0334CitationDetails
  • Kramer, A.; Kiesel, R.: Exogenous factors for order arrivals on the intraday electricity market. In: Energy Economics, Vol 97 (2021) No 105186, p. 1-14. doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2021.105186Full textCitationDetails

    We examine if the trading activity on the German intraday electricity market is linked to fundamental as well as market-induced factors. Thus, we propose a novel point process model in which the intensity process of order arrivals consists of a self-exciting term and additional exogenous factors, such as the production of renewable en- ergy or the activated volume on the balancing market. The model parameters are estimated by a maximum like- lihood approach that explicitly accounts for such factor processes. By comparing the proposed model to several nested models, we investigate whether adding the exogenous factors significantly increases the accuracy of the model fit. We find that intensity processes that only take into account exogenous factors are improved if we add a self-exciting term. On the other hand, to capture the market dynamics correctly, pure self-exciting models need to be extended such that they additionally account for exogenous impacts.

  • Schmiel, Ute; Sander, Hendrik: What are markets? Selected market theories under genuine uncertainty in comparison. In: Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol 32 (2021) No 1, p. 9-33. doi:10.1007/s00191-021-00728-5Full textCitationDetails
  • Graf von Luckner, N.; Kiesel, R.: Modeling Market Order Arrivals on the Intraday Market for Electricity Deliveries in Germany with the Hawkes Process. In: Journal of Risk and Financial Management, Vol 14 (2021) No 4. doi:10.3390/jrfm14040161Full textCitationDetails

    We use point processes to analyze market order arrivals on the intraday market for hourly electricity deliveries in Germany in the second quarter of 2015. As we distinguish between buys and sells, we work in a multivariate setting. We model the arrivals with a Hawkes process whose baseline intensity comprises either only an exponentially increasing component or a constant in addition to the exponentially increasing component, and whose excitation decays exponentially. Our goodness-of-fit tests indicate that the models where the intensity of each market order type is excited at least by events of the same type are the most promising ones. Based on the Akaike information criterion, the model without a constant in the baseline intensity and only self-excitation is selected in almost 50% of the cases on both market sides. The typical jump size of intensities in case of the arrival of a market order of the same type is quite large, yet rather short lived. Diurnal patterns in the parameters of the baseline intensity and the branching ratio of self-excitation are observable. Contemporaneous relationships between different parameters such as the jump size and decay rate of self and cross-excitation are found.

  • Massing, T.; Reckmann, N.; Blasberg, A.; Otto, B.; Hanck, C.; Goedicke, M.: When is the Best Time to Learn? - Evidence from an Introductory Statistics Course. In: Open Education Studies, Vol 3 (2021) No 1, p. 84-95. doi:10.1515/edu-2020-0144CitationDetails
  • Kath, Christopher; Ziel, Florian: Conformal Prediction Interval Estimations with an Application to Day-Ahead and Intraday Power Markets. In: International Journal of Forecasting, Vol 37 (2021), p. 777-799. doi:10.1016/j.ijforecast.2020.09.006Full textCitationDetails
  • Spanier, C.; Schröder, H.: Schreiben an der Schnittstelle von Theorie und Praxis in "Marketing und Handel" - Die sprachliche Darstellung fachlicher Probleme. In: Lahm, S.; Meyhöfer, F.; Neumann, F. (Ed.): Schreiblehrkonzepte an Hochschulen – Fallstudien und Reflexionen zum fachspezifischen Schreibenlehren und -lernen. 1st Edition. wbv Publikationen, Bielefeld 2021, p. 135-148. doi:10.3278/6004807w135PDFFull textCitationDetails
    Schreiben an der Schnittstelle von Theorie und Praxis in "Marketing und Handel"

    Gemäß dem Motto "Eine Theorie ist nur so gut, wie sie praktisch anwendbar ist" verbindet der Lehrstuhl für Marketing und Handel wissenschaftliche Forschung mit praktischer Anwendung, was auch Studierende beim Verfassen einer Fallstudie leisten sollen. Doch die daraus abzuleitenden Anforderungen stellen Studierende offensichtlich vor Probleme, die sie ohne Unterstützung nicht selbstständig lösen können. Es fehlen Schreibanlässe, um grundlegende Kompetenzen zu entwickeln, die sie - zur Vorbereitung auf das Verfassen der Bachelor-Arbeit - in die Lage versetzen, ein Thema fachlich angemessen sowohl schriftlich darzulegen als auch mündlich zu präsentieren, denn in wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Studiengängen dominiert die Prüfungsform Klausur.

    Seit 2014 unterstützt daher der Lehrstuhl Studierende mit einem kooperativen Lehrkonzept, das gezielt die Entwicklung wissenschaftlicher Textkompetenz fördert. In diesem Beitrag wird anhand von Studierendentexten veranschaulicht, wie sich die Entwicklung von Schreibkompetenz am Schreibprodukt nachvollziehen lässt. Eine Besonderheit des Lehrkonzepts ist der Wechsel von Seminarformen, Individual- und Plenarfeedback, dem in Bezug auf die Wirksamkeit des Lehrkonzepts zentrale Bedeutung zukommt. Im sogenannten "student life circle" befinden sich Studierende eher fern des Fachdiskurses; hier ermöglicht der interaktive Charakter des Seminars mit diskursiver Erkenntnisproduktion Verständnis für wissenschaftliches Arbeiten im Fach. Rückblickend konnte seither nicht nur eine Verbesserung des methodischen Vorgehens der Studierenden beobachtet werden, sondern vor allem eine Steigerung der Aussagekraft der Texte, die das Ankommen in der Fachkultur dokumentiert.

  • Heiss, F.; Hetzenecker, S.; Osterhaus, M.: Nonparametric estimation of the random coefficients: An elastic net approach. In: Journal of Econometrics (2021). doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2020.11.010CitationDetails
  • Massing, T.: Clustering Using Student t Mixture Copulas. In: SN Computer Science (2021). doi:10.1007/s42979-021-00503-0CitationDetails
  • Pöstges, A.; Weber, C.: Identifying key elements for adequate simplifications of investment choices – The case of wind energy expansion. 01/2021. Essen 2021. Full textCitationDetails
  • Furtwängler, C.; Weber, C.; Ziel, F.: Uncertainties in Energy and Electricity Markets: An Introduction. In: Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, Vol 10 (2021) No 1. Full textCitationDetails
  • Brendel, F.; Einhaus, L.; Then, F.: Resource scarcity and prioritization decisions in medical care: A lab experiment with heterogeneous patient types. In: Health Economics, Vol 30 (2021) No 2, p. 470-477. doi:10.1002/hec.4192Full textCitationDetails
  • Bredtmann, Julia; Otten, Sebastian; Vonnahme, Christina: Linguistic diversity in the classroom, student achievement, and social integration. In: Education Economics, Vol 29 (2021) No 2, p. 121-142. doi:10.1080/09645292.2020.1866499Full textCitationDetails
    Linguistic diversity in the classroom, student achievement, and social integration
  • Hoga, Y.: The Uncertainty in Extreme Risk Forecasts from Covariate-Augmented Volatility Models. In: International Journal of Forecasting, Vol 37 (2021) No 2, p. 675-686. doi:10.1016/j.ijforecast.2020.08.009CitationDetails
  • Furtwängler, Christian; Weber, Christoph; Ziel, Florian: Uncertainties in Energy and Electricity Markets: An Introduction. In: Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy (2021). CitationDetails
  • Kulakov, Sergei; Ziel, Florian: The impact of renewable energy forecasts on intraday electricity prices. In: Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy (2021). doi:10.5547/2160-5890.10.1.skulFull textCitationDetails
  • Ziel, Florian: The energy distance for ensemble and scenario reduction. In: Philosophical Transactions A, Vol 379 (2021) No 2202. doi:10.1098/rsta.2019.0431Full textCitationDetails
  • Lamla, Michael: Inflation: Drivers and Dynamics 2020 CEBRA Annual Meeting Session Summary.. In: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Economic Commentary, Vol 2021 (2021) No 3. Full textCitationDetails
  • Dietrich, A.; Furtwängler, C.; Weber, C.: Managing combined power and heat portfolios in sequential spot power markets under uncertainty. 03/2020. Essen 2020. Full textCitationDetails
  • Schmiel, Ute: Economic Analysis of Tax Law from a Sustainability Perspective. In: Florida Tax Review, Vol 23 (2020) No 2, p. 597-624. doi:10.5744/ftr.2020.2005Full textCitationDetails
  • Dressler, M.; Furtwängler, C.; Görner, K.; Jahns, C.; Liekenbrock, J.; Oeljeklaus, G.; Ostmeier, L.; Weber, C.: Abschlussbericht Pre-Engineering Studie: Das flexible Kraftwerk der Zukunft. Essen 2020. PDFCitationDetails
  • Kallabis, T.; Gabriel, S.; Weber, C.: Strategic generation investment using a stochastic rolling‑horizon MPEC approach. In: Energy Systems, Vol 11 (2020) No 4. doi:10.1007/s12667-020-00413-9CitationDetails
  • Seblova, Dominika; Fischer, Martin; Fors, Stefan; Johnell, Kristina; Karlsson, Martin; Nilsson, Therese; Svensson, Anna C; Lövdén, Martin; Lager, Anton: Does Prolonged Education Causally Affect Dementia Risk When Adult Socioeconomic Status Is Not Altered? A Swedish Natural Experiment in 1.3 Million Individuals. In: American Journal of Epidemiology, Vol 190 (2020). doi:10.1093/aje/kwaa255CitationDetails

    \\{Intervening on modifiable risk factors to prevent dementia is of key importance, since progress-modifying treatments are not currently available. Education is inversely associated with dementia risk, but causality and mechanistic pathways remain unclear. We aimed to examine the causality of this relationship in Sweden using, as a natural experiment, data on a compulsory schooling reform that extended primary education by 1 year for 70\% of the population between 1936 and 1949. The reform introduced substantial exogenous variation in education that was unrelated to pupils’ characteristics. We followed 18 birth cohorts (n = 1,341,842) from 1985 to 2016 (up to ages 79–96 years) for a dementia diagnosis in the National Inpatient and Cause of Death registers and fitted Cox survival models with stratified baseline hazards at the school-district level, chronological age as the time scale, and cohort indicators. Analyses indicated very small or negligible causal effects of education on dementia risk (main hazard ratio = 1.01, 95\% confidence interval: 0.98, 1.04). Multiple sensitivity checks considering only compliers, the pre-/post- design, differences in health-care-seeking behavior, and the impact of exposure misclassification left the results essentially unaltered. The reform had limited effects on further adult socioeconomic outcomes, such as income. Our findings suggest that without mediation through adult socioeconomic position, education cannot be uncritically considered a modifiable risk factor for dementia.}

  • Greiten, S.; Geber, G.; Bienengräber, Th.; Retzmann, Th.: Kollegien qualifizieren - Voraussetzungen für inklusive Berufsorientierung in Schulen schaffen: Ergebnisse aus dem BEaGLE-Projekt. In: SCHULE inklusiv, Vol 2020 (2020) No 9, p. 24-28. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, J.; Schröder, H.: Wettbewerbsverzerrung im Einzelhandel durch die Corona-Schutz-Verordnungen?. In: Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt (2020) No 24, p. 1557-1566. PDFCitationDetails
  • Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Blumberg, Gerald; Weber, Christoph: A Novel Design for Electricity Markets based on the Cellular Approach. In: 17th international conference on the European Energy Market (2020). doi:10.1109/EEM49802.2020.9221982CitationDetails
  • Jacobs, Heiko: Help or Hype? Journalists' Perceptions of Mispriced Stocks. In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol 2020 (2020) No 178, p. 550-565. doi:10.1016/j.jebo.2020.07.029Full textCitationDetails
    Help or Hype? Journalists' Perceptions of Mispriced Stocks


    The business press is a key information intermediary in stock markets, but little is known about how journalists themselves process information. To test competing hypotheses, I combine composite mispricing scores constructed from about 200 cross-sectional anomalies with the content of about two million firm-specific newspaper articles. I find that journalists tend to write positively (negatively) about stocks likely to be undervalued (overvalued). The effect is strongest for national newspapers and overvalued stocks. These and further findings collectively lend more, though not unambiguous, support to the bright side of financial journalism. In most cases, journalists act as “watchdogs”, not as “cheerleaders”.

  • Bogaczyk, L.; Schröder, M.; Retzmann, Th.; Bienengräber, Th.: Theoretische Grundlagen und empirische Befunde zum Wissensmanagement in der inklusiven Berufsorientierung. In: Wittmann, E.; Frommberger, D.; Weyland, U. (Ed.): In: Jahrbuch der berufs- und wirtschaftspädagogischen Forschung. Opladen/Berlin/Toronto 2020, p. 113-130. doi:10.3224/84742437CitationDetails
  • Blumberg, Gerald; Weber, Christoph; Schinke-Nendza, Aiko: Sustainable Electricity Market Design – Challenges, Existing Contributions and a Novel Approach - Podcast for the International Association for Energy Economics. Podcast (October 2020). Economics, International Association Of Energy (Ed.), 2020. Full textCitationDetails
  • Narajewski, Michal; Ziel, Florian: Ensemble Forecasting for Intraday Electricity Prices: Simulating Trajectories. In: Applied Energy (2020). doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.115801Full textCitationDetails
  • Kley-Holsteg, Jens; Ziel, Florian: Probabilistic Multi-Step-Ahead Short-Term Water Demand Forecasting with Lasso. In: Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol 146 (2020) No 10. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0001268Full textCitationDetails
  • Uhlemeyer, Björn; Jakob, Joshua; Zdrallek, Markus; Baumann, Christoph; Wellßow, Wolfram; Dickert, Jörg; Rasti, Sasan J; Blumberg, Gerald; Schinke-Nendza, Aiko: The Cellular Approach as a Principle in Integrated Energy System Planning and Operation. In: CIRED 2020; Berlin, Vol 2020 (2020). CitationDetails

    Will be published after the CIRED 2020 in Berlin.

  • Amann, Erwin; Felder, Stefan: Survival of altruistic gatekeepers: Kickbacks in medical markets. In: German Economic Review (2020). CitationDetails
  • Kremer, M.; Kiesel, R.; Paraschiv, F.: Intraday electricity pricing of night contracts. In: Energies, Vol 13 (2020) No 17, p. 4501. doi:10.3390/en13174501Full textCitationDetails
  • Kallabis, T.: Rolling-horizon optimization as a speed-up method - assessment using the electricity system model JMM. 06/2020. Essen 2020. Full textCitationDetails
  • Broll, R.; Blumberg, G.; Weber, C.: Constructing Constistent Energy Scenarios using Cross Impact Matrices. 05/2020. Essen 2020. Full textCitationDetails
  • Broll, Roland; Blumberg, Gerald; Weber, Christoph: Constructing consistent energy scenarios using cross impact matrices. In: working paper (2020). CitationDetails

    currently under review

    working paper can be found here

  • Taruttis, L.; Weber, C.: Estimating the impact of energy efficiency on housing prices in Germany: Does regional disparity matter?. 04/2020. Essen 2020. Full textCitationDetails
  • Bredtmann, Julia; Höckel, Lisa; Otten, Sebastian: The Intergenerational Transmission of Gender Role Attitudes: Evidence from Immigrant Mothers-in-Law. In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2020). doi:10.1016/j.jebo.2020.08.021CitationDetails
    The Intergenerational Transmission of Gender Role Attitudes: Evidence from Immigrant Mothers-in-Law
  • Böcker, B.; Weber, C.: A primer about storage in bottom-up models of future energy systems - Fundamentals of storage operation and investment in competitive long-term equilibria. 02/2020. Essen 2020. Full textCitationDetails
  • Pfeifer, G.; Reutter, M.; Strohmaier, K.: Goodbye Smokers’ Corner: Health Effects of School Smoking Bans. In: Journal of Human Resources, Vol 55 (2020) No 3, p. 1068-1104. CitationDetails
  • Prüser, J.; Schlösser, A.: On the Time-Varying Effects of Economic Policy Uncertainty on the US Economy. In: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics (2020). doi:10.4419/86788886Full textCitationDetails
  • Sander, Hendrik: Rezension zu Lüdicke/Sistermann (2018), Unternehmenssteuerrecht: Gründung, Finanzierung, Umstrukturierung, Übertragung, Liquidation, 2. Aufl., München. In: Die Wirtschaftsprüfung (WPg), Vol 73 (2020) No 15, p. 927. CitationDetails
  • Kremer, M.; Benth, F. E.; Felten, B.; Kiesel, R.: Volatility and liquidity on high-frequency electricity futures markets: Empirical analysis and stochastic modeling. In: International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, Vol 23 (2020) No 4. doi:10.1142/S0219024920500272Full textCitationDetails
  • Kremer, M.; Benth, F.; Felten, B.; Kiesel, R.: Volatility And Liquidity On High-Frequency Electricity Futures Markets: Empirical Analysis And Stochastic Modeling. In: International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, Vol 23 (2020) No 4. doi:10.1142/S0219024920500272CitationDetails
  • Muniain, Peru; Ziel, Florian: Probabilistic forecasting in day-ahead electricity markets: Simulating peak and off-peak prices. In: International Journal of Forecasting, Vol 36 (2020) No 4, p. 1193-1210. doi:10.1016/j.ijforecast.2019.11.006Full textCitationDetails
  • Knobloch, C.; Tölle, S.: Die mentalen Abkürzungen des Kunden - Wie Sie von irrationalem Verhalten profitieren. In: AWA Aktueller Wirtschaftsdienst für Apotheker, Vol 45 (2020) No 13, p. 8-9. CitationDetails
  • Karlsson, Martin; with Fischer, Martin; Gerdtham, Ulf; Heckley, Gawain; Kjellsson, Gustav; Nilsson, Therese: Education and Health: Long-Run Effects of Peers, Tracking and Years. In: Economic Policy, Vol 36 (2020) No 105, p. 3-49. doi:10.17185/duepublico/70990CitationDetails

    We investigate two parallel school reforms in Sweden to assess the long-run health effects of education. One reform only increased years of schooling, while the other increased years of schooling but also removed tracking leading to a more mixed socioeconomic peer group. By differencing the effects of the parallel reforms, we can separate the effect of de-tracking and peers from that of more schooling. We find that the pure years of schooling reform reduced mortality and improved current health. Differencing the effects of the reforms shows significant differences in the estimated impacts, suggesting that de-tracking and subsequent peer effects resulted in worse health.

  • Nickol, P.; Stoppok, L.: The collapse of capital flows to emerging markets: What are the consequences?. In: Kieler Beiträge zur Wirtschaftspolitik (2020) No 26, p. 41-48. Full textCitationDetails
    • Die Corona-Krise verursachte einen jähen Einbruch oder „Sudden Stop“ internationaler Kapitalflüsse in Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländern. Auf frühere solcher „Sudden Stop“ Episoden folgten meist schwerwiegende Rezessionen, Finanzkrisen, sowie Staatsbankrotte.
    • Das Ausmaß der Kapitalflucht ist heute jedoch wesentlich dramatischer als in früheren Krisen. Innerhalb von nur drei Monaten beliefen sich die kumulierten Kapitalabflüsse auf 100 Milliarden US-Dollar. Das ist ein historisch einzigartiger Abfluss von Kapital aus der Peripherie.
    • Viele Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländer stehen daher aller Voraussicht nach vor großen wirtschaftlichen und finanziellen Turbulenzen, mit weitreichenden Konsequenzen für die Weltwirtschaft und Europa. Denn Schwellenländer machen mittlerweile mehr als 50 Prozent der globalen Wirtschaftskraft aus und haben sich zu wichtigen Handelspartnern für Europa und Deutschland entwickelt.
    • Schuldenerlässe und finanzielle Rettungspakete, insbesondere vom IWF, sind als Antwort auf die aktuelle Krise gerechtfertigt. Erste Initiativen der G20, wie das geplante Moratorium auf Staatsschulden, gehen in die richtige Richtung.
  • Schröder, H.; Weber, M.; Knobloch, C.: Convenience im Einzelhandel der Bau- und Heimwerkerbranche - Eine Replikation der Studie von Reith. In: Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis (BFuP), Vol 72 (2020) No 3, p. 289-312. CitationDetails
  • Bredtmann, Julia; Nowotny, Klaus; Otten, Sebastian: Linguistic Distance, Networks and Migrants' Regional Location Choice. In: Labour Economics (2020). doi:10.1016/j.labeco.2020.101863CitationDetails
    Linguistic Distance, Networks and Migrants' Regional Location Choice
  • Felten, B.: An integrated model of coupled heat and power sectors for large-scale energy system analyses. In: Applied Energy, Vol 266 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.114521CitationDetails
  • Narajewski, Michal; Ziel, Florian: Changes in Electricity Demand Pattern in Europe Due to COVID-19 Shutdowns. In: IAEE Energy Forum (2020), p. 44-47. PDFFull textCitationDetails
  • Massing, T.; Puente-Ajovín, M.; Ramos, A.: On the parametric description of log-growth rates of cities’ sizes of four European countries and the USA. In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (2020). doi:10.1016/j.physa.2020.124587CitationDetails
  • Kremer, M.: thrreg: Threshold regression model. R Package, 2020. Full textCitationDetails
  • Kremer, M.: kcopula: The bivariate K-copula - R Package. In: CRAN (2020). Full textCitationDetails
  • Knobloch, C.; Keck, A.: Wie du mir, so ich dir? - Arbeitsbeziehungen in Apotheken: Teil 5. In: Eins & Drei – Das Filialapotheken-Magazin des Deutschen Apotheker Verlags, Vol 2 (2020) No 2, p. 40-44. CitationDetails
  • Jacobs, Heiko; Laudenbach, Christine; Müller, Sebastian; Schreiber, Philipp; Weber, Martin: Die genial einfache Vermögensstrategie. Verlag, Campus (Ed.) 1st Edition. 2020. Full textCitationDetails
    Die genial einfache Vermögensstrategie
  • Ziel, Florian: Load Nowcasting: Predicting Actuals with Limited Data. In: Energies, Vol 13 (2020) No 6. doi:10.3390/en13061443PDFFull textCitationDetails
  • Knobloch, C.: Die Arbeitsbeziehungen in Einzel- und Filialapotheken - Empirische Untersuchungen vor dem Hintergrund der Agenturtheorie und der Behavioral Agency Theory. 1st Edition. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2020. Full textCitationDetails
    Die Arbeitsbeziehungen in Einzel- und Filialapotheken
  • Jahns, C.; Podewski, C.; Weber, C.: Supply curves for hydro reservoirs – Estimation and usage in large-scale electricity market models. In: Energy Economics, Vol 87 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2020.104696CitationDetails
  • Roller, Christiane; Rulff, Christian; Tamminga, Michael M.: It’s a mismatch! Overeducation and career mobility in Germany. In: German Economic Review (2020). doi:10.1515/ger-2019-0107CitationDetails
    It’s a mismatch! Overeducation and career mobility in Germany
  • Höckner, J.; Voswinkel, S.; Weber, C.: Market distortions in flexibility markets caused by renewable subsidies – The case for side payments. In: Energy Policy, Vol 137 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2019.111135 CitationDetails

    Das Paper kann wie folgt zitiert werden: “This article can already be cited using the year of online availability and the DOI as follows: Author(s), Article Title, Journal (Year), DOI.”

  • Bosch, N.; Dekker, V.; Strohmaier, K.: A Data-Driven Procedure to Determine the Bunching Window - An Application to the Netherlands. In: International Tax and Public Finance, Vol 27 (2020) No 4, p. 951-979. CitationDetails
  • Jacobs, Heiko; Müller, Sebastian: Anomalies Across the Globe: Once Public, No Longer Existent?. In: Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 2020 (2020) No 135, p. 213-230. doi:10.1016/j.jfineco.2019.06.004Full textCitationDetails
    Anomalies Across the Globe: Once Public, No Longer Existent?


    Motivated by McLean and Pontiff (2016), we study the pre- and post-publication return predictability of 241 cross-sectional anomalies in 39 stock markets. Based on more than two million anomaly country-months, we nd that the United States is the only country with a reliable post-publication decline in long/short returns. Collectively, our meta-analysis of return predictors suggests that barriers to arbitrage trading may create segmented markets and that anomalies tend to represent mispricing rather than data mining.

  • Narajewski, Michal; Ziel, Florian: Econometric modelling and forecasting of intraday electricity prices. In: Journal of Commodity Markets, Vol 19 (2020) No 4. doi:10.1016/j.jcomm.2019.100107PDFFull textCitationDetails
  • Weber, C.; Pöstges, A.; Kost, C.; Längle, S.: WeatherAggReOpt: Developing Aggregation and Reduction Methods for Implementing Disaggregated Renewable Infeed Profiles in Energy System Models. Data documentation, Essen, Freiburg 2020. PDFCitationDetails
  • Glas, Silke; Kiesel, Ruediger; Kolkmann, Sven; Kremer, Marcel; Luckner, Nikolaus; Ostmeier, Lars; Weber, Christoph: Intraday renewable electricity trading: advanced modeling and numerical optimal control. In: Journal of Mathematics in Industry, Vol 10 (2020) No 1. doi:10.1186/s13362-020-0071-xCitationDetails
  • Hoga, Y.: Where Does the Tail Begin? An Approach Based on Scoring Rules. In: Econometric Reviews, Vol 39 (2020) No 6, p. 579-601. doi:10.1080/07474938.2019.1697087CitationDetails
  • Schinke, A.; Hirsch, H.: Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging and Photovoltaic Generation on Distribution System Voltage Volatility. In: IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM) (2020). doi:10.1109/PESGM40551.2019.8973901CitationDetails
  • Brunekreeft, G.; Buchmann, M.; Höckner, J.; Palovic, M.; Voswinkel, S.; Weber, C.: Thesenpapier: Ökonomische & regulatorische Fragestellungen zum enera-FlexMarkt. 01/2020. Essen, Bremen 2020. Full textCitationDetails
  • Schlösser, A.: Forecasting Industrial Production in Germany: The Predictive Power of Leading Indicators. Ruhr Economic Papers, 2020. Full textCitationDetails
  • Hanck, C.; Prüser, J.: House prices and interest rates: Bayesian evidence from Germany. In: Applied Economics (2020), p. 3073-3089. doi:10.1080/00036846.2019.1705242CitationDetails
  • Daniel Kuehnle, Michael Oberfichtner: Does Starting Universal Childcare Earlier Influence Children’s Skill Development?. In: Demography, Vol 2019 (2020) No 56, p. 1-38. doi:10.1007/s13524-019-00836-9CitationDetails

    As many developed countries enact policies that allow children to begin universal childcare earlier, understanding how starting universal childcare earlier affects children’s cognitive and noncognitive skills is an important policy question. We provide comprehensive evidence on the multidimensional short- and longer-run effects of starting universal childcare earlier using a fuzzy discontinuity in the age at starting childcare in Germany. Combining rich survey and administrative data, we follow one cohort from age 6 to 15 and examine standardized cognitive test scores, noncognitive skill measures, and school track choice in a unified framework. Children who start universal childcare four months earlier around age 3 do not perform differently in terms of standardized cognitive test scores, measures of noncognitive skills, school track choice, or school entrance examinations. We also find no evidence of skill improvements for children with low socioeconomic status, although we provide suggestive evidence that they may benefit from high-quality care. Our estimates refer to children who start childcare before they become legally entitled, for whom the literature would predict low gains to starting childcare earlier. We provide further evidence on this relationship between parental resistance to and children’s potential gains from childcare. Simply allowing children to start universal childcare earlier is hence not sufficient to improve children’s skill development, particularly for children with low socioeconomic status.

  • Heinrich, T.; Seifert, M.; Then, F.: Near-losses in insurance markets: An experiment. In: Economics Letters, Vol 186 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2019.108781CitationDetails
  • Glas, S.; Kiesel, R.; Kolkmann, S.; Kremer, M.; Graf von Luckner, N.; Ostmeier, L.; Urban, K.; Weber, C.: Intraday renewable electricity trading: Advanced modeling and numerical optimal control. In: Journal of Mathematics in Industry, Vol 10 (2020) No 3, p. 1-17. doi:10.1186/s13362-020-0071-xFull textCitationDetails
  • Dorlöchter, Jonas; Amann, Erwin: Risk Preferences and Economic Shocks : Experimental Evidence. In: SSRN Electronic Journal (2020). CitationDetails
  • Goemans, P.: Government Spending in Uncertain and Slack Times: Historical Evidence for Larger Fiscal Multipliers. Beiträge zur Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2020: Gender Economics, 2020. Full textCitationDetails
  • Kulakov, Sergei: X-model: further development and possible modifications. In: Forecasting, Vol 2 (2020), p. 20-35. CitationDetails
  • Lamla, Michael; Lein, Sarah; Sturm, Jan-Egbert: Media Reporting and Business Cycles: Empirical Evidence based on News Data. In: Empirical Economics, Vol 2020 (2020) No 59, p. 1085-1105. Full textCitationDetails
  • Knobloch, C.; Keck, A.: Voll motiviert! - Arbeitsbeziehungen in Apotheken: Teil 4. In: Eins & Drei – Das Filialapotheken-Magazin des Deutschen Apotheker Verlags, Vol 1 (2019) No 6, p. 42-45. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Spitzner, St.; Fortunati, F.: Orientierung im Wandel der Berufs- und Arbeitswelt durch außerschulische Lerngelegenheiten. 1st Edition. Essen 2019. doi:10.17185/duepublico/70630CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Greiten, S.; Bienengräber, Th.; Turhan, L.; Schröder, M.: Kompetenzen von Lehrkräften und weiteren pädagogischen Fachkräften als Gelingensbedingungen der inklusiven Berufsorientierung in allgemein- und berufsbildenden Schulen am Beispiel des Organisierens von Schülerbetriebspraktika. In: Journal für Psychologie, Vol 2019 (2019) No 27. doi:10.30820/0942-2285-2019-2-313Full textCitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Seeber, G.: Kompetenzentwicklung in der ökonomischen Domäne als Beitrag zur Entrepreneurship Education. In: Bijedic, T.; Ebbers, I.; Halbfas, B. (Ed.): Entrepreneurship Education: Begriff - Theorie - Verständnis. Wiesbaden 2019, p. 151-169. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Spitzner, St.: Wandel der Arbeitswelt - Zum Nutzen außerschulischer Lerngelegenheiten für die Orientierung in historischen, gegenwärtigen und zukünftigen Arbeitswelten. In: Schröder, R. (Ed.): Berufsorientierung in der Schule. Gegenstand der ökonomischen Bildung. Wiesbaden 2019, p. 123-141. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Greiten, S.; Bienengräber, Th.; Turhan, L.; Schröder, M.: Competences of teachers and other educational professionals as condition for the success of inclusive vocational guidance in general and vocational schools, exemplified on organizing work placements for students. In: Journal für Psychologie, Vol 27 (2019) No 2/2019, p. 313-335. doi:10.30820/0942-2285-2019-2-313bCitationDetails
  • Bellenbaum, J.; Böcker, B.; Kallabis, T.; Weber, C.: Probabilistic methodology for adequacy assessment under uncertainty for a multi-region system. 12/2019. Essen 2019. Full textCitationDetails
  • Blasberg, A.; Graf von Luckner, N.; Kiesel, R.: Modeling the Serial Structure of the Hawkes Process Parameters for Market Order Arrivals on the German Intraday Power Market. In: 16th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM) (2019), p. 1-6. doi:10.1109/EEM.2019.8916326Full textCitationDetails

    Existing research indicates that on the intraday market for power deliveries in Germany market orders tend to arrive in clusters. To capture such clustering, point processes with an intensity depending on past events, so-called Hawkes processes, appear to be promising. We consider the question whether there is a temporal structure prevalent in the parameters of Hawkes processes estimated for adjacent delivery hours. First we model a diurnal seasonality pattern found in the data and provide an economic intepretation for it. For the remaining decomposed series, we then propose simple (vector) autoregressive models to describe the serial structure. To evaluate our model we conduct a forecasting study. Testing against a benchmark model and a model without any serial structure, we find evidence for our proposed model. Our study reveals that capturing the serial structure in the parameters proves to be useful in understanding the underlying market microstructure.

  • Narajewski, Michal; Ziel, Florian: Estimation and Simulation of the Transaction Arrival Process in Intraday Electricity Markets. In: Energies, Vol 12 (2019) No 23. doi:10.3390/en12234518PDFFull textCitationDetails
  • Glas, S.; Kiesel, R.; Kolkmann, S.; Kremer, M.; Graf von Luckner, N.; Ostmeier, L.; Urban, K.; Weber, C.: Intraday renewable electricity trading: Advanced modeling and optimal control. In: Faragó, I.; Izsák, F.; Simon, P. (Ed.): Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2018. Mathematics in Industry, vol 30. Springer, Cham, 2019, p. 469-475. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-27550-1_59Full textCitationDetails
  • Karlsson, Matrin; Fischer, Martin; Nilsson, Therese; Schwarz, Nina: The Long-Term Effects of Long Terms – Compulsory Schooling Reforms in Sweden. In: forthcoming, Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol 18 (2019) No 6, p. 2776-2823. doi:10.4419/86788853CitationDetails

    We evaluate the impact on earnings, pensions, and further labor market outcomes of two parallel educational reforms increasing instructional time in Swedish primary school. The reforms extended the annual term length and compulsory schooling by comparable amounts. We find striking differences in the effects of the two reforms: at 5%, the returns to the term length extension were at least half as high as OLS returns to education and benefited broad ranges of the population. The compulsory schooling extension had small (2%) albeit significant effects, which were possibly driven by an increase in post-compulsory schooling. Both reforms led to increased sorting into occupations with heavy reliance on basic skills.

  • Thiem, C.: Cross-category Trans-Pacific Spillovers of Policy Uncertainty and Financial Market Volatility. In: Open Economies Review (2019), p. 1-26. doi:10.1007/s11079-019-09559-1Full textCitationDetails

    Using generalised variance decompositions from vector autoregressions, we analyse cross-country, cross-category spillovers of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) and financial market volatility between the US and Japan. Our model includes indices of monetary, fiscal and trade policy uncertainty for each country, as well as three measures of option-implied stock market and exchange rate volatility, respectively. We find that the financial market volatility indices are usually substantial net spillover transmitters towards the total group of EPU measures. However, the Japanese equity and especially the FX volatility index are typically more affected by EPU spillovers than the US VXO. Our results also reveal that, compared to within-country spillovers, cross-country spillovers of EPU are relatively small and less volatile. Finally, we show that the direction of net EPU spillovers between the US and Japan is both time- and category-dependent with different EPU categories acting as strong sources of uncertainty spillovers throughout the sample period.

  • Knobloch, C.: Stufen – oder nicht? Wie Sichtwahltreppen in Apotheken wirken. In: AWA Aktueller Wirtschaftsdienst für Apotheker, Vol 44 (2019) No 22, p. 8-9. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Ersöz, S.: Digitale Lösungen für Informations- und Logistikdienste von Vor-Ort-Apotheken. In: Meinhardt S., Pflaum A. (Ed.): Digitale Geschäftsmodelle – Band 2. Edition HMD. Springer Verlag, Wiesbaden 2019. CitationDetails
  • Vogler, A.; Ziel, F.: On the Evaluation of Binary Event Probability Predictions in Electricity Price Forecasting. 11/2019. Essen 2019. Full textCitationDetails
  • Knobloch, C.; Keck, A.: Information im Fluss - Arbeitsbeziehungen in Apotheken: Teil 3. In: Eins & Drei – Das Filialapotheken-Magazin des Deutschen Apotheker Verlags, Vol 1 (2019) No 5, p. 44-47. CitationDetails
  • Bellenbaum, J.; Höckner, J.; Weber, C.: Designing flexibility procurement markets for congestion management – Investigating two stage procurement auctions. 10/2019. Essen 2019. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3502769Full textCitationDetails
  • Podewski, C.; Weber, C.: A parsimonious model to estimate the impact of hydro scarcity on Scandinavian power exports. In: Energy Systems (2019), p. 1-42. doi:10.1007/s12667-019-00360-0CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Bienengräber, Th.; Greiten, S; Turhan, L.: Berufsorientierung im Gemeinsamen Lernen der Sekundarstufen - Skizze eines Forschungsprojekts. In: Esefeld, M.; Müller, K.; Hackstein, P.; von Stechow, E.; Klacke, B. (Ed.): Inklusion im Spannungsfeld von Normalität und Diversität, Band II: Lehren und Lernen. Bad Heilbrunn 2019, p. 103-110. CitationDetails
  • Schmiel, Ute: Corporate social responsibility: A Fake Already According to the Theory of the Firm?. In: management revue - Socio-Economic Studies (mrev), Vol 30 (2019) No 2/3, p. 154-172. doi:10.5771/0935-9915-2019-2/3-154Full textCitationDetails
  • Sander, Hendrik: Bilanzierung von langjährigen Unterstützungszahlungen an Tochtergesellschaften im HGB-Einzelabschluss. In: DER BETRIEB, Vol 72 (2019) No 38, p. 2081-2084. CitationDetails
  • Blumberg, G.; Weber, C.: Impact of dynamic line rating on redispatch. In: IEEE Explore - Digital Library (2019). doi:10.1109/EEM.2019.8916513Full textCitationDetails

    Conference Paper:

    16th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Ljubljana 2019

  • Massing, T.: What is the best Lévy model for stock indices? A comparative study with a view to time consistency. In: Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, Vol 33 (2019) No 3, p. 277-344. doi:10.1007/s11408-019-00335-2CitationDetails
  • Beran, P.; Furtwängler, C.; Jahns, C.; Syben, O.; Vogler, A.; Warszawski, M.; Weber, C.: IT-Werkzeuge und -Systeme für die nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung von KWK- und Speichersystemen - Stochastische Optimierung von Multi-Asset-Systemen in NRW (StoOpt.NRW). Aachen, Essen 2019. Full textCitationDetails
  • Knobloch, C.; Keck, A.: Von Zielen und Anreizen - Arbeitsbeziehungen in Apotheken: Teil 2. In: Eins & Drei – Das Filialapotheken-Magazin des Deutschen Apotheker Verlags, Vol 1 (2019) No 4, p. 26-30. CitationDetails
  • Huebener, Mathias; DanielKuehnle; Spiess, C. Katharina: Parental leave policies and socio-economic gaps in child development: Evidence from a substantial benefit reform using administrative data. In: Labour Economics, Vol 2019 (2019) No 61. doi:10.1016/j.labeco.2019.101754CitationDetails

    This paper examines the effects of substantial changes in paid parental leave on child development and socio-economic development gaps. We analyse a German reform that replaced a means-tested with an earnings-related benefit scheme. Higher-income households benefited relatively more from the reform than low-income households. The reform expanded paid leave in the first year, while it removed paid leave in the second year after childbirth. We compare children born around the eligibility cut-off on January 1st 2007 and contrast them with children from the preceding, unaffected cohort within a difference-in-differences approach. The analysis is based on administrative data from mandatory school entrance examinations containing detailed child development assessments at age six. Our precise and robust estimates reveal no effects of the changes in parental leave benefits on child development across various socio-economic groups, and consequently no effects on socio-economic development gaps. However, based on administrative employment data, we document substantial effects on maternal employment and family income. The paper concludes that reform effects on today’s mothers are not sacrificed by increases in SES gaps of the future workforce.

  • Felling, T.: Solving the Bi-level Problem of a Closed Optimization of Electricity Price Zone Configurations using a Genetic Algorithm. 09/2019. Essen 2019. Full textCitationDetails
  • Voswinkel, S.; Felten, B.; Felling, T.; Weber, C.: Flow-based market coupling – What drives welfare in Europe’s electricity market design?. 08/2019. Essen 2019. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3424708Full textCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Rechtlicher Markenschutz als Aufgabe der Markenführung. In: Esch, F. -R. (Ed.): Handbuch Markenführung. Wiesbaden 2019, p. 649-671. CitationDetails
  • Weimann, J.; Brosig-Koch, J.: Einführung in die experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung. Springer Gabler, Berlin, Heidelberg 2019. CitationDetails
  • Weimann, J.; Brosig-Koch, J.; Heinrich, T.; Hennig-Schmidt, H.; Keser, C.: Public Good Provision by Large Groups–The Logic of Collective Action Revisited. In: European Economic Review, Vol 118 (2019), p. 348-363. CitationDetails
  • Arnold, M.; Hanck, C.: On Combining Evidence from Heteroskedasticity Robust Panel Unit Root Tests in Pooled Regressions. In: Journal of Risk and Financial Management, Vol 12 (2019) No 117. doi:10.3390/jrfm12030117Full textCitationDetails
  • Hoga, Y.: Confidence Intervals for Conditional Tail Risk Measures in ARMA-GARCH Models. In: Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Vol 37 (2019) No 4, p. 613-624. doi:10.1080/07350015.2017.1401543Full textCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Ersöz, S.: Braucht jede Apothekenkooperation eine eigene App? - Eine theoretische und empirische Analyse. In: Bruhn, M.; Hadwich, K. (Ed.): Kooperative Dienstleistungen. Springer Gabler, 2019, p. 575-606. CitationDetails
  • Bredtmann, Julia; Flores, Fernanda Martínez; Otten, Sebastian: Remittances and the Brain Drain: Evidence from Microdata for Sub-Saharan Africa. In: Journal of Development Studies, Vol 55 (2019) No 7, p. 1455-1476. doi:10.1080/00220388.2018.1443208CitationDetails
    Remittances and the Brain Drain: Evidence from Microdata for Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Pöstges, A.; Weber, C.: Time series aggregation – A new methodological approach using the “peak-load-pricing” model. In: Utilities Policy, Vol 59 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.jup.2019.05.003CitationDetails
  • Berrisch, J.; Rammert, T.; Klüver, C.: Implementation of a Self-Enforcing Network to Identify Determinants of the WiFi Quality on German Highspeed Trains. In: Gonçalves, G.; van Moergestel, L. (Ed.): INTELLI 2019 : The Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications. IARIA, Rome 2019, p. 1-6. Full textCitationDetails
  • Bannenberg, Norman; Karlsson, Martin; Schmitz, Hendrik: The Economics of Long-Term Care. In: Oxford Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance (2019). doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190625979.013.263CitationDetails
  • Knobloch, C.; Keck, A.: Auf der gleichen Wellenlänge? - Arbeitsbeziehungen in Apotheken. In: Eins & Drei – Das Filialapotheken-Magazin des Deutschen Apotheker Verlags, Vol 1 (2019) No 3, p. 16-21. CitationDetails
  • Kuehnle, Daniel: How effective are pictorial warnings on tobacco products? New evidence on smoking behaviour using Australian panel data. In: Journal of Health Economics , Vol 2019 (2019) No 67. doi:10.1016/j.jhealeco.2019.06.002CitationDetails

    Studies examining the introduction of pictorial warnings on cigarette packages provide inconclusive evidence due to small samples and methodological issues. We use individual-level panel data from Australia to examine the association between pictorial warnings and smoking behaviour – prevalence, quitting, initiating and relapsing. The pictorial warnings were accompanied by a reference to a smoking cessation helpline and supportive television commercials. Applying an event study framework, we show that the reform reduced smoking rates by around 4% within the first year of the policy. The effect decreases with age, is similar for men and women, and is slightly larger for low-educated compared to high-educated individuals. The reform permanently lowered smoking rates primarily due to increased quitting in the year of the reform. Thus, pictorial warnings combined with a reference to a smoking cessation helpline and supportive media campaigns are an important tobacco control measure to reduce the social costs of smoking.

  • Felten, B.; Felling, T.; Osinski, P.; Weber, C.: Flow-Based Market Coupling Revised - Part I: Analyses of Small- and Large-Scale Systems. 06/2019. Essen 2019. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3404044Full textCitationDetails
  • Felling, T.; Felten, B.; Osinski, P.; Weber, C.: Flow-Based Market Coupling Revised - Part II: Assessing Improved Price Zones in Central Western Europe. 07/2019. Essen 2019. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3404046Full textCitationDetails
  • Kremer, M.; Benth, F. E.; Felten, B.; Kiesel, R.: Volatility and Liquidity on High-Frequency Electricity Futures Markets: Empirical Analysis and Stochastic Modeling. 2019. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3400763CitationDetails
  • Furtwängler, C.; Weber, C.: Spot and reserve market equilibria and the influence of new reserve market participants. In: Energy Economics, Vol 81 (2019), p. 408-421. doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2019.03.023CitationDetails
  • Hauser, P; Heidari, S.; Weber, C.; Möst, D.: Does Increaseing Natural Gas Demand in the Power Sector Pose a Threat of Congestion to the German Gas Grid? A Model-Coubling Approach. In: Energies 2019 (2019) No 12(11), p. 2159. Full textCitationDetails
  • Massing, T.: Local asymptotic normality for Student-Lévy processes under high-frequency sampling. In: Statistics, Vol 53 (2019) No 4, p. 721-752. doi:10.1080/02331888.2019.1618856Full textCitationDetails
  • Hoga, Y.: Extending the Limits of Backtesting via the ‘Vanishing p’ Approach. In: Journal of Time Series Analysis, Vol 40 (2019), p. 858-866. doi:10.1111/jtsa.12450CitationDetails
  • Leisen, R.; Steffen, B.; Weber, C.: Regulatory risk and the resilience of new sustainable business models in the energy sector. In: Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 219 (2019), p. 865-878. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.01.330Full textCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Ersöz, S.: Quickservice durch Outsourcing. In: GmbH, Ayway Media (Ed.): Handbuch Digitalisierung. ayway media GmbH, Bonn 2019, p. 162-167. CitationDetails
  • Kremer, M.; Becker, A. P.; Vodenska, I.; Stanley, H. E.; Schäfer, R.: Economic and political effects on currency clustering dynamics. In: Quantitative Finance, Vol 19 (2019) No 5, p. 705-716. doi:10.1080/14697688.2018.1532101Full textCitationDetails
  • Hoga, Y.: Extreme Conditional Tail Moment Estimation under Serial Dependence. In: Journal of Financial Econometrics, Vol 17 (2019) No 4, p. 587-615. doi:10.1093/jjfinec/nby016CitationDetails

    , forthcoming

  • Baginski, J. P.: Spatio-temporal diffusion of solar thermal systems in Germany: A spatial panel data analysis. 04/2019. Essen 2019. Full textCitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.: Der ehrbare Kaufmann in Zeiten moderner Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik - Eine Didaktik für die berufsmoralische Bildung in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung. In: Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis - BWP, Vol 2019 (2019) No 4, p. 9-13. CitationDetails
  • Beran, P.; Pape, C.; Weber, C.: Modelling German electricity wholesale spot prices with a parsimonious fundamental model - Validation & application. In: Utilities Policy, Vol 58 (2019), p. 27-39. doi:10.1016/j.jup.2019.01.008Full textCitationDetails
  • Thomsen, J.; Weber, C.: How the design of retail prices, network charges, and levies affects profitability and operation of small-scale PV-Battery Storage Systems. 03/2019. Essen 2019. Full textCitationDetails
  • Baginski, J. P.; Weber, C.: Coherent estimations for residential photovoltaic uptake in Germany including spatial spillover effects. 02/2019. Essen 2019. Full textCitationDetails
  • Amann, E.: Entscheidungstheorie - Individuelle, strategische und kollektive Entscheidungen (Studienbücher Wirtschaftsmathematik). Springer Spektrum, Wiesbaden 2019. CitationDetails
  • Schmiel, Ute; Weitz, Alexander: Is a one-book-system adequate? A framework for tax law analysis under genuine uncertainty. In: Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, Vol 9 (2019) No 2. Full textCitationDetails
  • Bucksteeg, M.; Spiecker, S.; Weber, C.: Impact of Coordinated Capacity Mechanisms on the European Power Market. In: The Energy Journal, Vol 40 (2019) No 2, p. 221-264. doi:10.5547/01956574.40.2.mbucFull textCitationDetails

    There is an ongoing debate on the introduction of capacity markets in most European countries while a few of them have already established capacity markets. Since the implementation of independent national capacity markets is not in line with the target of a pan-European internal electricity market we investigate the impacts of uncoordinated capacity markets compared with coordinated capacity markets. A probabilistic approach for the determination of capacity requirements is proposed and a European electricity market model (E2M2s) is applied for evaluation. The model simultaneously optimizes investments and dispatch of power plants. Besides the impact on generation investments, market prices and system costs we analyze effects on production and security of supply. While coordinated capacity markets reveal high potentials for cross-border synergies and cost savings, uncoordinated and unilateral implementations can lead to inefficiencies, in particular free riding effects and endanger security of supply due to adverse allocation of generation capacity.

  • Bucksteeg, M.: Modelling the impact of geographical diversification of wind turbines on the required firm capacity in Germany. In: Applied Energy, Vol 235 (2019), p. 1476-1491. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.11.031Full textCitationDetails
  • Höckner, J.; Voswinkel, S.; Weber, C.; Kramer, N.; Rinck, M.; Börries, S.; Herrmann, A.: Der enera-Flexibilitätsmarkt als Zukunftsmodell für das Netzengpassmanagement. In: Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, Vol 69 (2019), p. 14-18. PDFFull textCitationDetails
  • Lediga, C.; Riedel, N.; Strohmaier, K.: The Elasticity of Corporate Taxable Income - Evidence from South Africa. In: Economics Letters (2019) No 175, p. 43-46. CitationDetails
  • Clausen, V.; Schlösser, A.; Thiem, C.: Economic Policy Uncertainty in the Euro Area: Cross-Country Spillovers and Macroeconomic Impact. In: Journal of Economics and Statistics (2019) No 239/5, p. 957-981. Full textCitationDetails
  • Clausen, V.: A plea for an exit from Brexit and a second referendum. In: International Economics and Economic Policy (2019) No 16, p. 31-35. doi:10.1007/s10368-018-00430-1Full textCitationDetails

    This note argues that basically all strands of available empirical and quantitative evidence on the economic effects of Brexit arrive at the conclusion that the economic burden for Britain will be substantial. Furthermore, there are good reasons to expect that these costs are currently even underestimated as dynamic effects of Brexit are insufficiently captured by existing methods. Furthermore, all scenarios assume an orderly Brexit which looks increasingly unlikely. The best way forward is an exit from Brexit and to call for a second referendum on the concrete two policy alternatives which are now on the table.

    Brexit, the exit of Britain from the EU, is scheduled to happen on March 29, 2019. At present, the Brexit train seems almost unstoppable. While most earlier economic and political discussions centered around the concrete design of Brexit and the impact of different arrangements of economic integration in the post-Brexit period (“soft” versus “hard” Brexit), the most pressing question now is whether an orderly Brexit can still be accomplished.

  • Prüser, J.; Schlösser, A.: The effects of economic policy uncertainty on European economies: evidence from a TVP-FAVAR. In: Empirical Economics (2019), p. 1-22. doi:10.1007/s00181-018-01619-8Full textCitationDetails
  • Leisen, R.; Felling, T.; Podewski, C.; Weber, C.: Evaluation of Risks for Electricity Generation Companies through Reconfiguration of Bidding Zones in Extended Central Western Europe. Energy Journal Volume 40, 2019. doi:10.5547/01956574.40.SI1.cdeiCitationDetails
  • Kulakov, Sergei; Ziel, Florian: Determining fundamental supply and demand curves in a wholesale electricity market. In: arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.11383 (2019). Full textCitationDetails
  • Haben, Stephen; Giasemidis, Georgios; Ziel, Florian; Arora, Siddharth: Short term load forecasting and the effect of temperature at the low voltage level. In: International Journal of Forecasting, Vol 35 (2019), p. 1469-1484. Full textCitationDetails
  • Ziel, Florian; Berk, Kevin: Multivariate forecasting evaluation: On sensitive and strictly proper scoring rules. In: arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.07325 (2019). Full textCitationDetails
  • Karlsson, Martin; with Fischer, Martin; Kors, Stefan; Johnell, Kristina; Lager, Anton; Lövdén, Martin; Nilsson, Therese; Svensson, Anna: Is there a direct causal effect of education on dementia? A Swedish natural experiment on 1.3 million individuals. In: American Journal of Epidemiology (forthcoming) (2019). CitationDetails
  • Haylock, Michael; Kampkötter, Patrick: The role of preferences, attitudes, and personality traits in labor market matching. In: Economics Letters, Vol 185 (2019), p. 108718. CitationDetails
  • Haylock, Michael; Kampkötter, Patrick: Dataset: The linked personnel panel (lpp). In: Data in brief, Vol 27 (2019), p. 104824. CitationDetails
  • Haylock, Michael; Kampkötter, Patrick: The role of preferences, attitudes, and personality traits in labor market matching. In: Economics Letters, Vol 185 (2019), p. 108718. CitationDetails
  • Lamla, Michael; Vinogradov, Dimtri: Big News for Little People? Announcement Effects of Central Bank Communication. In: Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol 2019 (2019) No 108, p. 21-38. Full textCitationDetails
  • Lamla, Michael; Kontonikas, Alexandros; Nolan, Charles; Zekaite, Zivile: Treasuries Variance Decomposition and the Impact of Monetary Policy. In: International Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol 2019 (2019) No 24, p. 1506-1519. Full textCitationDetails
  • Jitmaneero, Boonlert; Lamla, Michael; Wood, Andrew: The Implications of Central Bank Transparency for Uncertainty and Disagreement. In: Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol 2019 (2019) No 90, p. 222-240. Full textCitationDetails
  • Kath, Christopher: Modeling intraday markets under the new advances of the cross-border intraday project (XBID): Evidence from the German intraday market. In: Energies, Vol 12 (2019), p. 4339. CitationDetails
  • Massing, T.; Schwinning, N.; Striewe, M.; Hanck, C.; Goedicke, M.: E-Assessment Using Variable-Content Exercises in Mathematical Statistics. In: Journal of Statistics Education, Vol 2018 (2018) No 26-3, p. 174-189. doi:10.1080/10691898.2018.1518121Full textCitationDetails
  • Schinke, A.; Erlich, I.: Impact of Distributed Photovoltaic Generation on Power System Dynamics. In: IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM) (2018). doi:10.1109/PESGM.2018.8586241Full textCitationDetails
  • Botor, B.; Böcker, B.; Kallabis, T.; Weber, C.: Information shocks and profitability risks for power plant investments - Impacts of policy instruments. 05/2018. Essen 2018. Full textCitationDetails
  • Böcker, B.; Leisen, R.; Weber, C.: Optimal capacity adjustments in electricity market models – an iterative approach based on operational margins and the relevant supply stack. 06/2018. Essen 2018. Full textCitationDetails
  • Olekseyuk, Z.; Schürenberg-Frosch, H.: Ukraine's unconsidered losses from the annexation of Crimea: What should we account for in the DCFTA forecasts?. In: Review of Development Economics (2018) No 23/2, p. 877-901. doi:10.1111/rode.12574CitationDetails

    In March 2014 Crimea unilaterally declared its independence from Ukraine and joined the Russian Federation. The separation of a part of a state's territory and economy is an interesting matter to examine. The economy of Ukraine has not only shrunk, but also changed its structure as Crimea had a quite distinct production pattern compared to the rest of Ukraine. Moreover, policy measures initialized before the separation may have different effects once applied only to a part of the former economy. This paper proposes a strategy to model the separation of part of an economy and its inclusion into another country and applies this strategy to the case of Crimea, Ukraine, and Russia. Having constructed a model for the new geographical and economic situation, we reinvestigate the possible effects of a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement between Ukraine and the EU and compare the results for the situation with Crimea as part of Ukraine. We find that the annexation of Crimea leads to severe economic losses for Ukraine which are partly overproportional compared to Crimea's economic size. These negative effects can be compensated by implementing the DCFTA with the EU as we also show in our model results.

  • Rostam-Afschar, D.; Strohmaier, K.: Does Regulation Trade-Off Quality Against Inequality? The Case for German Architects and Construction Engineers. In: British Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol 57 (2018) No 4, p. 870-893. CitationDetails
  • Massing, T.: Simulation of Student–Lévy processes using series representations. In: Computational Statistics, Vol 33 (2018) No 4, p. 1649-1685. doi:10.1007/s00180-018-0814-y Full textCitationDetails
  • Börries, S.; Hermann, A.; Ott, R.; Petters, B.; Höckner, J.: Netzbetreiberkoordination im Kontext eines Flexibilitätsmarkts und der „gelben Ampelphase“. In: emw – emw Special Smart Grids, Vol 6 (2018), p. 1-5. CitationDetails

    Den Volltext finden Sie hier.

  • Dietrich, A.; Weber, C.: Dezentrale Flexibilitäten im virtuellen Kraftwerk – Regulatorische Hemmnisse und ökonomische Potenziale. In: Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen (2018). CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Dinh, A.; Haves, M.: Krisen kompetent bewältigen? - Entwicklung eines Kompetenzmodells für die Entrepreneurship Education. In: Wittmann, E; Frommberger, D.; Ziegler, B. (Ed.): Jahrbuch der berufs- und wirtschaftspädagogischen Forschung. 1st Edition. Opladen, Berlin, Toronto 2018, p. 81-94. CitationDetails
  • Kath, Christopher; Ziel, Florian: The value of forecasts: Quantifying the economic gains of accurate quarter-hourly electricity price forecasts. In: Energy Economics, Vol 76 (2018), p. 411-423. doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2018.10.005Full textCitationDetails
  • Karlsson, Martin; Klohn, Florian; Rickayzen, Ben: The Role of Heterogeneous Parameters for the Detection of Selection in Insurance Contracts. In: Insurance: Mathematics and Economics , Vol 83 (2018) No Nov 2018, p. 110-121. doi:10.1016/j.insmatheco.2018.08.002CitationDetails
  • Hermann, A.; Börries, S.; Ott, R.; Steiner, S.; Höckner, J.: enera: Flexibilitätsmärkte für die netzdienliche Nutzung – Lösungsansätze und Chancen aus Sicht der Netzbetreiber. In: Netzpraxis, Vol 57 (2018) No 11-12, p. 51-53. CitationDetails

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  • Karlsson, Martin; Iversen, Tor; Øien, Henning: Ageing and Health Care Costs. In: Oxford Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance (2018). doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190625979.013.24CitationDetails

    There has been a rise in recent research regarding the economics on the consequences of population ageing for health care expenditure. The focus of this research is on expenditures in the last years of life and the implications for the age profile of health care spending. One open issue in the literature is whether health care expenditure is so concentrated in the last years before death that the age profiles in spending will change when longevity increases. The previous literature also finds that the age profile of health expenditures, after controlling for time to death, is dependent on the type of health care expenditure that is being predicted. Some studies find that the age is more powerful in predicting long-term care compared to health care expenditures. However, this result appears to depend on the empirical model used.

    There are conflicting findings that can be reconciled by carefully reviewing and validating the methods that have been used in the literature. In particular, there are advantages of using a two-part model for health care expenditure, in which health care utilization is allowed to have different determinants on the extensive and the intensive margin. This can be seen when this standard modeling approach is compared to alternatives that require weaker assumptions at the cost of possibly inferior fit to the data. Different proxies are evaluated for morbidity affect the estimated end-of-life costs and age profiles in spending. Using a high-quality health insurance dataset from Germany, which includes all relevant determinants of health and long-term care expenditure, the accuracy of popular methods in predictions of future health and long-term care spending are assessed. The basis for this validation exercise is the prediction accuracy within the same dataset. The endogeneity of death is an issue that has not been addressed satisfactorily in the literature, and there is a solution to the problem based on standard approaches to causal inference.

  • Hanck, C.; Arnold, M.; Gerber, A.; Schmelzer, M.: Introduction to Econometrics with R. 2018. Full textCitationDetails
  • Baginski, P.; Bellenbaum, J.; Beran, P.; Broll, R.; Felling, T.; Jahns, C.; Osinski, P.; Weber, C.: Mittelfristprognose zur deutschlandweiten Stromerzeugung aus EEG geförderten Kraftwerken für die Kalenderjahre 2019 bis 2023. Essen 2018. Full textCitationDetails
  • Ziel, Florian; Steinert, Rick: Probabilistic mid- and long-term electricity price forecasting. In: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol 94 (2018), p. 251-266. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2018.05.038Full textCitationDetails
  • Pape, C.: The impact of intraday markets on the market value of flexibility–Decomposing effects on profile and the imbalance costs. In: Energy Economics, Vol 76 (2018), p. 186-201. doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2018.10.004Full textCitationDetails
  • Bredtmann, Julia; Otten, Sebastian; Rulff, Christian: Husband's Unemployment and Wife's Labor Supply – The Added Worker Effect across Europe. In: Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol 71 (2018) No 5, p. 1201-1231. doi:10.1177/0019793917739617CitationDetails
    Husband's Unemployment and Wife's Labor Supply – The Added Worker Effect across Europe
  • Schmiel, Ute: Soll die Betriebswirtschaftslehre die Interessen anderer Akteure explizit berücksichtigen?. In: Journal for Markets and Ethics/Zeitschrift für Marktwirtschaft und Ethik, Vol 6 (2018) No 2, p. 155-169. CitationDetails
  • Felling, T.; Weber, C.: Consistent and robust delimitation of price zones under uncertainty with an application to Central Western Europe. Energy Economics Vol. 75, 2018. doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2018.09.012CitationDetails
  • Massing, T.; Reckmann, N.; Otto, B.; Hermann, K.; Hanck, C.; Goedicke, M.: Klausurprognose mit Hilfe von E-Assessment-Nutzerdaten. In: DeLFI 2018 - Die 16. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik (2018) No 284, p. 171-176. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Mehr als nur Optik - Warenpräsentation. In: APOTHEKE + MARKETING (2018) No 3, p. 22-26. PDFCitationDetails
  • Schinke, A.; Erlich, I.: Enhanced Voltage and Frequency Stability for Power Systems with High Penetration of Distributed Photovoltaic Generation. In: IFAC-Papers On Line, Vol 51 (2018) No 28, p. 31-36. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.11.673CitationDetails
  • Ziel, Florian: Quantile Regression for Qualifying Match of GEFCom2017 Probabilistic Load Forecasting. In: International Journal of Forecasting (2018). doi:10.1016/j.ijforecast.2018.07.004CitationDetails
  • Weber, C.: Für einen ökologisch und ökonomisch effizienten Kohleausstieg. In: Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen 68, Vol 2018 (2018) No 9, p. 43-48. Full textCitationDetails
  • Karlsson, Martin; Ziebarth, Nicolas: Population health effects and health-related costs of extreme temperatures: Comprehensive evidence for Germany. In: Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2018). doi:10.1016/j.jeem.2018.06.004CitationDetails

    This study assesses the short and medium-term impact of extreme temperatures on population health and health-related costs in Germany. For 1999 to 2008, we link the universe of 170 million hospital admissions and all 8 million deaths with weather and pollution data at the day-county level. Extreme heat significantly and immediately increases hospitalizations and deaths. This finding holds irrespective of whether we employ econometric models that are standard in economics or models that are standard in epidemiology; we compare and discuss both approaches. We find evidence for partial “harvesting.” At the end of a 30-day window, the immediate health effects are, on average, one quarter lower, but this reduction is primarily evident for cardiovascular and neoplastic diseases. Moreover, aggregating at the yearly level reduces the effect size by more than 90 percent. The health-related economic costs accumulate up to €5 million per 10 million population per hot day with maximum temperatures above 30 °C (86 °F).

  • Vernekar, Nisha; with Singhal, Karan: Married Women’s Education Levels and Agency Outside the Home: Evidence from Rural India. In: Bhanumurthy, N. R.; Shanmugan, K.; Nerlekar, Shriram; Hegade, Sandeep (Ed.): Advances in Finance & Applied Economics. Springer, Singapore 2018, p. 161-173. doi:10.1007/978-981-13-1696-8_10CitationDetails
  • Prüser, J.: Adaptive learning from model space (Accepted in Journal of Forecasting). In: Journal of Forecasting (2018). doi:10.1002/for.2549PDFFull textCitationDetails
  • Prüser, J.; Schlösser, A.: On the Time-Varying Effects of Economic Policy Uncertainty on the US Economy. In: Ruhr Economic Papers (2018) No 761. Full textCitationDetails
  • Steinert, Rick; Ziel, Florian: Short-to Mid-term Day-Ahead Electricity Price Forecasting Using Futures. In: The Energy Journal (2018). doi:10.5547/01956574.40.1.rsteCitationDetails
  • Schmiel, Ute: Unternehmenstheorien in der Betriebswirtschaftlichen Steuerlehre und unternehmenstheoretische Ansätze von Dieter Schneider. In: Matiaske, Wenzel; Weber, Wolfgang (Ed.): Ideengeschichte der BWL. Wiesbaden 2018, p. 171-190. CitationDetails
  • Brosig-Koch, J.; Heinrich, T.: The role of communication content and reputation in the choice of transaction partners: a study based on field and laboratory data. In: Games and Economic Behavior, Vol 112 (2018), p. 49-66. CitationDetails
  • Felten, B.; Weber, C.: The value(s) of flexible heat pumps – Assessment of technical and economic conditions. In: Applied Energy, Vol 2018 (2018) No 228. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.06.031Full textCitationDetails
  • Schinke, A.; Erlich, I.: Impact of Increasing Renewable Generation on Power System Stability. In: Proceedings of the VDE/IEEE Power and Energy Student Summit (2018). Full textCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Knobloch, C.; Ersöz, S.: Quick Service für Vor-Ort-Apotheken - Status quo und Entwicklungen innovativer Dienstleistungskonzepte. In: Bruhn, M.; Hadwich, K. (Ed.): Service Business Development - Band 1. Springer Gabler, 2018, p. 305-332. CitationDetails
  • Furtwaengler, C.; Weber, C.: Reserve Provision by CHP Units and its Impact on Equilibria in Spot and Reserve Markets. 03/2018. Essen 2018. Full textCitationDetails
  • Dietrich, A.; Weber, C.: What drives profitability of grid-connected residential PV storage systems? A closer look with focus on Germany. In: Energy Economics (2018) No 74, p. 399-416. doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2018.06.014CitationDetails
  • Cygan-Rehm, Kamila; Kuehnle, Daniel; Riphahn, Regina T.: Paid parental leave and families’ living arrangements. In: Labour Economics , Vol 2018 (2018) No 53, p. 182-197. doi:10.1016/j.labeco.2018.05.008CitationDetails

    We examine how a paid parental leave reform causally affected families’ living arrangements. The German reform we examine replaced a means-tested benefit with a universal transfer paid out for a shorter period. Combining a regression discontinuity with a difference-in-differences design, we find that the reform increased the probability that a newborn lives with non-married cohabiting parents. This effect results from a reduced risk of single parenthood among women who gained from the reform. We reject the economic independence hypothesis and argue that the reform effects for those who benefited from the reform are consistent with hypotheses related to the improved financial situation of new mothers after the reform and increased paternal involvement in childcare.

  • Jacobs, Heiko; Hillert, Alexander; Müller, Sebastian: Journalist Disagreement. In: Journal of Financial Markets, Vol 2018 (2018) No 41, p. 57-76. doi:10.1016/j.finmar.2018.09.002Full textCitationDetails
    Journalist Disagreement


    By quantifying the tone of firm-specific articles in leading national newspapers between 1989 and 2010, we propose a bottom-up measure of aggregate journalist disagreement. In line with theoretical considerations, our novel high-frequency proxy for differences of opinion negatively forecasts the market return, in particular during recessions. Moreover, it has predictive power for the cross-section of stock returns. Collectively, our insights support asset pricing theories incorporating belief dispersion and highlight the role of the media in this context.

  • Prüser, J.: Forecasting US inflation using Markov Dimension Switching. In: Ruhr Economic Papers (2018) No 710. PDFCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Lich, A. -K.: Location-based Advertising - Wie urteilen Kunden darüber?. In: GmbH, Ayway Media (Ed.): Handbuch Handel mit Zukunft. Bonn 2018, p. 152-156. Full textCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; König, S.: Was bringen QR-Codes? - Eine empirische Studie zu ihrem Nutzen an Einzelhandelsgeschäften. In: GmbH, Ayway Media (Ed.): Handbuch Handel mit Zukunft. Bonn 2018, p. 147-151. Full textCitationDetails
  • Kaiser; M.; Reutter; Sousa-Poza, M.; A.; Strohmaier; K.: Smoking and local unemployment - Evidence from Germany. In: Economics and Human Biology (2018) No 29, p. 138-147. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Category Management im Einzelhandel. In: WiSt – Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (2018) No 4, p. 11-16. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: „Betriebswirtschaftsleere" von Axel Gloger – Wem nützt das Buch?. In: Essener Kontrapunkt, Vol 3 (2018) No 1, p. 1-6. PDFCitationDetails
  • Hoga, Y.: A structural break test for extremal dependence in β-mixing random vectors. In: Biometrika, Vol 105 (2018), p. 627-643. doi:10.1093/biomet/asy030CitationDetails
  • Knobloch, C.; Schröder, H.: Vertrauen oder Kontrolle? – Was wirkt besser in der Beziehung zwischen Inhaber und Filialleiter?. In: Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung, Vol 158 (2018) No 11, p. 66-67. CitationDetails
  • Knobloch, C.; Schröder, H.: Die Bedeutung von Kontrolle und Vertrauen in Arbeitsbeziehungen. In: Essener DacApo, Vol 4 (2018) No 1. Full textCitationDetails
  • Hoga, Y.: Detecting Tail Risk Differences in Multivariate Time Series. In: Journal of Time Series Analysis, Vol 39 (2018), p. 665-689. doi:10.1111/jtsa.12292Full textCitationDetails

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  • Raasch, Jessica: Flexible Use of Residential Heat Pumps - Possibilities and Limits of Market Participation. 02/2018. Essen 2018. Full textCitationDetails
  • Pape, C.; Weber, C.; Woll, O.: Estimating the value of flexibility from real options: On the accuracy of hybrid electricity price models. Essen 2018. Full textCitationDetails
  • Thiem, C.: Cross-category Spillovers of Economic Policy Uncertainty. Ruhr Economic Papers, 2018. Full textCitationDetails

    This paper analyses the interdependence of policy uncertainty from 1985 to 2017 across six different categories of US economic policy: Monetary, fiscal, healthcare, national security, regulatory, and trade policy. To this end, we apply the Diebold and Yilmaz (2012, 2014) connectedness index methodology to the newspaper-based uncertainty indices developed by Baker et al. (2016). We find that, in total, the category-specific uncertainties are indeed closely interrelated. However, some policy categories are strong net transmitters of uncertainty spillovers (e.g. fiscal policy), while others show only a low degree of average connectedness and are predominantly net receivers (e.g. trade policy). A modified rolling-window approach further reveals that the intensity and direction of spillovers change significantly over time. The total connectedness index not only shows strong bursts related to certain events, but also exhibits a positive long-run trend. The latter is particularly driven by an increasing average connectedness of both healthcare and regulatory policy uncertainty. Finally, we highlight the different characteristics of the uncertainty network across presidential administrations, as well as before and after the most recent election.

  • Thiem, C.: Cross-category Trans-Pacific Spillovers of Policy Uncertainty and Financial Market Volatility. Ruhr Economic Papers, 2018. doi:10.4419/86788910 Full textCitationDetails

    Mit Hilfe von generalisierten Varianzdekompositionen aus Vektorautoregressionen untersuchen wir länder- und kategorieübergreifende Unsicherheits-Spillover-Effekte zwischen den USA und Japan. Dabei betrachten wir sowohl wirtschaftspolitische Unsicherheit (WPU) als auch Finanzmarktvolatilität. Unser Modell beinhaltet für jedes Land drei Maße geld-, fiskal- und handelspolitischer Unsicherheit sowie insgesamt drei Indizes für implizite Aktienmarkt- und Wechselkursvolatilität. Wir stellen zunächst fest, dass die Volatilitätsindizes in der Regel starke Netto-Sender von Spillover-Effekten gegenüber der Gruppe von WPU-Indikatoren sind. Gleichzeitig sind jedoch der japanische Aktien- und Devisenmarktvolatilitätsindex beide stärker von WPU-Spillovern betroffen als der US-amerikanische VXO. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen zudem, dass länderübergreifende WPU-Spillover im Vergleich zu inländischen Spillover-Effekten relativ klein und weniger volatil sind. Zuletzt zeigen wir, dass die Richtung der Netto-WPU-Spillover zwischen den USA und Japan sowohl zeit- als auch kategorieabhängig ist. Dabei fungieren im Laufe des Untersuchungszeitraums verschiedene WPU-Kategorien als starke Quellen von Unsicherheitsspillovern.

  • Felten, B.; Weber, C.: Modeling the Value of Flexible Heat Pumps. HEMF Working Paper No. 09/2017. Essen 2018. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3051621CitationDetails
  • Dietrich, A.; Weber, C.: Marktorientierter Betrieb von Wärmepumpen: Fallstudienbasierte Evaluierung von Flexibilitäts- und Kosteneinsparpotenzialen aus dem Projekt „Die Stadt als Speicher“. 15. Symposium Energieinnovation, 14. 02. 2018 (Ed.), Graz/Austria 2018. Full textCitationDetails
  • Ziel, Florian: Modeling public holidays in load forecasting: a German case study. In: Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, Vol 6 (2018) No 2, p. 191-207. Full textCitationDetails
  • Thiem, C.: Oil Price Uncertainty and the Business Cycle: Accounting for the Influences of Global Supply and Demand Within a VAR GARCH-In-Mean Framework. In: Applied Economics (2018), p. 1-17. doi:10.1080/00036846.2018.1436142CitationDetails
  • Ziel, Florian; Weron, Rafal: Day-ahead electricity price forecasting with high-dimensional structures: Univariate vs. multivariate modeling frameworks. In: Energy Economics, Vol 70 (2018), p. 396-420. doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2017.12.016Full textCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Category Management - Kundenbedürfnisse erkennen. In: APOTHEKE + MARKETING (2018) No 1, p. 18-22. PDFCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Klappern gehört zum Handwerk - Werbung. In: APOTHEKE + MARKETING (2018) No 4, p. 11-16. PDFCitationDetails
  • Felten, B.; Raasch, J.; Weber, C.: Photovoltaics and Heat Pumps - Limitations of Local Pricing Mechanisms. In: Energy Economics (2018) No 71, p. 383-402. doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2017.12.032Full textCitationDetails
  • Beran, P.; Pape, C.; Weber, C.: Modelling German electricity wholesale spot prices with a parsimonious fundamental model – Validation & application. 01/2018. Essen 2018. Full textCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Ersöz, S.: Per Klick zum Medikament - Update Apotheken-Apps 2018. In: APOTHEKE + MARKETING (2018) No 3. CitationDetails
  • Muniain, Peru; Ziel, Florian: Probabilistic forecasting and simulation of electricity prices. In: arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.08418 (2018). Full textCitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.: Schulfach Wirtschaft – Eine neue Chance für die Ökonomische Bildung?. In: lehrernrw, Vol 2018 (2018) No 1, p. 15-18. CitationDetails
  • Freimuth, Claudia; Oelmann, Mark; Amann, Erwin: Development and prospects of standardization in the German municipal wastewater sector. In: Science of the Total Environment, Vol 635 (2018), p. 375-389. CitationDetails
  • Beran, P.; Vogler, A.; Weber, C.: Kurz- und mittelfristige Preisprognosen: Auswahl optimaler Modellierungsansätze unter Berücksichtigung des Prognosehorizonts. VDI-Berichte, 2303. GmbH, Vdi Wissensforum (Ed.), Würzburg 2017. CitationDetails
  • Felten, B.; Baginski, P.; Weber, C.: KWK-Mindest- und Maximaleinspeisung - Die Erzeugung von Zeitreihen für die Energiesystemmodellierung. 10/2017. Essen 2017. Full textCitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Seeber, G.: Financial Literacy - Finanzielle (Grund)Bildung - Ökonomische bildung. In: Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, Vol 86 (2017) No 3, p. 69-80. CitationDetails
  • Brosig-Koch, J.; Kokot, J.; Hehenkamp, B.: The effects of competition on medical service provision. In: Health Economics, Vol 26 (2017) No S3, p. 6-20. doi:10.1002/hec.3583CitationDetails
  • Brosig-Koch, J.; Kairies-Schwarz, N.; Kokot., J.: Sorting into payment schemes and medical treatment: A laboratory experiment. In: Health Economics, Vol 26 (2017) No S3, p. 52-65. doi:10.1002/hec.3616CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; König, S: QR-Codes im stationären Einzelhandel zur Anbindung an die digitale Welt – eine empirische Bestandsaufnahme. In: Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis (2017) No 5, p. 568-584. Full textCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Preispolitik - Auf den richtigen Dreh kommt es an. In: APOTHEKE + MARKETING (2017) No 4, p. 20-24. PDFCitationDetails
  • Amann, E.; Dorlöchter, J.: Ein konvergenter Erklärungsansatz für Geldanlageentscheidungen. In: Kaluza, B; Beschorner, H.; Braun, K. D.; Rolfes, B. (Ed.): Betriebswirtschaftliche Fragen zu Steuern, Finanzierung, Banken und Management, Festschrift zum 66. Geburstag. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2017, p. 393-402. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-16730-1CitationDetails
    Ein konvergenter Erklärungsansatz für Geldanlageentscheidungen
  • Schröder, H.; Knobloch, C.; Ersöz, S.: Plattformen externer Dienstleister – ein Ansatz zur Verbesserung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Vor-Ort-Apotheken. In: Essener DacApo, Vol 3 (2017) No 2, p. 1-17. Full textCitationDetails
  • Demetrescu, M.; Hanck, C.: Multiple Testing for No Cointegration under Nonstationary Volatility. In: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Vol 80 (2017) No 3, p. 485-513. doi:10.1111/obes.12214CitationDetails
  • Kalb, Guyonne; Kuehnle, Daniel; Scott, Anthony; Cheng, Terence Chai; Jeon, Sung‐Hee: What Factors Affect Doctors' Hours Decisions: Comparing Structural Discrete Choice and Reduced-Form Approaches. In: Health Economics, Vol 2018 (2017) No 27, p. 101-119. doi:10.1002/hec.3572Full textCitationDetails

    Few papers examine the pecuniary and non-pecuniary determinants of doctors' labour supply despite substantial predicted shortages in many OECD countries. We contribute to the literature by applying both a structural discrete choice and a reduced-form approach. Using detailed survey data for Australian physicians, we examine how these different modelling approaches affect estimated wage elasticities at the intensive margin. We show that all modelling approaches predict small negative wage elasticities for male and female General Practitioners (GPs) and specialists. Our detailed subgroup analysis does not reveal particularly strong responses to wage increases by any specific group. We show that the translog and Box-Cox utility functions outperform the quadratic utility function. Exploiting the advantages of the structural discrete choice model, we examine short-term effects at the intensive margin by calculating labour supply changes in response to 5 and 10% wage increases. The results show that such wage increases substantially reduce the full-time equivalent supply of male GPs, and to a lesser extent of male specialists and female GPs, but not of female specialists.

  • Knoll, B.; Riedel, N.; Strohmaier, K.; Shamsfakhr, F.: Corporate Tax Evasion and Avoidance in Developing Countries. In: Epifantseva, Y.; Hashimzade, N.; Taylor, Francis. (Ed.): The Routledge Companion to Tax Avoidance Research. 1st Edition. Routledge, Abingdon 2017, p. 225-241. CitationDetails
  • Heitfeldt, Mark; Schmiel, Ute: Was spricht für das Besteuerungsziel "Gleichmäßigkeit der Besteuerung"? - zugleich ein Beitrag zum Problem der Begründung von Normen. In: Nienhüser, Werner; Schmiel, Ute (Ed.): Ökonomie und Gesellschaft, Steuern und Gesellschaft, Band 29. Metropolis, Marburg 2017, p. 95-126. Full textCitationDetails

    Aus der Einleitung der Herausgeber: 

    Mark Heitfeldt und Ute Schmiel erörtern in ihrem Beitrag die vom deutschen Bundesverfassungsgericht auf Art. 3 Abs. 1 GG zurückgeführte Gleichmäßigkeit der Besteuerung nach dem Maßstab wirtschaftlicher Leistungsfähigkeit. Gleichmäßige Besteuerung nach der wirtschaftlichen Leistungsfähigkeit ist das Gegenteil einer umverteilenden Steuer. Allerdings schließt Gleichmäßigkeit der Besteuerung eine progressive Besteuerung nicht aus. Bevor jedoch nicht geklärt ist, unter welchen Bedingungen die Besteuerung gleichmäßig ist, kann auch nicht gesagt werden, ob es sich bei einer Besteuerungsnorm um eine Umverteilungsnorm handelt oder nicht. Der Beitrag thematisiert jedoch nur ansatzweise die Frage, unter welchen Bedingungen die Besteuerung gleichmäßig ist. Er fokussiert vielmehr darauf, ob eine gleichmäßige Besteuerung überhaupt durch Argumente gestützt werden kann. Die VerfasserInnen bejahen dies, weil Gleichmäßigkeit der Besteuerung mit Handlungsfreiheit und Rechtsgleichheit vereinbar ist, die ihrerseits konstitutive Prinzipien und zugleich intrinsische Werte einer Marktwirtschaftsordnung sind.

    Quelle: Metropolis.

  • Dräger, Lena; Lamla, Michael: Disagreement ala Taylor: Evidence from Survey Microdata. In: Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Vol 2017 (2017) No 119, p. 987-1009. Full textCitationDetails
  • Prüser, J.; Schlösser, A.: The Effects of Economic Policy Uncertainty on European Economies: Evidence from a TVP-FAVAR. In: Ruhr Economic Papers (2017) No 708. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; (unter Mitarbeit von Dinh, A.; Patitz, S. ): Losleger – Die Potenzialanalyse zum unternehmerischen Denken und Handeln. - Berufliche Orientierung von Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen.. 1st Edition. Hamburg 2017. doi:10.17185/duepublico/44259CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Wissen gewinnen - Marktforschung für Apotheken. In: APOTHEKE + MARKETING (2017) No 3, p. 28-32. PDFCitationDetails
  • Balistreri, E. J.; Olekseyuk, Z.; Tarr, D.: Privatization and the Unusual Case of Belarusian Accession to the WTO. In: The World Economy (2017). doi:10.1111/twec.12520CitationDetails
  • Prüser, J.; Schlösser, A.: The Effects of Economic Policy Uncertainty on European Economies: Evidence from a TVP-FAVAR. Ruhr Economic Papers, 2017. doi:10.4419/86788826Full textCitationDetails

    Jüngste Ereignisse wie die Finanz- und Staatsschuldenkrise in Europa gingen mit einem Anstieg der wirtschaftspolitischen Unsicherheit (EPU) einher. Um die Effekte von EPU auf neun makroökonomische Variablen für elf Länder der Europäischen Währungsunion zu quantifizieren, verwenden wir ein TVP-FAVAR Modell mit hierarchischen Prioren. Unsere Studie zeigt erstens, dass EPU über verschiedene Kanäle, wie dem realen Options-, dem vorsorglichen Spar- und dem Finanzkanal, übertragen wird. Zweitens, basierend auf den Impuls-Antwort-Folgen (IAF) können wir zwischen den GIIPS-Ländern und den nördlichen Ländern unterscheiden, wobei erstgenannte stärker von EPU-Schocks beeinflusst werden. Drittens, während sich die IAF für acht Variablen lediglich in der Stärke und nicht im Vorzeichen unterscheiden, gibt es in jenen der langfristigen Zinsen auf Staatsanleihen Unterschiede im Vorzeichen. Viertens zeigt unsere Studie, dass Investoren stärker auf EPU-Schocks reagieren als Konsumenten. Fünftens, wir zeigen, dass EPU die gemeinsame europäische Geldpolitik beeinflusst. Sechstens liefert unsere Studie empirische Belege dafür, dass der Transmissionsmechanismus von EPU-Schocks über die Zeit konstant ist. Schlussendlich geht aus unserer Studie hervor, dass der Anstieg von EPU teilweise durch die aktuelle wirtschaftliche Lage der europäischen Volkswirtschaften erklärt werden kann, weshalb EPU als endogene Variable behandelt werden sollte.

  • Otto, B.; Massing, T.; Schwinning, N.; Reckmann, N.; Blasberg, A.; Schumann, S.; Hanck, C.; Goedicke, M.: Evaluation einer Statistiklehrveranstaltung mit dem JACK R-Modul. In: DeLFI 2017 - Die 15. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik, Volume 273 of Lecture Notes in Informatics (2017), p. 75-86. CitationDetails
  • Baginski, P.; Weber, C.: A Consumer Decision-making Process? Unfolding Energy Efficiency Decisions of German Owner-occupiers. 08/2017. Essen 2017. Full textCitationDetails
  • Knobloch, C.; Schröder, H.: Ohne Kontrolle ist alles nichts – Die Kennzahlen für die Sicht- und Freiwahl im Blick. In: Essener DacApo, Vol 3 (2017) No 1, p. 1-7. Full textCitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th. (unter Mitarbeit von Anh Phuong Dinh; Patitz), Sabrina: Kick-starter – The Potential Analysis for Entrepreneurial Talent - Vocational Orientation of Youth and Young Adults. Stiftung, Joachim Herz (Ed.), 2017. doi:10.17185/duepublico/44259CitationDetails
  • Schwinning, N.; Striewe, M.; Massing, T.; Hanck, C.; Goedicke, M.: Towards digitalisation of summative and formative assessments in academic teaching of statistics. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering (LaTiCE 2017) (2017). CitationDetails
  • Uniejewski, Bartosz; Weron, Rafal; Ziel, Florian: Variance Stabilizing Transformations for Electricity Spot Price Forecasting. In: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol 99 (2017) No 1. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2017.2734563Full textCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Lich, A. -K.: Digitale Dienstleistungen im stationären Einzelhandel als Antwort auf die Herausforderungen durch Online-Shops. In: Bruhn, M.; Hadwich, K. (Ed.): Dienstleistungen 4.0: Konzepte - Methoden - Instrumente. Band 1. Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2017, p. 483-510. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-17550-4Full textCitationDetails
  • Knobloch, C.; Schröder, H.: Kennzahlen für Platzierung und Lagerhaltung - Ohne Kontrolle ist alles nichts (Teil 2). In: AWA Aktueller Wirtschaftsdienst für Apotheker, Vol 42 (2017) No 14, p. 8-10. CitationDetails
  • Yunusov, Timur; Haben, Stephen; Lee, Tamsin; Ziel, Florian; Holderbaum, William; Potter, Ben: Evaluating the effectiveness of storage control in reducing peak demand on low voltage feeders. In: 24th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED). IET, 2017. doi:10.1049/oap-cired.2017.0626CitationDetails
  • Renz, A. A.; Weber, C.: Optimal Extraction Paths with Electric Power Generation. 07/2017. Essen 2017. Full textCitationDetails
  • Hoga, Y.: Change Point Tests for the Tail Index of β-Mixing Random Variables. In: Econometric Theory, Vol 33 (2017) No 4, p. 915-954. doi:10.1017/S0266466616000189CitationDetails
  • Hoga, Y.: Monitoring Multivariate Time Series. In: Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol 155 (2017), p. 105-121. doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2016.12.003CitationDetails
  • Countries, Martin Karlsson With 2 7 Co-Authors From Various: End-Of-Life Medical Spending in Last Twelve Months is Lower than Previously Reported. In: Health Affairs (2017). doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2017.0174CitationDetails

    Although end-of-life medical spending is often viewed as a major component of aggregate medical expenditure, accurate measures of this type of medical spending are scarce. We used detailed health care data for the period 2009–11 from Denmark, England, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Taiwan, the United States, and the Canadian province of Quebec to measure the composition and magnitude of medical spending in the three years before death. In all nine countries, medical spending at the end of life was high relative to spending at other ages. Spending during the last twelve months of life made up a modest share of aggregate spending, ranging from 8.5 percent in the United States to 11.2 percent in Taiwan, but spending in the last three calendar years of life reached 24.5 percent in Taiwan. This suggests that high aggregate medical spending is due not to last-ditch efforts to save lives but to spending on people with chronic conditions, which are associated with shorter life expectancies.

  • Knobloch, C.; Schröder, H.: Kennzahlen für Sicht- und Freiwahl im Blick - Ohne Kontrolle ist alles nichts (Teil 1). In: AWA Aktueller Wirtschaftsdienst für Apotheker, Vol 42 (2017) No 13, p. 7-9. CitationDetails
  • Ziel, Florian: Modeling the impact of wind and solar power forecasting errors on intraday electricity prices. In: 14th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM 2017). IEEE, 2017. doi:10.1109/EEM.2017.7981900Full textCitationDetails
  • Böcker, B.; Kippelt, S.; Weber, C.; Rehtanz, C.: Storage valuation in congested grids. In: IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol 2017 (2017) No 99, p. 1-1. doi:10.1109/TSG.2017.2721982Full textCitationDetails
  • Heidari, S.; Weber, C.: Modeling power-to-gas facilities in a multistage system of natural gas, electricity and emission trading markets. Gas, 1St Paris International Conference On The Economics Of Natural (Ed.), Paris, France 2017. CitationDetails
  • Heidari, S.; Weber, C.: The changing landscape of world gas markets at the horizon 2020. 2017, 14Th International Conference On The European Energy Market – Eem (Ed.), Dresden, Germany 2017. CitationDetails
  • Dustmann, Christian; Eichengreen, Barry; Otten, Sebastian; Sapir, André; Tabellini, Guido; Zoega, Gylfi: Europe's Trust Deficit: Causes and Remedies. CEPR Press, London 2017. Full textCitationDetails
    Europe's Trust Deficit: Causes and Remedies
  • Pape, C.; Vogler, A.; Woll, O.; Weber, C.: Forecasting the distributions of hourly electricity spot prices - Accounting for serial correlation patterns and non-normality of price distributions. 05/2017. Essen 2017. Full textCitationDetails

    We present a stochastic modelling approach to describe the dynamics of hourly electricity prices. The suggested methodology is a stepwise combination of several mathematical operations to adequately characterize the distribution of electricity spot prices. The basic idea is to analyze day-ahead prices as panel of 24 cross-sectional hours and to identify principal components of hourly prices to account for the cross correlation between hours. Moreover, non-normality of residuals is addressed by performing a normal quantile transformation and specifying appropriate stochastic processes for time series before fit. We highlight the importance of adequate distributional forecasts and present a framework to evaluate the distribution forecast accuracy. The application for German electricity prices 2015 reveal that: (i) An autoregressive specification of the stochastic component delivers the best distribution but not always the best point forecasting results. (ii) Only a complete evaluation of point, interval and density forecast, including formal statistical tests, can ensure a correct model choice.

  • Martin Karlsson with Juan Pablo Atal, Hanming Fang; Ziebarth, Nicolas: Exit, Voice or Loyalty? An Investigation into Mandated Portability of Front-Loaded Private Health Plans. In: Forthcoming article in Journal of Risk and Insurance (2017). doi:10.3386/w23468CitationDetails

    We study theoretically and empirically how consumers in an individual private longterm health insurance market with front-loaded contracts respond to newly mandated portability requirements of their old-age provisions. To foster competition, effective 2009, the German legislature made the portability of standardized old-age provisions mandatory. Our theoretical model predicts that the portability reform will increase internal plan switching. However, under plausible assumptions, it will not increase external insurer switching. Moreover, the portability reform will enable unhealthier enrollees to reoptimize their plans. We find confirmatory evidence for the theoretical predictions using claims panel data from a big private insurer.

  • Schröder, H.: Gut geführt ist viel gewonnen - Management und Controlling. In: Apotheker Plus, Vol 31 (2017) No 13. PDFCitationDetails
  • Dräger, Lena; Lamla, Michael: Imperfect Information and Inflation Expectations: Evidence from Microdata. In: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Vol 2017 (2017) No 79, p. 933-968. Full textCitationDetails
  • Weber, C.: Investitionen und unternehmerische Risiken in der Energiewirtschaft – zur Bedeutung von Markt, Politik und Gesellschaft. In: Kaluza, Bernd; Braun, Klaus Dieter; Beschorner, Harald; Rolfes, Bernd (Ed.): Betriebswirtschaftliche Fragen zu Steuern, Finanzierung, Banken und Management. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2017, p. 493-505. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-16730-1_33CitationDetails
  • Raasch, J.; Weber, C.: Decentralized Local Pricing – Improving Network Usage in a Smart-Grid Environment under Limited Information. Essen 2017. Full textCitationDetails
  • Cygan‐Rehm, Kamila; Kuehnle, Daniel; Oberfichtner, Michael: Bounding the causal effect of unemployment on mental health: Nonparametric evidence from four countries. In: Health Economics, Vol 2017 (2017) No 26, p. 1844-1861. doi:10.1002/hec.3510CitationDetails

    An important, yet unsettled, question in public health policy is the extent to which unemployment causally impacts mental health. The recent literature yields varying findings, which are likely due to differences in data, methods, samples, and institutional settings. Taking a more general approach, we provide comparable evidence for four countries with different institutional settings—Australia, Germany, the UK, and the United States—using a nonparametric bounds analysis. Relying on fairly weak and partially testable assumptions, our paper shows that unemployment has a significant negative effect on mental health in all countries. Our results rule out effects larger than a quarter of a standard deviation for Germany and half a standard deviation for the Anglo‐Saxon countries. The effect is significant for both men and women and materialises already for short periods of unemployment. Public policy should hence focus on early prevention of mental health problems among the unemployed.

  • Baldursson, F.; Bellenbaum, J.; Lazarczyk, E.; Niesen, L.; Weber, C.: Welfare optimal reliability and reserve provision in electricity markets with increasing shares of renewable energy sources. 05/2017. Essen 2017. Full textCitationDetails
  • Brosig-Koch, J.; Riechmann, T.; Weimann, J.: The dynamics of behavior in modified dictator games. In: PLOS ONE, Vol 12 (2017) No 4. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0176199CitationDetails
  • Olekseyuk, Z.; Balistreri, E. J.: Trade liberalization gains under different trade theories: a case study for Ukraine. In: Empirica. Journal of European Economics (2017) No 45, p. 507-542. doi:10.1007/s10663-017-9371-9CitationDetails
  • Martin Karlsson, Sonia Bhalotra; Nilsson, Therese: Infant Health and Longevity. Evidence from a Historical Trial in Sweden. In: Journal of the European Economic Association (2017). doi:10.1093/jeea/jvw028CitationDetails

    This paper investigates the potential of an infant intervention to improve life expectancy, contributing to emerging interest in the early life origins of chronic disease. We track individuals from birth to death, and are able to identify age and cause of death. The intervention was pioneered in Sweden in 1931–1933, and appears to have been pivotal in the emergence of universal infant care programmes in the Scandinavian countries during the creation of the Welfare State. It provided information and support to mothers, with an emphasis on nutrition and sanitation, while monitoring infant care through home visits and clinics. We estimate that the average duration of programme exposure in infancy led to a 1.56% point decline in the risk of infant death (24% of baseline risk) and a 2.56% point decline in the risk of dying by age 75 (7.0% of baseline risk), and these impacts are much larger for children born out of wedlock. Intervention-led declines in the risk of dying after the age of 50 are dominated by reductions in cancer and cardiovascular mortality. We find no evidence of selective utilisation, and the estimates are similar when we exploit within-mother variation in outcomes. (JEL: I15; I18; H41)

  • Kairies-Schwarz, J.; Kokot, J.; Vomhof, M.; Wessling, J.: Health Insurance Choice and Risk Preferences under Cumulative Prospect Theory – An Experiment. In: Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2017). CitationDetails
  • Hoga, Y.; Wied, D.: Sequential Monitoring of the Tail Behavior of Dependent Data. In: Journal of Statistical Planning & Inference, Vol 182 (2017), p. 29-49. doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2016.08.010CitationDetails
  • Hoga, Y.: Testing for Changes in (Extreme) VaR. In: Econometrics Journal, Vol 20 (2017), p. 23-51. doi:10.1111/ectj.12080CitationDetails
  • Thiem, C.: Oil Price Uncertainty and the Business Cycle: Accounting for the Influences of Global Supply and Demand Within a VAR GARCH-In-Mean Framework. Ruhr Economic Papers, 2017. doi:10.4419/86788782CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Strategisch denken - Apothekenmarketing. In: Apotheker Plus, Vol 31 (2017) No 8. PDFCitationDetails
  • Felten, B.; Raasch, J.; Weber, C.: Photovoltaics and Heat Pumps – Limitations of Local Pricing Mechanisms. 02/2017. Essen 2017. Full textCitationDetails
  • Dietrich, A.: Valorization of Aggregated Decentral Flexibilities. In: Derksen, Christian; Weber, Christoph (Ed.): Smart Energy Research. At the Crossroads of Engineering, Economics, and Computer Science - 3rd and 4th IFIP TC 12 International Conferences, SmartER Europe 2016 and 2017, Essen, Germany, February 16-18, 2016, and February 9, 2017, Revised Selected Papers. 1st Edition. Springer International Publishing, Essen 2017, p. 178-187. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-66553-5CitationDetails
  • Brosig-Koch; J.; Hennig-Schmidt, H.; Kairies-Schwarz, N.; Wiesen, D.: The Effects of Introducing Mixed Payment Systems for Physicians: Experimental Evidence. In: Health Economics, Vol 26 (2017) No 2, p. 243-262. doi:10.1002/hec.3292CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Strategisch denken - Basiswissen zu Apothekenmarketing. In: APOTHEKE + MARKETING (2017) No 1, p. 20-24. PDFCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Gut geführt - Basiswissen Management und Controlling. In: APOTHEKE + MARKETING (2017) No 1, p. 34-38. PDFCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Wissen gewinnen - Marktforschung für Apotheken. In: APOTHEKE + MARKETING (2017) No 3, p. 28-32. PDFCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Preispolitik - Auf den richitgen Dreh kommt es an. In: APOTHEKE + MARKETING (2017) No 4, p. 20-24. PDFCitationDetails
  • Bucksteeg, M.; Spiecker, S.; Weber, C.: Impact of Coordinated Capacity Mechanisms on the European Power Market. 01/2017. Essen 2017. Full textCitationDetails
  • Broadway, Barbara; Kalb, Guyonne; Kuehnle, Daniel; Maeder, Miriam: Paid Parental Leave and Child Health in Australia. In: Economic Record, Vol 2017 (2017) No 93, p. 214-237. doi:10.1111/1475-4932.12311CitationDetails

    Providing mothers with access to paid parental leave may be an important public policy to improve child and maternal health. Using extensive information from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children, we estimate how paid parental leave entitlements influence children's health up to age 7. Exploiting detailed information on children's health, family background, mothers’ pre‐birth work histories and mothers’ health behaviours during pregnancy, we show that paid parental leave entitlements go together with a reduced probability of a child having multiple ongoing health conditions, but show no significant correlation with any single condition. We find that the reduction in multiple conditions is strongest for children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. Our study implies that the provision of paid parental leave for short periods is unlikely to substantially improve child health on average, but may potentially benefit the health of more disadvantaged children.

  • Kiesel, R.; Paraschiv, F.: Econometric analysis of 15-minute intraday electricity prices. In: Energy Economics, Vol 64 (2017), p. 77-90. Full textCitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; mit Haves, M.; Kaulvers, Chr.: Das Praxissemester zwischen pädagogischer und akademischer Praxis.. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Wirtschaft und Pädagogik, Vol 2017 (2017) No 63, p. 45-66. CitationDetails
  • Heiko Jacobs, Martin Weber: Random Walk plus Drift - Was Aktienkurse wirklich sind - Behavioral Finance Band 28. 28. Group, Behavioral Finance (Ed.), 2016. CitationDetails
  • Knobloch, C.; Nünning, C.: Der Prinzipal und sein Agent in der Apotheke - Eine nobelpreiswürdige Theorie für die Arbeitsbeziehung zwischen Apothekeninhaber und Filialleiter. In: Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung, Vol 156 (2016) No 50, p. 22-28. CitationDetails
  • Jacobs, Heiko; Müller, Sebastian; Weber, Martin: Anlegen mit fundierter Diversifikation - Auf der Suche nach dem bestmöglichen „Weltportfolio". 17. Group, Behavioral Finance (Ed.), 2016. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th. (Ed.): Ökonomische Bildung in der Schule - Wirtschaftsdidaktische Schriften aus zwei Jahrzehnten. 1st Edition. Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach/Ts. 2016. CitationDetails
  • Jacobs, Heiko: Market Maturity and Mispricing. In: Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 2016 (2016) No 122, p. 270-287. doi:10.1016/j.jfineco.2016.01.030Full textCitationDetails
    Market Maturity and Mispricing


    Relying on the Stambaugh, Yu, and Yuan (2015) mispricing score and on 45 countries between 1994 and 2013, I document economically meaningful and statistically significant cross-sectional stock return predictability around the globe. In contrast to the widely held belief, mispricing associated with the 11 long/short anomalies underlying the composite ranking measure appears to be at least as prevalent in developed markets as in emerging markets. Additional support for this conjecture is obtained, among others, from tests for biased expectations based on the behavior of anomaly spreads surrounding earnings announcements as well as from within-country variation in development.

  • Hanck, C.: I just ran two trillion regressions. In: Economics Bulletin, Vol 36 (2016) No 4, p. 2037-2042. Full textCitationDetails
  • Costa-I-Font, Joan; Karlsson, Martin; Øien, Henning: Careful in the Crisis? Determinants of Older People’s Informal Care Receipt in Crisis-Struck European Countries. In: Health Economics (2016) No 25(S2), p. 25-42. doi:10.1002/hec.3385CitationDetails

    Macroeconomic downturns can have an important impact on the receipt of informal and formal long-term care, because recessions increase the number of unemployed and affect net wealth. This paper investigates how the market for informal care changed during and after the Great Recession in Europe, with particular focus on the determinants of care receipt. We use data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, which includes a rich set of variables covering waves before and after the Great Recession. We find evidence of an increase in the availability of informal care after the economic downturn when controlling for year and country fixed effects. This trend is mainly driven by changes in care provision of individuals not cohabiting with the care recipient. We also find evidence of several determinants of informal care receipt changing during the crisis – such as physical needs, personal wealth, and household structures. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  • Brosig-Koch; J.; Hennig-Schmidt, H.; Kairies-Schwarz, N.; Wiesen, D.: Using artefactual field and lab experiments to investigate how fee-for-service and capitation affect medical service provision. In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2016) No 131(B), p. 17-23. doi:10.1016/j.jebo.2015.04.011CitationDetails
  • Ziel, Florian: Forecasting Electricity Spot Prices Using Lasso: On Capturing the Autoregressive Intraday Structure. In: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol 31 (2016) No 6, p. 4977-4987. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2016.2521545Full textCitationDetails
  • Brosig-Koch, J.; Güth, W.; Weiland, T.: Comparing the effectiveness of collusion devices in first-price procurement: An auction experiment. In: Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, Vol 13 (2016) No 2, p. 269-295. CitationDetails
  • Wollschläger, M.; Schäfer, R.: Impact of nonstationarity on estimating and modeling empirical copulas of daily stock returns. In: Journal of Risk, Vol 19 (2016) No 1, p. 1-23. doi:10.21314/JOR.2016.342Full textCitationDetails
  • Knobloch, C.; Nünning, C.: Die Prinzipal-Agent-Theorie als Instrument für die Analyse der Arbeitsbeziehung zwischen Apothekeninhaber und Filialleiter. In: Essener DacApo, Vol 2 (2016) No 4, p. 1-12. Full textCitationDetails
  • Kollenberg, S.; Taschini, L.: Emissions trading systems with cap adjustments. In: Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2016). doi:10.1016/j.jeem.2016.09.003CitationDetails

    Emissions Trading Systems (ETSs) with fixed caps lack provisions to address systematic imbalances in the supply and demand of permits due to changes in the state of the regulated economy. We propose a mechanism which adjusts the allocation of permits based on the current bank of permits. The mechanism spans the spectrum between a pure quantity instrument and a pure price instrument. We solve the firms' emissions control problem and obtain an explicit dependency between the key policy stringency parameter – the adjustment rate – and the firms' abatement and trading strategies. We present an analytical tool for selecting the optimal adjustment rate under both risk-neutrality and risk-aversion, which provides an analytical basis for the regulator's choice of a responsive ETS policy.

  • Retzmann, Th.; Mit Bernd Remmele; Seeber), Günther: Zur Differenzierung der Kompetenzbereiche ökonomischer Bildung. In: Dietzen, Agnes; Nickolaus, Reinhold; Rammstedt, Beatrice; Weiß, Reinhold (Ed.): Kompetenzorientierung. Berufliche Kompetenzen entwickeln, messen und anerkennen. BIBB, Bonn 2016, p. 71-84. CitationDetails
  • Demetrescu, M.; Hanck, C.: Robust Inference for Near-Unit Root Processes with Time-Varying Error Variances. In: Econometric Reviews, Vol 35 (2016) No 5, p. 751-781. doi:10.1080/07474938.2014.976525CitationDetails
  • Ziel, Florian; Croonenbroeck, Carsten; Ambach, Daniel: Forecasting wind power - Modeling periodic and non-linear effects under conditional heteroscedasticity. In: Applied Energy, Vol 177 (2016), p. 285-297. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.05.111Full textCitationDetails
  • Ziel, Florian; Steinert, Rick: Electricity price forecasting using sale and purchase curves: The X-Model. In: Energy Economics, Vol 59 (2016), p. 435-454. doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2016.08.008Full textCitationDetails
  • Kiesel, R.; Rühlicke, R.; Stahl, G.; Zheng, J.: The Wasserstein Metric and Robustness in Risk Management. In: Risks, Vol 4 (2016) No 32. doi:10.3390/risks4030032CitationDetails
  • Kallabis, T.; Pape, C.; Weber, C.: The plunge in German electricity futures prices – Analysis using a parsimonious fundamental model. In: Energy Policy , Vol 2016 (2016) No 95, p. 280-290. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2016.04.025CitationDetails
  • Ziel, Florian: Iteratively reweighted adaptive lasso for conditional heteroscedastic time series with applications to AR-ARCH type processes. In: Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Vol 100 (2016), p. 773-793. doi:10.1016/j.csda.2015.11.016Full textCitationDetails
  • Schmiel, Ute: Steuerliche Leistungsfähigkeit von Publikumsgesellschaften: Sind Publikumsgesellschaften Netzwerke von Verträgen oder korporative Akteure?. In: ORDO - Jahrbuch für Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. 2016, p. 75-100. CitationDetails
  • Schmiel, Ute; Wagenknecht, Michael: Evolutorische Gleichmäßigkeit der Besteuerung und Ertragsbesteuerung der Übertragung einzelner Wirtschaftsgüter zwischen Schwesterpersonengesellschaften. In: Eckert, Stefan; Trautnitz, Georg (Ed.) Wiesbaden 2016. CitationDetails
  • Baldursson, F. M; Bellenbaum, J.; Lazarczyk, E.; Niesen, L.; Weber, C.: Optimal reliability and reserve provision in electricity markets with increasing shares of renewable energy sources - analytical insights. In: Ieee (Ed.): IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON) . Leuven, Leuven 2016, p. 1-6. doi:10.1109/ENERGYCON.2016.7513909CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Benchmarking. In: Zollondz, H. -D.; Ketting, M.; Pfundtner, R. (Ed.): Lexikon Qualitätsmanagement. 2nd Edition. Oldenbourg, Berlin, Boston 2016, p. 77-80. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Category Management. In: Zollondz, H. -D.; Ketting, M.; Pfundtner, R. (Ed.): Lexikon Qualitätsmanagement. 2nd Edition. Oldenbourg, Berlin, Boston 2016, p. 136-140. CitationDetails
  • Bauermann, K.: German Energiewende and the Heating Market - Impact and Limits of Policy. In: Energy Policy, Vol 2016 (2016) No 94, p. 235-246. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2016.03.041CitationDetails
  • Ziel, Florian; Liu, Bidong: Lasso estimation for GEFCom2014 probabilistic electric load forecasting. In: International Journal of Forecasting, Vol 32 (2016) No 3, p. 1029-1037. doi:10.1016/j.ijforecast.2016.01.001Full textCitationDetails
  • Steffen, B.; Weber, C.: Optimal operation of pumped-hydro storage plants with continuous time-varying power prices. In: European Journal of Operational Research, Vol 2016 (2016) No 252, p. 308-321. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2016.01.005Full textCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Knobloch, C.: Das Potenzial der Freiwahl nutzen - Zur Bewirtschaftung des apothekenüblichen Ergänzungssortiments. In: Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung, Vol 156 (2016) No 26, p. 52-56. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Knobloch, C.: Das Potenzial der Freiwahl nutzen - Zur Bewirtschaftung des apothekenüblichen Ergänzungssortiments. In: Essener DacApo, Vol 2 (2016) No 3, p. 1-7. Full textCitationDetails
  • Knobloch, C.; Schröder, H.: Wie erfolgreich ist Ihre Sichtwahl?. In: Pharmazeutische Zeitung, Vol 161 (2016) No 23, p. 42-48. Full textCitationDetails
  • Knobloch, C.; Schröder, H.: Das Potenzial der Sichtwahl nutzen - Kennzahlengesteuerte Sortimentsverbesserung in der Apotheke. In: Essener DacApo, Vol 2 (2016) No 2, p. 1-9. Full textCitationDetails
  • Sander, Hendrik; Schmiel, Ute: Steuerliche Behandlung von Liquidationsverlusten nach § 20 Abs. 2 S. 2 EStG: Eine Steuerrechtsauslegung unter Berücksichtigung von Steuerwirkungshypothesen. In: Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis (BFuP) (2016) No 4, p. 335-358. CitationDetails
  • Hanck, C.; Prüser, J.: House Prices and Interest Rates - Bayesian Evidence from Germany. In: Ruhr Economic Papers (2016) No 620. CitationDetails
  • Schurer, Stefanie; Kuehnle, Daniel; Scott, Anthony; Cheng, Terence C.: A Man's Blessing or a Woman's Curse? The Family Earnings Gap of Doctors. In: Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society, Vol 2016 (2016) No 55, p. 385-414. doi:10.1111/irel.12143CitationDetails

    We examine the size and determinants of the family earnings gap for Australian general practitioners (GPs). Female GPs with children earn more than $30,000 less than comparable female GPs without children, while male GPs with children earn more than $45,000 more than comparable male GPs without children. The main determinants of the family gap are differences in observable characteristics such as working hours, labor‐force attachment, and demographics, and additionally, for men, entrepreneurship and practice size. A fixed‐effects extension of the analysis confirms both the carer effect of children on female GPs and the breadwinner effect of children on male GPs.

  • Dräger, Lena; Lamla, Michael; Pfajfar, Damjan: Are Survey Expectations Theory-Consistent? The Role of Central Bank Communication and News. In: European Economic Review, Vol 2016 (2016) No 85, p. 84-111. Full textCitationDetails
  • Jacobs, Heiko; Hillert, Alexander: Alphabetic Bias, Investor Recognition, and Trading Behavior. In: Review of Finance, Vol 2016 (2016) No 20, p. 693-723. doi:10.1093/rof/rfv060Full textCitationDetails
    Alphabetic Bias, Investor Recognition, and Trading Behavior


    Extensive research has revealed that alphabetical name ordering tends to provide an advantage to those positioned in the beginning of an alphabetical listing. This paper is the first to explore the implications of this alphabetic bias in financial markets. We find that U.S. stocks that appear near the top of an alphabetical listing have about 5% to 15% higher trading activity and liquidity than stocks that appear towards the bottom. The magnitude of these results is negatively related to firm visibility and investor sophistication. International evidence and fund flows further indicate that ordering effects can affect trading activity and liquidity.

  • Weber, C.; Nickol, P.: More on Calendar Effects on Islamic Stock Markets. In: Review of Middle East Economics and Finance (2016) No 12/1, p. 65-113. Full textCitationDetails
  • Karlsson, Martin; Avdic, Daniel: Growth in Earnings and Health: Nothing is as Practical as a Good Theory. In: Review of Income and Wealth (2016). doi:10.1111/roiw.12243CitationDetails

    We discuss some issues associated with the empirical analysis of the relationship between socioeconomic status and health. We point out that, in addition to elaborate empirical modeling and good data, a conceptual framework is helpful both for making sense of one's own results and for the purpose of reconciling results across studies. We find that when we align the empirical specification with the Grossman model, a negative effect of income on health emerges. Even though this unexpected finding can be rationalized, we think that some caution regarding standard dynamic panel data techniques is warranted in this context.

  • Karlsson, Martin; Klein, Tobias; Ziebarth, Nicolas: Skewed, Persistent and High before Death: Medical Spending in Germany. In: Fiscal Studies, Vol 37 (2016) No 3-4, p. 527-559. doi:10.1111/j.1475-5890.2016.12108CitationDetails

    We use claims panel data from a big German private health insurer to provide detailed individual-level evidence on medical spending between 2005 and 2011. This includes evidence on the distribution of medical spending, the dependence of medical spending on age and other demographic characteristics, its persistence, and how medical spending evolves in the years before death. Our main findings are that health care spending more than doubles between ages 50 and 80 and that spending is very concentrated: the top 10 per cent of all spenders are responsible for 53 per cent of all medical spending in a given year. There is a 50 per cent probability that individual expenditures lie in the same quintile of the distribution after five years, for both very-high- and very-low-cost individuals. Medical spending in the year of death is six times higher for the deceased than for everybody else in that year and accounts for 7.9 per cent of lifetime spending. Females use more office-based care and have higher spending at younger ages, whereas males have higher spending at older ages, particularly for hospital care, and die younger. The presentation of these empirical facts is framed by an institutional discussion of the German health care system, a comparison between publicly- and privately-insured individuals, and a discussion of medical spending trends in aggregate-level data.

  • Ziel, Florian: Modelling and forecasting electricity load using lasso methods. In: Modern Electric Power Systems (MEPS), 2015. IEEE, 2016, p. 1-6. doi:10.1109/MEPS.2015.7477217Full textCitationDetails
  • Brancucci Martinez-Anido, C.; Botor, B.; Florita, A. R.; Draxl, C.; Lu, S.; Hamann, H. F.; Hodge, B. -M. :: The value of day-ahead solar power forecasting improvement. In: Solar Energy, Vol 2016 (2016) No 192, p. 192-203. Full textCitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Mit Felix Frühauf: Financial literacy in Germany. In: Aprea, Carmela; Breuer, Klaus; Davies, Peter et al. [Ed. ] (Ed.): International Handbook of Financial Literacy. Singapore 2016, p. 263-276. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Mit Günther Seeber: (referiert) Financial Education in General Education Schools - A Competence Model. In: Aprea, Carmela; Breuer, Klaus; Davies, Peter et al. [Ed. ] (Ed.): International Handbook of Financial Literacy . Singapore 2016, p. 9-23. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.: Ein integratives Kompetenzmodell für die ökonomische Bildung - Wozu ein Kompetenzmodell für die ökonomische Domäne? . In: Unterricht Wirtschaft + Politik, Vol 6 (2016) No 2, p. 50-54. CitationDetails
  • Bucksteeg, M.; Niesen, L.; Weber, C.: Impacts of Dynamic Probabilistic Reserve Sizing Techniques on Reserve Requirements and System Costs. In: IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy (2016) No 7, p. 1408-1420. doi:10.1109/TSTE.2016.2555483CitationDetails
  • Olekseyuk, Z.: Modeling of FDI in business services: additional effects in case of Ukraine's European integration. In: The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development (2016) No 25 (7), p. 1010-1043. Full textCitationDetails
  • Wagenknecht, Michael: Der Einfluss der Besteuerung auf Finanzierungsentscheidungen. Eine methodologische Untersuchung, zugl. Diss. rer. pol.. Universität Duisburg-Essen 2015, Wiesbaden 2016. CitationDetails
  • Olekseyuk, Z.; Schürenberg-Frosch, H.: Are Armington Elasticities Different Across Aountries and Sectors? A European Study. In: Economic Modelling (2016) No 55, p. 328-342. Full textCitationDetails
  • Kollenberg, S.; Taschini, L.: Dynamic Supply Adjustment and Banking Under Uncertainty - The Market Stability Reserve. Working Paper. 2016. Full textCitationDetails
  • Kiesel, R.; Rahe, F.: Option pricing under time-varying risk aversion with applications to risk forecasting. In: Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol 76 (2016) No 3, p. 120-138. Full textCitationDetails
  • Pape, C.; Weber, C.; Hagemann, S.: Are Fundamentals Enough? Explaining Price Variations in the German Day-Ahead and Intraday Power Market. In: Energy Economics, Vol 2016 (2016) No 54, p. 376-387. doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2015.12.013CitationDetails
  • Pape, C.; Biegler-König, R.; Weber, C.: Erstellung einer viertelstündlichen Price Forward Curve für elektrische Energie. In: Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, Vol 2016 (2016) No 1/2, p. 50-53. CitationDetails
  • Knobloch, C.; Schröder, H.: A wie App – Digitale Wege, um Kunden zu gewinnen. In: APOTHEKE + MARKETING (2016) No 1, p. 15-18. Full textCitationDetails
  • Knobloch, C.; Schröder, H.: Apps für Apothekenkunden. In: Essener DacApo, Vol 2 (2016) No 1, p. 1-10. Full textCitationDetails
  • Daniel Kuehnle, Christoph Wunder: The Effects of Smoking Bans on Self‐Assessed Health: Evidence from Germany. In: Health Economics, Vol 2017 (2016) No 26, p. 321-337. doi:10.1002/hec.3310CitationDetails

    We examine the effects of smoking bans on self‐assessed health in Germany taking into account heterogeneities by smoking status, gender and age. We exploit regional variation in the dates of enactment and dates of enforcement across German federal states. Using data from the German Socio‐Economic Panel, our difference‐in‐differences estimates show that non‐smokers' health improves, whereas smokers report no or even adverse health effects in response to bans. We find statistically significant health improvements especially for non‐smokers living in households with at least one smoker. Non smokers' health improvements materialise largely with the enactment of smoking bans. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  • Weitz, Alexander: Der gesetzliche Zweck als Maßstab zur Beurteilung der IAS/IFRS im Rahmen einer Zweckmäßigkeitsanalyse. Berlin 2016. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Jäger, D.: Online-Shops im Einzelhandel – von Produktanbietern zu Problemlösern. In: Bruhn, M.; Hadwich, K. (Ed.): Servicetransformation: Entwicklung vom Produktanbieter zum Dienstleistungsunternehmen. Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement. Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden 2016, p. 697-724. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-11097-0Full textCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Kundencontrolling im Einzelhandel. In: Controlling (2016) No 1/2016, p. 4-10. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Bank, Mit Volker: Stichwort: „Ökonomische Bildung“. In: DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung, Vol 23 (2016) No I, p. 20-21. CitationDetails
  • Kiesel, R.; Mroz, M.; Stadtmüller, U.: Time-Varying Copula Models for Financial Time Series. In: Probability, Analysis and Number Theory, Vol 48 (2016), p. 159-180. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4894.5368CitationDetails
  • Kiesel, R.; Kustermann, M.: Structural Models for Coupled Electricity Markets. In: Journal of Commodity Markets, Vol 3 (2016) No 1, p. 1638. Full textCitationDetails
  • Dormann, M.; Gerholz, K. -H.; Schmieden, A.; Spitzner, S.: Was hat das Füllwort „Ähm“ mit gutem Unterricht zu tun? - Eine empirische Untersuchung zum paraverbalen Kommunikationsverhalten von angehenden Lehrkräften. In: Wirtschaft und Erziehung, Vol 2016 (2016) No 7, p. 254-261. CitationDetails
  • Jacobs, Heiko: What Explains the Dynamics of 100 Anomalies?. In: Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol 2015 (2015) No 57, p. 65-85. doi:10.1016/j.jbankfin.2015.03.006Full textCitationDetails
    What Explains the Dynamics of 100 Anomalies?


    Are anomalies strongest when investor sentiment or limits of arbitrage are considered to be greatest? We empirically explore these theoretically deducted predictions. We first identify, categorize, and replicate 100 long-short anomalies in the cross-section of expected equity returns. We then comprehensively study their interaction with popular proxies for time-varying market-level sentiment and arbitrage conditions. We find a powerful (relatively weak) role of the variation in proxies for sentiment (arbitrage constraints). In this context, the predictive power of sentiment is mostly restricted to the short leg of strategy returns. Our insights collectively suggest that the dynamics of sentiment combined with the base level (and not primarily the variations) of limits to arbitrage provide at least a partial explanation for inefficiencies.

  • Trepper, K.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Market Splitting in Germany - New evidence from a three-stage numerical model of Europe. In: Energy Policy, Vol 2015 (2015) No 87, p. 199-215. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2015.08.016Full textCitationDetails
  • Daniel Kuehnle, Christoph Wunder: Using the Life Satisfaction Approach to Value Daylight Savings Time Transitions: Evidence from Britain and Germany. In: Journal of Happiness Studies, Vol 2016 (2015) No 17, p. 2293-2323. doi:10.1007/s10902-015-9695-8CitationDetails

    Daylight savings time represents a public good with costs and benefits. We provide the first comprehensive examination of the welfare effects of the spring and autumn transitions for the UK and Germany. Using individual-level data and a regression discontinuity design, we estimate the effect of the transitions on life satisfaction. Our results show that individuals in both the UK and Germany experience deteriorations in life satisfaction in the first week after the spring transition. We find no effect of the autumn transition. We attribute the negative effect of the spring transition to the reduction in the time endowment and the process of adjusting to the disruption in circadian rhythms. The effects are particularly strong for individuals with young children in the household. We conclude that the higher the shadow price of time, the more difficult is adjustment. Presumably, an increase in flexibility to reallocate time could reduce the welfare loss for individuals with binding time constraints.

  • Bucksteeg, M.; Niesen, L.; Weber, C.: Dynamische Reservebemessung - Implikationen für den zukünftigen Regelleistungsbedarf und die Systemkosten. In: Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft VDI-Berichte Nr. 2266 (2015), p. 165-177. CitationDetails

    Mit dem weiteren Ausbau fluktuierender erneuerbarer Energien (EE) steigen in Zukunft die Anforderungen an die Aufrechterhaltung der Systembilanz. Aufgrund der Variabilität und Unvorhersehbarkeit der EE-Einspeisung wird sich der Regelleistungsbedarf in Zukunft erhöhen. Um dem entgegenzuwirken, sind adäquate Reservebemessungsverfahren von großer Bedeutung. Während in der Praxis in der Regel einfache deterministische oder probabilistische Modelle angewendet werden, entwickeln wir in diesem Beitrag ein verbessertes dynamisches Verfahren zur Reservebemessung unter Verwendung nichtparametrischer Verteilungen zur Beschreibung der Prognosefehler. Ein weiterer Mehrwert des vorgestellten Ansatzes besteht in der Berücksichtigung zeitabhängiger Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen für Kraftwerksausfälle und einer anschließenden Faltung von konditionalen Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen für Last-, Wind- und Solarprognosefehler. Das dynamische Verfahren wird mit einem statischen Ansatz zur Reservebemessung mit unkonditionalen Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen verglichen. Basierend auf historischen Daten quantifizieren wir den Regelleistungsbedarf und analysieren die ökonomischen Auswirkungen dynamischer Reservebedarfe mit Hilfe einer Fallstudie für Deutschland und die Betrachtungsjahre 2013 und 2030.

  • Kitzing, L.; Weber, C.: Support mechanisms for renewables: How risk exposure influences investment incentives. In: International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management (2015) No 7, p. 117-134. doi:10.5278/ijsepm.2015.7.9Full textCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Einkauf kann Spaß machen - gern mit digitaler Unterstützung. In: LebensmittelPraxis (2015) No 15, p. 18-19. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Knobloch, C.: Wie Kunden in Apotheken einkaufen: Wissen erlangen über das Kundenverhalten – auch für Apotheken sinnvoll. In: Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung, Vol 155 (2015) No 42, p. 22-28. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Knobloch, C.: Wie Kunden in Apotheken einkaufen. In: Essener DacApo, Vol 1 (2015) No 2, p. 1-9. Full textCitationDetails
  • Karlsson, Martin; Pichler, Stefan: Demographic Consequences of HIV. In: Journal of Population Economics, Vol 28 (2015) No 4, p. 1097-1135. doi:10.1007/s00148-015-0547-yCitationDetails

    In this study, we estimate the effect of the HIV epidemic on demographic outcomes in three countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. We apply the synthetic control group method and estimate the consequences for life expectancy, mortality, and birth rates. According to standard measures of fit, the method seems to perform well for all countries and outcomes. Our results show a large effect on life expectancy and mortality in two countries, and a small and insignificant effect on birth rates. The impact of the pandemic is very heterogeneous. In Mozambique, the impact of HIV on life expectancy and mortality appears to have been surprisingly small. This heterogeneity is not due to AIDS causing fewer deaths in Mozambique than in the two other countries. Instead, the net effect of HIV in Mozambique appears to be diminished by reduced mortality for other causes—in particular child mortality, respiratory infections, and injuries.

  • Just, S.: The German Market for System Reserve Capacity and Balancing. 06/2015. Essen 2015. Full textCitationDetails
  • Ziel, Florian; Steinert, Rick; Husmann, Sven: Forecasting day ahead electricity spot prices: The impact of the EXAA to other European electricity markets. In: Energy Economics, Vol 51 (2015), p. 430-444. doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2015.08.005Full textCitationDetails
  • Böcker, B.; Weber, C.: Different storages and different time-variable operation modes of energy storages in future electricity markets. 2015. doi:10.1109/EEM.2015.7216686CitationDetails
  • Bellenbaum, J.; Weber, C.: Probabilistic welfare analysis for system adequacy — Analytical and numerical insights. In: Ieee (Ed.): 12th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM) . Lisbon 2015, p. 1-5. doi:10.1109/EEM.2015.7216747CitationDetails
  • Chetalova, D.; Wollschläger, M.; Schäfer, R.: Dependence structure of market states. In: Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (2015) No P08012, p. 1-19. doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2015/08/P08012Full textCitationDetails
  • Schober, D.; Weber, C.: Refinancing under Yardstick Regulation with Investment Cycles–The Case of Long-Lived Electricity Network Assets. 21/13. Essen 2015. Full textCitationDetails
  • Fritz, A.; Stein, M.; Weber, C.: The Role of Heterogeneous Agents in Fuel Markets: Testing Tales of Speculators in Oil Markets. 05/2015. Essen 2015. Full textCitationDetails
  • Böcker, B.; Steffen, B.; Weber, C.: Photovoltaics and Storage Plants: Efficient Capacities in a System View. In: Sorensen, Bent (Ed.): Solar Energy Storage. 1st Edition. ELSEVIER, 2015, p. 209-224. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-409540-3.00009-8Full textCitationDetails
    Photovoltaics and Storage Plants: Efficient Capacities in a System View
  • Schröder, H.; König, S.: Pure Player setzen meist auf den Versand - Händler, die ihre Lebensmittel nur via Online-Shop offerieren, sind bei den Logistiklösungen konservativ.. In: LebensmittelPraxis (2015) No 10, p. 20-21. Full textCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Hofmann, S.; König, S.: QR-Codes an Schaufenstern und Fassaden im stationären Einzelhandel - eine Bestandsaufnahme in zwei Städten. In: Deutscher Dialogmarketing Verband e. V. (Ed.): Dialogmarketing Perspektiven 2014/2015. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2015, p. 261-275. CitationDetails
  • Böcker, B.; Weber, C.: Different Storages and Different Time-Variable Operation Modes of Energy Storages in Future Electricity Markets. In: Ieee (Ed.): 12th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 2015 . Lisbon 2015, p. 1-6. doi:10.1109/EEM.2015.7216686Full textCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; König, S.: Logistikmix ist bei Pure Playern nicht angesagt - Händler, die Lebensmittel nur online vertreiben, liefern entweder selbst aus oder versenden - der Mix ist selten.. In: LebensmittelPraxis (2015) No 9, p. 20-21. Full textCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Knobloch, C.: Erst rechnen, dann rotieren: Kosten beim Lieferservice im Blick behalten. In: APOTHEKE + MARKETING (2015) No 5, p. 14-17. Full textCitationDetails
  • Barth, H.; Hartmann, M.; Schröder, H.: Betriebswirtschaftslehre des Handels. 7th Edition. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2015. CitationDetails
    Betriebswirtschaftslehre des Handels
  • Schröder, H.; König, S.: Wie gestalten hybride Handelssysteme ihren Online-Vertrieb von Lebensmitteln? - Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Auslieferung. In: LebensmittelPraxis, Vol 2015 (2015) No 19, p. 16-17. PDFCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Knobloch, C.: Wenn eine Apotheke den Rezeptdienst von Ordermed nutzen möchte, sollte sie vorher rechnen!. In: Essener DacApo, Vol 1 (2015) No 1, p. 1-9. Full textCitationDetails
  • Bucksteeg, M.; Trepper, K.; Weber, C.: Impacts of renewables generation and demand patterns on net transfer capacity: implications for effectiveness of market splitting in Germany. In: IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol 2015 (2015), p. 1-9. doi:10.1049/iet-gtd.2014.1063CitationDetails
  • Beckmann; J.; Berger, T.; Czudaj, R.: Oil Price and FX-Rates Dependency. In: Quantitative Finance, forthcoming (2015). doi:10.1080/14697688.2015.1045930CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Jäger, D.: Kundenorientierte Preisstruktur - Ein vernachlässigtes Handlungsfeld. In: planung & analyse (2015) No 2, p. 50-51. CitationDetails
  • Beckmann; J.; Belke, A.; Czudaj, R.: Productivity Shocks and Real Effective Exchange Rates. In: Review of Development Economics, forthcoming (2015). CitationDetails
  • Hagemann, S.; Weber, C.: Trading Volumes in Intraday Markets - Theoretical Reference Model and Empirical Observations in Selected European Markets. 03/2015. Essen 2015. Full textCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; König, S.: Können Filialunternehmen auch "multichannel" - Wie arbeiten Filialunternehmen im Internet? Eine Studie der Universität Duisburg-Essen gibt Antworten. In: LebensmittelPraxis (2015) No 6, p. 16-17. CitationDetails
  • de Vos, P.; Faas, M. M.; Groen, H.; Hanck, C.; Neisingh, M.; Prak, D.: Weight Gain in Freshman College Students and Perceived Health. In: Preventive Medicine Reports (2015) No 2, p. 292-234. doi:10.1016/j.pmedr.2015.03.008CitationDetails
  • Czudaj, R.; Hanck, C.: Nonstationary-Volatility Robust Panel Unit Root Tests and the Great Moderation. In: AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, Vol 99 (2015) No 2, p. 161-187. doi:10.1007/s10182-014-0235-3CitationDetails
  • Czudaj, R.; Prüser, J.: International Parity Relationships between Germany and the USA Revisited: Evidence from the Post-DM Period. In: Applied Economics, Vol 47 (2015) No 26, p. 2745-2767. doi:10.1080/00036846.2015.1008776CitationDetails
  • Beckmann; J.; Berger, T.; Czudaj, R.: Does Gold Act as a Hedge or a Safe Haven for Stocks? A Smooth Transition Approach. In: Economic Modelling, Vol 48 (2015) No 1, p. 16-24. doi:10.1016/j.econmod.2014.10.044CitationDetails
  • Just, S.; Weber, C.: Strategic behavior in the German balancing energy mechanism: incentives, evidence, costs and solutions. In: Journal of Regulatory Economics (2015) No 47. doi:10.1007/s11149-015-9270-6CitationDetails
  • Bredtmann, Julia; Otten, Sebastian: The Role of Source- and Host-Country Characteristics in Female Immigrant Labor Supply. MPRA Paper No. 44544. München 2015. Full textCitationDetails
  • Ziel, Florian: Quasi-maximum Likelihood Estimation of Periodic Autoregressive, Conditionally Heteroscedastic Time Series. In: Steland, A.; Rafajłowicz, E.; Szajowski, K. (Ed.): Stochastic Models, Statistics and Their Applications. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. Springer, 2015, p. 207-214. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-13881-7_23Full textCitationDetails
  • Bauermann, K.; Weber, C.: Individual choice in a residential building & heating model – An application case for Germany. 01/2015. Essen 2015. Full textCitationDetails
  • Brosig-Koch; J.; Heinrich, T.; Helbach, C.: Exploring the capability to reason backwards: An experimental study with children, adolescents, and young adults. In: European Economic Review, Vol 74 (2015), p. 286-302. doi:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2014.12.003Full textCitationDetails
  • Schmiel, Ute; Hoßfeld, Heiko: Gewinnmaximierung als marktwirtschaftlich legitimes unternehmerisches Ziel? – Zur Konkretisierung marktwirtschaftlich legitimer Gewinnverfolgung am Beispiel der Steuerausweichgestaltung. In: Löhr, Albert; Burkatzki, Eckhard (Ed.): Ökonomie und Gesellschaft, Resozialisierung der ökonomischen Rationalität, Band 26. Marburg 2015, p. 291-318. CitationDetails
  • Hoßfeld, Heiko; Schmiel, Ute: Corporate Social Responsibility in der Marktwirtschaft – ein erfahrungswissenschaftlich begründetes Konzept. In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik (zfwu), Vol 16 (2015) 3, Vol 2015 (2015) No Nr. 3, p. 313-338. PDFFull textCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Lauderbach, S.: Kommunikationscontrolling im Handel. In: Esch, F.-R.; Langner, T.; Bruhn, M., (Hrsg.), Handbuch Controlling der Kommunikation, Vol 2015 (2015), p. 659-688. CitationDetails
  • Harms, C.; Kiesel, R.: Application of electricity bid stack models for dynamic hedging purposes. In: Journal of Energy Markets, Vol 10 (2015) No 1, p. 1-29. CitationDetails
  • Kiesel, R.; Ya, Wen: Modelling the market price of risk for emission allowance certificates. In: Nunno, G. Di; Benth, F. E. (Ed.): Stochastics of environmental and financial economics. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 2015. CitationDetails
  • Ziel, Florian; Steinert, Rick; Husmann, Sven: Efficient modeling and forecasting of electricity spot prices. In: Energy Economics, Vol 47 (2015), p. 98-111. doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2014.10.012Full textCitationDetails
  • Marczok, Yvonne Maria; Braukhoff, Marcel Hendrik; Amann, Erwin: Impact Of Incentive Orientated Blended Learning on Students’ Learning Behavior and Outcomes. In: Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference of Management, Knowledge and Learning (2015), p. 891-899. CitationDetails
  • Amann, Erwin: Tarifkonflikte aus spieltheoretischer Perspektive. In: Wirtschaftsdienst: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, Vol 95 (2015) No 5, p. 298-299. CitationDetails
  • Lamla, Michael; Lein, Sarah M.: Information Rigidities, Ination Perceptions and the Media: Lessons from the Euro Cash Changeover. In: Economic Inquiry, Vol 2015 (2015) No 53, p. 9-22. CitationDetails
  • Hillert, Alexander; Jacobs, Heiko; Müller, Sebastian: Media Makes Momentum. In: Review of Financial Studies, Vol 2014 (2014) No 27, p. 3467-3501. doi:10.1093/rfs/hhu061Full textCitationDetails
    Media Makes Momentum


    Relying on 2.2 million articles from 45 national and local U.S. newspapers between 1989 and 2010, we find that firms particularly covered by the media exhibit ceteris paribus significantly stronger momentum. The effect depends on article tone, reverses in the long-run, is more pronounced for stocks with high uncertainty, and stronger in states with high investor individualism. Our findings suggest that media coverage can exacerbate investor biases, leading return predictability to be strongest for firms in the spotlight of public attention. These results collectively lend credibility to an overreaction-based explanation for the momentum effect.

  • Olekseyuk, Z.; Balistreri, E.: Trade Liberalization Gains under Different Trade Theories - A Case Study for Ukraine. In: Colorado School of Mines, Division of Economics and Business, Working Paper (2014) No 13. Full textCitationDetails
  • Bauermann, K.; Spiecker, S.; Weber, C.: Individual decisions and system development - Integrating modelling approaches for the heating market. In: Applied Energy 116 (2014), p. 149-158. CitationDetails
  • Deckers, T.; Hanck, C.: Variable Selection in Cross-Section Regressions: Comparisons and Extensions. In: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Vol 76 (2014) No 6, p. 841-873. doi:10.1111/obes.12048CitationDetails
  • Ebbeler, S.; Benth, F. E.; Kiesel, R.: Indifference Pricing of Weather Derivatives based on Electricity Futures. In: Prokopczuk, M. (Ed.): Energy Pricing Models: Recent Advances, Methods, and Tools. Palgrave Macmillan, New York 2014. CitationDetails
  • Olekseyuk, Z.; Schürenberg-Frosch, H.: Are Armington Elasticites Different Across Countries and Sectors? - A European Study. Ruhr Economic Papers, 2014. Full textCitationDetails
  • Lamla, Michael: Distorted dynamics : the impact of policies on firm dynamics and job creation (Vol. 3). 2014. Full textCitationDetails
  • Weber, C.; Vogel, P.: Contingent certificate allocation rules and incentives for power plant investment and disinvestment. In: Journal of Regulatory Economics (2014). doi:10.1007/s11149-014-9257-8Full textCitationDetails
  • Spiecker, S.; Eickholt, V.; Weber, C.: The impact of carbon capture and storage on a decarbonized German power market. In: Energy Economics, 43 (2014), p. 166-177. CitationDetails
  • Kiesel, R.; Kustermann, M.: Structural Models for Coupled Electricity Markets. Essen 2014. Full textCitationDetails
  • Schober, D.; Schaeffler, S.; Weber, C.: The impact of idiosyncratic risk on the cost of capital – the case of firm size for regulated electricity networks. In: Journal of Regulatory Economics (2014). doi:10.1007/s11149-013-9242-7CitationDetails
  • Martin Karlsson, Therese Nilsson; Pichler, Stefan: The Impact of the 1918 Spanish Flu Epidemic on Economic Performance in Sweden. In: Journal of Health Economics, Vol 36 (2014), p. 1-19. doi:10.1016/j.jhealeco.2014.03.005CitationDetails

    We study the impact of the 1918 influenza pandemic on short- and medium-term economic performance in Sweden. The pandemic was one of the severest and deadliest pandemics in human history, but it has hitherto received only scant attention in the economic literature – despite representing an unparalleled labour supply shock. In this paper, we exploit seemingly exogenous variation in incidence rates between Swedish regions to estimate the impact of the pandemic. The pandemic led to a significant increase in poorhouse rates. There is also evidence that capital returns were negatively affected by the pandemic. However, contrary to predictions, we find no discernible effect on earnings.

  • Schröder, H.: Zur Abgrenzung von Märkten im Lebensmittelhandel – Empirische Ergebnisse aus Haushaltspanels und Befragungen. In: Oberender, P. (Ed.): Wettbewerbsprobleme im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel. Berlin 2014, p. 83-108. CitationDetails
  • Beckmann; J.; Belke, A.; Czudaj, R.: Does Global Liquidity Drive Commodity Prices?. In: Journal of Banking & Finance, Vol 48 (2014) No 1, p. 224-234. doi:10.1016/j.jbankfin.2014.04.007CitationDetails
  • Beckmann; J.; Belke, A.; Czudaj, R.: The Importance of Global Shocks for National Policymakers - Rising Challenges for Sustainable Monetary Policies. In: World Economy, Vol 37 (2014) No 8, p. 1101-1127. doi:10.1111/twec.12127CitationDetails
  • Isphording, Ingo E.; Otten, Sebastian: Linguistic Barriers in the Destination Language Acquisition of Immigrants. In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol 105 (2014), p. 30-50. doi:10.1016/j.jebo.2014.03.027CitationDetails
    Linguistic Barriers in the Destination Language Acquisition of Immigrants
  • Beckmann, J.; Czudaj, R.: Regime Shifts and the Canada/US Exchange Rate in a Multivariate Framework. In: Economics Letters, Vol 123 (2014) No 2, p. 206-211. doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2014.02.005CitationDetails
  • Beckmann; J.; Belke, A.; Czudaj, R.: Regime-Dependent Adjustment in Energy Spot and Futures Markets. In: Economic Modelling, Vol 40 (2014) No 1, p. 400-409. doi:10.1016/j.econmod.2013.12.026CitationDetails
  • Jacobs, Heiko; Müller, Sebastian; Weber, Martin: How should individual investors diversify? An empirical evaluation of alternative asset allocation policies. In: Journal of Financial Markets, Vol 2014 (2014) No 19, p. 62-85. doi:10.1016/j.finmar.2013.07.004Full textCitationDetails
    How should individual investors diversify? An empirical evaluation of alternative asset allocation policies


    This paper evaluates numerous diversification strategies as a possible remedy against widespread costly investment mistakes of individual investors. Our results reveal that a very broad range of simple heuristic allocation schemes offers similar diversification gains as well-established or recently developed portfolio optimization approaches. This holds true for both international diversification in the stock market and diversification over different asset classes. We thus suggest easy-to-implement allocation guidelines for individual investors.

  • Schröder, H.: Rein oder draußen bleiben? – Apotheken-Kooperationen mit Zukunft – welche und wie viele?. In: Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung (2014) No 17, p. 64-67. CitationDetails
  • Schuerenberg-Frosch, H.: Improving Africa’s Roads: - Modelling Infrastructure Investment and Its Effect on Sectoral Production Behaviour. In: Development Policy Review (2014) No 32/3, p. 327-353. doi:10.1111/dpr.12058CitationDetails

    Given the scarce resources for public investment in developing countries, policy analysis should include a detailed perspective on the effects of infrastructure. This article develops a modelling framework for analysing the effects of improved road infrastructure on the economy of African countries. The theoretical framework is tested empirically and used for simulations in a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model, and the effects on production and welfare are analysed. The model also serves to investigate the effect of roads on the economic participation of rural households.

  • Bucksteeg, M.; Trepper, K.; Weber, C.: Impacts of Res-Generation and Demand Pattern on Net Transfer Capacity: Implications for Effectiveness of Market Splitting in Germany. 02/14. Essen 2014. Full textCitationDetails
  • Spiecker, S.; Weber, C.: The future of the European electricity system and the impact of fluctuating renewable energy – A scenario analysis. In: Energy Policy (2014) No 65, p. 185-197. Full textCitationDetails
  • Kuehnle, Daniel: The causal effect of family income on child health in the UK. In: Journal of Health Economics, Vol 2014 (2014) No 36. doi:10.1016/j.jhealeco.2014.03.011CitationDetails

    Recent studies examining the effect of family income on child health have been unable to account for the endogeneity of income. Using data from a British cohort study, we address this gap by exploiting exogenous variation in local labour market characteristics to instrument for family income. We estimate the causal effect of family income on different measures of child health and explore the role of potential transmission mechanisms. We find that income has a very small but significant causal effect on subjective child health and no significant effect on chronic health conditions, apart from respiratory illnesses. Using the panel structure, we show that the timing of income does not matter for young children. Moreover, our results provide further evidence that parental health does not drive a spurious relationship between family income and child health. Our study implies that financial transfers are unlikely to deliver substantial improvements in child health.

  • Felix, B.; Weber, C.: Valuation Of Multiple Hyro Reservoir Storage Systems In Competitive Electricity Markets. 01/2014. Essen 2014. Full textCitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; mit Grammes, T. (Ed.): Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik. - 15 Unterrichtsbausteine für die ökonomische und gesellschaftspolitische Bildung.. Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach/Ts. 2014. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Grammes, T.: Wirtschaftsethik in der ökonomischen und gesellschaftspolitischen Bildung - Die fachdidaktischen Grundlagen des ethos-Projekts. In: Retzmann, Th.; Grammes, T. (Ed.): Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik. 15 Unterrichtsbausteine für die ökonomische und gesellschaftspolitische Bildung. Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach/Ts. 2014, p. 9-20. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.: Plädoyer für ein Fach „Wirtschaft/Ökonomie“ an den Realschulen in Nordrhein-Westfalen. In: Müller, Christian; Schlösser, Hans J.; Schuhen, Michael; Liening, Andreas (Ed.): Bildung zur Sozialen Marktwirtschaft. Schriften zu Ordnungsfragen der Wirtschaft, Band 99. Stuttgart 2014, p. 145-167. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.: Wirtschafts- und Warenethik in einer zeitgemäßen wirtschaftsmoralischen Bildung. In: Retzmann, Thomas; Grammes, Tilman (Ed.): Warenethik in der ökonomischen und politischen Bildung. Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach/Ts. 2014, p. 7-20. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Mit Viona Hausmann: US-amerikanische Tests für die Ökonomische Bildung – Ein Modell für Deutschland?. In: Retzmann, Thomas (Ed.): Ökonomische Allgemeinbildung in der Sekundarstufe I und Primarstufe. Konzepte, Analysen, Studien und empirische Befunde. Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach/Ts. 2014, p. 330-345. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Mit Felix Frühauf: „Financial Fitness for Life“ – Reichweite und Grenzen der US-amerikanischen Testreihe für die finanzielle Allgemeinbildung. In: Retzmann, Thomas (Ed.): Ökonomische Allgemeinbildung in der Sekundarstufe I und Primarstufe. Konzepte, Analysen, Studien und empirische Befunde. Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach/Ts. 2014, p. 43-56. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Mit Karin Krzatala: Kompetenzdiagnostik in der Berufsorientierung - Eine Bestandsaufnahme der Potenzialanalyse als Diagnose- und Förderinstrument in der Sekundarstufe I. In: Retzmann, Thomas (Ed.): Ökonomische Allgemeinbildung in der Sekundarstufe I und Primarstufe. Konzepte, Analysen, Studien und empirische Befunde. Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach/Ts. 2014, p. 128-143. CitationDetails
  • Schuerenberg-Frosch, H.: How To Model A Child In School? - A Dynamic Macrosimulation Study For Tanzania. In: South African Journal of Economics (2014) No 83/1, p. 117-139. doi:10.1111/saje.12042Full textCitationDetails
  • Bannor, K.; Kiesel, R.; Nazarova, A.; Scherer, M. A.: Model Risk and Power Plant Valuation. 2014. Full textCitationDetails
  • Karlsson, Martin; Ziebarth, Nicolas: The Effects of Expanding the Generosity of the Statutory Sickness Insurance System. In: Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol 2014 (2014) No 29(2), p. 208-230. doi:10.1002/jae.2317CitationDetails

    In 1999, in Germany, the statutory sick pay level was increased from 80 to 100 percent of foregone earnings for sickness episodes of up to six weeks. We show that this reform has led to an increase in average absence days of about 10 percent or one additional day per employee, per year. The estimates are based on SOEP survey data and parametric, nonparametric, and combined matching-regression difference-in-differences methods. Extended calculations suggest that the reform might have increased labor costs by about e 1.8 billion per year and might have led to the loss of around 50,000 jobs.

  • Brosig-Koch, J.; Heinrich, T.: Reputation and mechanism choice in procurement auctions: An experiment. In: Production and Operations Management, Vol 23 (2014) No 2, p. 210-220. doi:10.1111/j.1937-5956.2012.01365.xFull textCitationDetails
  • Frey, M.; Olekseyuk, Z.: A General Equilibrium Evaluation of the Fiscal Costs of Trade Liberalization in Ukraine. In: Empirica. Journal of European Economics (2014) No 41/3, p. 505-540. doi:10.1007/s10663-014-9249-zFull textCitationDetails

    The establishment of an Association Agreement/Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (AA/DCFTA) with the European Union (EU) would be the next significant step towards Ukraine’s deeper integration into the world economy. Despite widely expected additional welfare gains, the signing of the AA/DCFTA at the Third Eastern Partnership summit in November 2013 in Vilnius was suspended by the Ukrainian government due to geopolitical concerns and a severe economic and financial crisis in Ukraine coming along with high external debt and a substantial public budget deficit. This puts the fiscal consequences of Ukraine’s continued liberalization into focus, as transition and developing countries face higher fiscal costs associated with trade integration. Accordingly, this paper contributes to the literature by analyzing the part of the potential EU-Ukraine DCFTA which leads to a loss of tariff revenues, namely the tariff elimination. In particular, we apply a static Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model for the single small open economy of Ukraine and focus on the effects of Ukraine’s unilateral tariff elimination by simulating three scenarios reflecting different means to compensate for the loss of tariff revenues. It turns out to be important to take these costs into consideration while modeling trade liberalization, as the results vary significantly across the scenarios.

  • Demetrescu, M.; Hanck, C.; Tarcolea, A.: IV-Based Cointegration Testing in Dependent Panels with Time-Varying Variance. In: Journal of Time Series Analysis, Vol 35 (2014) No 5, p. 393-406. doi:10.1111/jtsa.12071 CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th. (Ed.): Ökonomische Allgemeinbildung in der Sekundarstufe I und Primarstufe - Konzepte, Analysen, Studien und empirische Befunde. 1st Edition. WOCHENSCHAU Verlag, Schwalbach/Ts. 2014. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Grammes, T. (Ed.): Warenethik in der ökonomischen und politischen Bildung - Ausgewählte Unterrichtsbausteine aus dem ethos-Projekt. 1st Edition. WOCHENSCHAU Verlag, Schwalbach/Ts. 2014. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Grammes, T. (Ed.): Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik - 15 Unterrichtsbausteine für die ökonomische und gesellschaftspolitische Bildung. 1st Edition. WOCHENSCHAU Verlag, Schwalbach/Ts. 2014. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; mit Grammes, T. (Ed.): Warenethik in der ökonomischen und politischen Bildung. - Ausgewählte Unterrichtsbausteine aus dem ethos-Projekt. Band 4 der Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Stiftung für Warenlehre.. Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach/Ts. 2014. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th. (Ed.): Ökonomische Allgemeinbildung in der Sekundarstufe I und Primarstufe. - Konzepte, Analysen, Studien und empirische Befunde.. Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach/Ts. 2014. CitationDetails
  • Beckmann, J.; Czudaj, R.: Non-linearities in the Relationship of Agricultural Futures Prices. In: European Review of Agricultural Economics, Vol 41 (2014) No 1, p. 1-23. doi:10.1093/erae/jbt015CitationDetails
  • Schmiel, Ute: Wege zu mehr Glaubwürdigkeit und Sichtbarkeit von Unternehmensverantwortung: Wer übernimmt Verantwortung für was gegenüber wem und warum?. In: Schrader, Ulf; Muster, Viola (Ed.): Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung von Unternehmen: Wege zu mehr Glaubwürdigkeit und Sichtbarkeit. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Nachhaltigkeitsforschung, Band 15, Marburg 2014, p. 35-59. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Zum guten Umgang mit Shopper Research. In: Markenartikel (2014) No 1-2, p. 50-53. CitationDetails
  • Brosig-Koch, J.; Heinrich, T.; Helbach, C.: Does truth win when teams reason strategically?. In: Economics Letters, Vol 123 (2014) No 1, p. 86-89. doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2014.01.016Full textCitationDetails
  • Beckmann, J.; Czudaj, R.: Volatility Transmission in Agricultural Futures Markets. In: Economic Modelling, Vol 36 (2014) No 1, p. 541-546. doi:10.1016/j.econmod.2013.09.036CitationDetails
  • Deckers, T.; Hanck, C.: Multiple Testing For Output Convergence. In: Macroeconomic Dynamics, Vol 18 (2014) No 1, p. 199-214. doi:10.1017/S1365100512000338 CitationDetails
  • Taschini, L.; Kollenberg, S.; Duffy, C.: System Responsiveness and the European Union Emissions Trading System - Policy Paper . Cccep; Economics, London School Of; Science, Political (Ed.), 2014. Full textCitationDetails
  • Kiesel, R.; Rupp, A.; Urban, K.: Valuation of structured financial products by adaptive multilevel. In: Dalhlke, S.; Dahmen, W.; Giebel, M.; Hackbusch, W.; Ritter, K.; Schneider, R.; Schwab, C.; Yserentant, H. (Ed.): Extraction of Quantifiable Information from Complex Systems. Springer, Heidelberg 2014, p. 321-345. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-08159-5_16CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.: Plädoyer für ein Fach „Wirtschaft/Ökonomie“ an den Realschulen in Nordrhein-Westfalen. In: Bildung zur Sozialen Marktwirtschaft. Schriften zu Ordnungsfragen der Wirtschaft (2014). CitationDetails
  • Lamla, Michael; Lein, Sarah M.: The Role of Media for Consumers. In: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol 2014 (2014) No 106, p. 62-77. CitationDetails
  • Girsberger Seelaus, Esther M.; Lamla, Michael; Straub, Martin: On the Economic Impact of International Sport Events: Microevidence from Survey Data at the EURO 2008. In: Applied Economics, Vol 2014 (2014) No 15, p. 1693-1703. CitationDetails
  • Theune, K.: First in First out? Working Status of Students and Time to Degree at German Universities. 2013. CitationDetails
  • Benth, F. E; Kiesel, R.; Nazarova, A.: A critical empirical study of three electricity spot price models. In: Energy Economics journal, Vol 34 (2013) No 5, p. 1589-1616. doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2011.11.012Full textCitationDetails
  • Schmiel, Ute: Gleichmäßigkeit der Ertragsbesteuerung – ein ökonomisch fundiertes Besteuerungsziel?. In: ORDO – Jahrbuch für Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Band 64. Stuttgart 2013, p. 137-162. CitationDetails
  • Trepper, K.; Weber, C.; Kallen, D.: Integrationsmanagement für Erneuerbare Energien – Dezentrale Koordination im Strommarkt der Zukunft. In: uwf UmweltWirtschaftsForum (2013) No 21, p. 209-218. Full textCitationDetails
  • Bucksteeg, M.; Trepper, K.; Weber, C.: Einfluss der erneuerbaren Einspeisung und Lastsituation auf die Net Transfer Capacity. In: Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft VDI Berichte Nr. 2212. VDI Verlag GmbH, 2013, p. 247-264. CitationDetails
  • Pape, C.; Weber, C.; Woll, O.: Ansätze zur Preismodellierung im Kontext von Kraftwerksbewertung und Hedging. In: GmbH, Vdi Wissensforum (Ed.): Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft VDI Berichte Nr. 2212. VDI Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf 2013, p. 119-133. CitationDetails
  • Trepper, K.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: An integrated approach to model redispatch and to assess potential benefits from market splitting in Germany. 19/2013. Essen 2013. Full textCitationDetails
  • Beckmann, J.; Czudaj, R.: Is there a Homogeneous Causality Pattern between Oil Prices and Currencies of Oil Importers and Exporters?. In: Energy Economics, Vol 40 (2013) No 1, p. 665-678. doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2013.08.007CitationDetails
  • Hagemann, S.: Price Determinants in the German Intraday Market for Electricity: An Empirical Analysis. 18/2013. Essen 2013. Full textCitationDetails
  • Hagemann, S.; Weber, C.: An Empirical Analysis of Liquidity and its Determinants in The German Intraday Market for Electricity. 17/2013. Essen 2013. Full textCitationDetails
  • Spiecker, S.; Eickholt, V.; Weber, C.: The Impact of Carbon Capture and Storage on a Decarbonized German Power Market. Essen 2013. Full textCitationDetails
  • Kairies, N.: Pay-for-Performance, Reputation, and the Reduction of Costly Overprovision. In: Economics Bulletin (2013) No 33. CitationDetails
  • Steffen, B.; Weber, C.: Efficient storage capacity in power systems with thermal and renewable generation. In: Energy Economics (2013) No 36, p. 556-567. Full textCitationDetails
  • Bannör, K.; Kiesel, R.; Nazarova, A.; Scherer, M.: Model Risk for Energy Markets. In: Energy Economics, Vol 59 (2013), p. 423-434. doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2016.08.004CitationDetails
  • Hanck, C.; Czudaj, R.: Nonstationary-Volatility Robust Panel Unit Root Tests and the Great Moderation. 434. Ruhr Economic Paper 434, Essen 2013. doi:10.4419/86788490CitationDetails
  • Beckmann, J.; Czudaj, R.: Is there a Homogeneous Causality Pattern between Oil Prices and Currencies of Oil Importers and Exporters?. 431. Ruhr Economic Paper 431, Essen 2013. doi:10.4419/86788487CitationDetails
  • Biegler-König, R.; Benth, F. E.; Kiesel, R.: Electricity Options and Additional Information. Working Paper. F. E. Benth, V. Kholodnyi; Laurence, P. (Ed.), Quantitative Energy Finance, Springer 2013. CitationDetails
  • Barth, K.; Schröder, H.: Was ist los mit der Losgröße im Handel? - Einige Anmerkungen zur optimalen Bestellmenge und ihren Randbedingungen. In: Crockford, G.; Ritschel, F.; Schmieder, U. -M. (Ed.): Handel in Theorie und Praxis, Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Dirk Möhlenbruch. Wiesbaden 2013, p. 165-182. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Standortentscheidungen von Online-Händlern. In: Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (2013) No 7, p. 363-370. CitationDetails
  • Karlsson, Martin; Klohn, Florian: Testing the Red Herring Hypothesis on an Aggregated Level: Ageing, Time-to-Death and Care Costs for Older People in Sweden. In: The European Journal of Health Economics, Vol 2014 (2013) No 15, p. 533-551. doi:10.1007/s10198-013-0493-0CitationDetails

    In this paper we test the ‘red herring’ hypothesis for expenditures on long-term care (LTC). The main contribution of this paper is to assess the ‘red herring’ hypothesis by using the probability of dying as a measure for time-to-death (TTD). In addition, we implement models that allow for age-specific TTD effects on LTC utilization as well as sex-specific effects. We also focus on total, institutional and domiciliary LTC separately. For our analysis we use high quality administrative data from Sweden. Our analysis is based on fixed effects estimates. We use our findings to project future LTC expenditures and show that, although TTD is a relevant predictor, age itself remains the main driver of LTC expenditures.

  • Felix, B.; Woll, O.; Weber, C.: Storage valuation under limited market liquidity: An application in Germany. In: European Journal of Finance (2013) No 19, p. 715-733. doi:10.1080/1351847X.2012.681793CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Mennenöh, J.: Zur Abgrenzung von sachlich relevanten Märkten im Einzelhandel mit Lebensmitteln - eine empirische Analyse von Drogerieartikeln und Getränken. In: Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb (2013) No 6, p. 575-590. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Mennenöh, J.: Zur Abgrenzung von sachlich relevanten Märkten im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel - ein Plädoyer für mehr empirische Forschung, dargestellt an ausgewählten Beispielen. In: Crockford, G.; Ritschel, F.; Schmieder, U. -M. (Ed.): Handel in Theorie und Praxis, Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Dirk Möhlenbruch. Wiesbaden 2013, p. 97-113. Full textCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Möller, H.: Die Kommunikationspolitik in einer Kooperation mit Einzelhandelsbetrieben - dargestellt am Beispiel von Genossenschaften. In: Meyer, J. -A. (Ed.): Kommunikation kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen, Jahrbuch der KMU-Forschung und -Praxis. Köln 2013, p. 201-222. CitationDetails
  • Beckmann, J.; Czudaj, R.: The Forward Pricing Function of Industrial Metal Futures – Evidence from Cointegration and Smooth Transition Regression Analysis. In: International Review of Applied Economics, Vol 27 (2013) No 4, p. 472-490. doi:10.1080/02692171.2012.736480CitationDetails
  • Beckmann, J.; Czudaj, R.: Oil and Gold Price Dynamics in a Multivariate Cointegration Framework. In: International Economics and Economic Policy, Vol 10 (2013) No 3, p. 453-468. doi:10.1007/s10368-013-0237-8CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Category Management. In: Zentes, J.; Swoboda, B.; Morschett, D.; Schramm-Klein, H. (Ed.): Handbuch Handel. 2nd Edition. Wiesbaden 2013, p. 527-541. CitationDetails
  • Beckmann; J.; Belke, A.; Czudaj, R.: The U.S. Current Account and Real Effective Dollar Exchange Rates. In: Kredit und Kapital, Vol 46 (2013) No 2, p. 213-231. doi:10.3790/kuk.46.2.213CitationDetails
  • Beckmann, J.; Czudaj, R.: Oil Prices and Effective Dollar Exchange Rates. In: International Review of Economics & Finance, Vol 27 (2013) No 1, p. 621-636. doi:10.1016/j.iref.2012.12.002CitationDetails
  • Schmitz, K.; Steffen, B.; Weber, C.: Incentive or impediment? The impact of capacity mechanisms on storage plants. Full textCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Wie kriminell sind Category Manager?. In: Absatzwirtschaft (2013) No 3, p. 31-35. Full textCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Category Management - Gefahren für den Wettbewerb?. In: Markenartikel (2013) No 3, p. 70-73. CitationDetails
  • Behr, A.; Theune, K.: The causal effect of off-campus work on time to degree. 2013. CitationDetails
  • Schröder,  H.; König, S.: Food online - E-Commerce im Lebensmittelvertrieb. Neuwied 2013. CitationDetails

    Erstmals für den deutschen Markt sind mit dem neuen Branchenreport die Anbieterstrukturen im Food Online-Handel (Lebensmitteln inkl. Drogerieartikel) untersucht worden. Über 60 Online-Shops von Einzelhändlern, Filialisten, Herstellern und Pure Playern hat der Lehrstuhl für Marketing & Handel an der Universität Duisburg-Essen dafür detailliert unter die Lupe genommen. Analysiert wurde in dem aktuellen Marktüberblick u. a., mit welchen Logistik- und Bezahlkonzepten die einzelnen Shop-Betreiber arbeiten, wie sie Frische- und Tiefkühlprodukte vermarkten und welche Kooperationspartner sie einbinden. Die Ergebnisse sind jeweils in einem Shop-spezifischen Übersichtstableau zusammengefasst. Ob und welche Food Online-Shops sich in Zukunft behaupten, wie sich also die Spreu vom Weizen trennt, machen die Autoren Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hendrik Schröder und Sophie König zuallererst daran fest, wie groß der Grad der Professionalität eines E-Commerce-Konzeptes ist und welchen Mehrwert ein Shop seinen Kunden bietet.

    Erwerben können Sie den Branchenreport hier.

  • Schmitz, K.; Weber, C.: Does One Design Fit All? On The Transferability Of The PJM Market Design To The German Electricity Market. Essen 2013. Full textCitationDetails
  • Sunderkötter, M.; Ziegler, D.; Weber, C.: Perfect Competition vs. Riskaverse Agents: Technology Portfolio Choice in Electricity Markets. Essen 2013. Full textCitationDetails
  • Spiecker, S.; Eickholt, V.; Weber, C.: The Impact of Capture and Storage on a Decarbonized German Power Market. 2013. Full textCitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th. (Ed.): Ökonomische Bildung in der Sekundarstufe II. - Konzepte, Analysen und empirische Befunde.. Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach/Ts. 2013. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.: Ökonomische Bildung im Defizit oder im Aufwind?. In: lehrernrw.57, Vol 2013 (2013) No 2, p. 13-16. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Mit Karin Krzatala: Sozialökonomische Kartographierung am Beispiel des Dopings im Spitzensport - Eine innovative Methode für den Ökonomieunterricht. In: Retzmann, Th. (Ed.): Ökonomische Bildung in der Sekundarstufe II. Konzepte, Analysen und empirische Befunde. Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach/Ts. 2013, p. 304-317. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Mit Iris Bölke: Das Fach Volkswirtschaftslehre am Weiterbildungskolleg in Nordrhein-Westfalen: Bestandsaufnahme und Innovationsbedarfe. In: Retzmann, Th. (Ed.): Ökonomische Bildung in der Sekundarstufe II. Konzepte, Analysen und empirische Befunde. Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach/Ts. 2013, p. 54-66. CitationDetails
  • Weber, C. et al.: Renewable electric energy integration: Quantifying the value of design of markets for international transmission capacity. In: Energy Economics, Vol 2013 (2013) No 40, p. 760-772. Full textCitationDetails
  • Schober, D.; Weber, C.: Vergleichbarkeit und regulatorische Kostenstandardisierung in der Stromverteilnetzregulierung. In: Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis (2013) No 4, p. 373-390. CitationDetails
  • Spiecker, S.; Vogel, P.; Weber, C.: Evaluating interconnector investments in the north European electricity system considering fluctuating wind power penetration. In: Energy Economics (2013) No 37, p. 114-127. Full textCitationDetails
  • Schaeffler, S.; Weber, C.: The cost of equity of network operators - empirical evidence and regulatory practice. In: Competition and Regulation in Network Industries (2013) No 14, p. 385-408. CitationDetails
  • Biegler-König, R.; Benth, F. E.; Kiesel, R.: An Empirical Study of the Information Premium on Electricity Markets. 36:55-77. Energy Economics, 2013. Full textCitationDetails
  • Clausen, V.; Wohltmann, H. W.: Oil Price Dynamics and Monetary Policy in a Heterogeneous Monetary Union. In: Journal of Economics and Statistics (2013) No 233/2, p. 159-187. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Kooperation - auch für Apotheken eine strategische Option? - Teil II: Von Marken und Zentralen.. In: Apotheker Zeitung (2013) No 8, p. 4-4. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Kooperationen - auch für Apotheken eine strategische Option? - Teil II: Von Marken und Zentralen. In: Apotheker Zeitung (2013) No 8, p. 4-4. CitationDetails
  • Raasch, J.; Weber, C.: Dynamic Electricity Markets - The Peak-Load Pricing Model as a Control Theoretic Problem. Essen 2013. CitationDetails

    Economists concentrate usually on equilibria. For the case of the electricity market the long term equilibrium is given by the peak-load pricing model. In contrast control theory has focuses on system dynamics, that is how systems are affected by disturbances and shocks and how such situations may be controlled. Therefore rather deviations from system equilibria and ways to counteract those effects are analysed. Concerning uncertain impacts as input factor price changes and load pattern variations the dynamic perspective of control theory might provide a suitable tool for the analysis of electricity markets. Therefore in this paper the peak-load pricing model is translated to a control theoretic problem so that the impact of disturbances and the dynamics of investment activities can be examined.

  • Schröder, H.: Kooperation - auch für Apotheken eine strategische Option? - Teil I: Von vertikalen und horizontalen Netzwerken. . In: Apotheker Zeitung, Vol 2013 (2013) No 7, p. 6-6. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Kooperationen - auch für Apotheken eine strategische Option? - Teil I: Von vertikalen und horizontalen Netzwerken. In: Apotheker Zeitung (2013) No 7, p. 6-6. CitationDetails
  • Weber, C.; Bucksteeg, M.; Schuffelen, L.; Wolter, H.; Baumgart, B.; Willemsen, D.: Anforderungen an Kapazitätsmechanismen in Deutschland – was ist zielführend, was nicht?. In: Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, Vol 63 (2013) No 1/2, p. 45-49. CitationDetails
  • Heinrich, T.; Weimann, J.: A note on reciprocity and modified dictator games. In: Economics Letters, Vol 121 (2013) No 2, p. 202-205. doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2013.08.004Full textCitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th. (Ed.): Ökonomische Allgemeinbildung in der Sekundarstufe II - Konzepte, Analysen und empirische Befunde. 1st Edition. WOCHENSCHAU Verlag, Schwalbach/Ts. 2013. CitationDetails
  • Demetrescu, M.; Hanck, C.: Nonlinear IV Panel Unit Root Testing under Structural Breaks in the Error Variance. In: Statistical Papers, Vol 54 (2013) No 4, p. 1043-1066. doi:10.1007/s00362-013-0502-5CitationDetails
  • Bayer, C.; Hanck, C.: Combining Non-Cointegration Tests. In: Journal of Time Series Analysis (2013) No 1, p. 83-95. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9892.2012.00814.xCitationDetails
  • Beckmann, J.; Czudaj, R.: Gold as an Inflation Hedge in a Time-Varying Coefficient Framework. In: North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol 24 (2013) No 1, p. 208-222. doi:10.1016/j.najef.2012.10.007CitationDetails
  • Hanck, C.: An Intersection Test for Panel Unit Roots. In: Econometric Reviews (2013) No 32, p. 183-203. doi:10.1080/07474938.2011.608058CitationDetails
  • Steiner, J.: Vertrieb - Sales Management in der Konsumgüterindustrie. UTB, 2013. CitationDetails
  • Wagenknecht, Michael: Möglichkeiten zur Steuergestaltung bei gemischter Kfz-Nutzung durch (Einzel-)Unternehmer. In: Finanz-Rundschau Ertragsteuerrecht (FR), Vol. 95 (2013) No 16, p. 754-763. CitationDetails
  • Kiesel, R.; Metka, K.: A Multivariate Commodity Analysis with Time-Dependent Volatility - Evidence from the German Energy Market. In: Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, Vol 37 (2013) No 2, p. 107-126. doi:10.1007/s12398-012-0102-4Full textCitationDetails
  • Weitz, Alexander: Liquiditätsmanagement an Hochschulen. In: In: Dembeck, Heinrich; Heinemann, Stefan; Schaarschmidt, Antje (Ed.): Finanzmanagement konkret - Handreichung für Praktiker. Nomos, Baden-Baden 2013, p. 55-74. CitationDetails
  • Weitz, Alexander: Bilanzanalyse - Kennzahlen von Hochschulen. In: In: Dembeck, Heinrich; Heinemann, Stefan; Schaarschmidt, Antje (Ed.): Finanzmanagement konkret - Handreichung für Praktiker. Nomos, Baden-Baden 2013, p. 21-54. CitationDetails
  • Felder, Stefan; Tauchmann, Harald: Federal state differentials in the efficiency of health production in Germany: an artifact of spatial dependence?. In: The European journal of health economics, Vol 14 (2013), p. 21-39. CitationDetails
  • Felder, Stefan; Herr, Annika: Competent in Competition and Health: Das gesundheitsökonomische Forschungszentrum CINCH. 4. 2013. CitationDetails
  • Gassebener, Martin; Lamla, Michael; Vreeland, James Raymond: Extreme Bounds of Democracy. In: Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol 2013 (2013) No 57, p. 171-197. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Is Cash & Carry Wholesale a Separate Market? - Results from an Empirical Study. In: Applied Economics Quarterly Vol. 58. No 1 (2012), p. 71-89. CitationDetails
  • Amann, Erwin; Helbach, Christoph: Spieltheorie für Dummies - ein Spiel für praktische Theoretiker. Wiley-VCH Dummies, Weinheim 2012. CitationDetails
  • Steiner, J.: Preispromotions sind Gottes Weg, dir zu sagen, dass du zu viel Geld hast!?. In: Jahrbuch Marketing (2012), p. 86-89. PDFCitationDetails
  • Renz, A.; Weber, C.: A Hotelling Model for Fixed-Cost Driven Power Generation. Essen 2012. Full textCitationDetails
  • Weber, C.; Schober, D.; Woll, O.: Renewable support, CO2 abatement and electricity prices - the role of price discrimination. Essen 2012. CitationDetails
  • Fritz, A.: European Electricity and interrelated Futures Markets: A cointegrated Vector Autoregressive Analysis. 05/12. Essen 2012. Full textCitationDetails
  • Zongyu, L.; Van der Sluis, L.; Winter, W.; Paeschke, H.; Becker, R.; Weber, C.; Eickmann, J.; Schroeders, C.; Oldewurtel, F.; Roald, F.; Krause, T.; Rogge, M.; Gilsdorf, P.; Wajant, P.: Challenges, Experiences and Possible Solutions in Transmission System Operation with Large Wind Integration. In: 11th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants. Lissabon, Portugal 2012. CitationDetails
  • Becker, R.; Weber, C.: Using Time-Adaptive Probalistic Forecasts for Grid Management - Challenges and Opportunities. In: 31st USAEE/IAEE North American Conference . Austin, Texas, USA 2012. PDFCitationDetails
  • Heiko Jacobs, Martin Weber: Aktuelle Erkenntnisse zum Momentum- Effekt - The trend is your friend - (until it’s not) . 22. Group, Behavioral Finance (Ed.), 2012. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Ist der Cash & Carry-Großhandel ein eigenständiger Markt? - Antworten aus einer empirischen Untersuchung. In: Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb, Vol 92 (2012) No 9, p. 819-832. CitationDetails
  • Just, S.; Weber, C.: Strategic Behavior in the German Balancing Energy Mechanism: Incentives, Evidence, Costs and Solutions. 04/2012. Essen 2012. Full textCitationDetails
  • Behr, A.; Diel, A.; Morawietz, M.; Theune, K.: Return Distributions and Bootstrap Goodness-of-fit Tests. In: Essener Beiträge zur empirischen Wirtschaftsforschung. Schröder, Clausen, Behr, 2012, p. 21-38. CitationDetails
  • Belke, A.; Czudaj, R.: Die Persistenz von Schocks in makroökonomischen Zeitreihen. In: WISU - Das Wirtschaftsstudium, Vol 12 (2012) No 10, p. 1340-1347. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Die Eignung der Begriffsdefinitionen von Erscheinungsformen im Handel zur Abgrenzung von sachlich relevanten Märkten - dargestellt an Beispielen des Großhandels und des Einzelhandels mit Lebensmitteln. In: Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, Vol 64 (2012) No 6, p. 644-661. CitationDetails
  • Liu, Z.; van der Sluis, L.; Weber, C.; Becker, R.; Eickmann, J.; Oldewurtel, F.; Roald, L.; Winter, W.; Klaar, D.: Innovative operational security tools for the development of a stable pan-European grid. In: 2012 CIGRÉ Canada Conference. Montreal, Kanada 2012. CitationDetails
  • Czudaj, R.: Modelling Euro Area Money Demand and Forecasting Inflation in a Time-Varying Environment. In: International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance, Vol 5 (2012) No 3, p. 244-267. doi:10.1504/IJMEF.2012.049047CitationDetails
  • Raasch, J.; Weber, C.: Investment decisions in electricity markets from the perspective of control theory. In: OR Hannover 2012. Hannover 2012. CitationDetails
  • Becker, A.; Deckers, T.; Dohmen, T.; Falk, A.; Kosse, F.: The Relationship Between Economic Preferences and Psychological Personality Measures. In: Annual Review of Economics, Vol 4 (2012), p. 453-478. doi:10.1146/annurev-economics-080511-110922CitationDetails
  • Klose, J.: Implicit Taylor Reaction Functions for Euro Area Countries. In: International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance (2012) No 5.2012, p. 153-168. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Mit Karin Krzatala: Doping im Spitzensport: Gibt es eine ökonomische Erklärung und Lösung?. In: Bildung, Bundeszentrale Für Politische; Sportwissenschaft, Bundesinstitut Für; Agentur, Nationale Anti Doping; Doping, Translating (Ed.): Saubere Leistung ? – Grenzen akzeptieren. Reihe: Themen und Materialien. Bonn 2012, p. 163-188. CitationDetails
  • Beckmann, J.; Czudaj, R.: Gold as an Inflation Hedge in a Time-Varying Coefficient Framework. 362. Ruhr Economic Paper 362, Essen 2012. doi:10.4419/86788416CitationDetails
  • Alt, F.; Shirazi, A. S.; Schmidt, A.; Mennenöh, J.: Increasing the user’s attention on the web: Using implicit interaction based on gaze behavior to tailor content. In: Proceedings of the 7th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, NordiCHI’12 (2012). CitationDetails
  • Klose, J.: Political Business Cycles and Monetary Policy Revisited - An Application of a Two-Dimensional Asymmetric Taylor reaction Function. In: International Economics and Economics Policy (2012) No 9/3-4, p. 265-295. CitationDetails
  • Ziegler, D.; Schmitz, K.; Weber, C.: Optimal electricity generation portfolios - The impact of price spread modelling. In: Computational Management Science (2012) No 9, p. 381-399. Full textCitationDetails
  • Weigert, B.; Klose, J.: Das Verrechnungssystem der Federal Reserve und seine Übertragbarkeit auf den Euroraum. 92 (4). Wirtschaftsdienst (Ed.), 2012. CitationDetails
  • Jacobs, Heiko; Weber, Martin: The Trading Volume Impact of Local Bias: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. In: Review of Finance, Vol 2012 (2012) No 16, p. 867-901. doi:10.1093/rof/rfr022Full textCitationDetails
    The Trading Volume Impact of Local Bias: Evidence from a Natural Experiment


    Exploiting several regional holidays in Germany as a source of exogenous cross-sectional variation in investor attention, we provide evidence that the well-known local bias at the individual level materially affects stock turnover at the firm level. The German setting offers favorable characteristics for this natural experiment. Stocks of firms located in holiday regions are temporarily strikingly less traded, both in statistical and economic terms, than otherwise very similar stocks in non-holiday regions. This negative turnover shock is robust and survives various tests for cross-sectional differences in information release. It is particularly pronounced in stocks less visible to non-local investors, and for smaller stocks disproportionately driven by retail investors. Our findings contribute to research on local bias, determinants of trading activity and limited attention.

  • Clausen, V.; Schürenberg-Frosch, H.: Aid, Spending Strategies and Productivity Effects - A Multi-Sectoral CGE-Analysis for Zambia. In: Economic Modelling (2012) No 29/6, p. 2254-2268. CitationDetails

    Numerous econometric studies fail to detect a significant and robust relationship between international aid and economic growth in the recipient countries. Dutch Disease effects might be responsible for this result. This paper examines the relation between aid and its effectiveness in a multi-sector multi-household Computable General Equilibrium (CGE)-framework. Given that international transfers to African countries increasingly take the form of general financial support to the government, different spending strategies and their macroeconomic, sectoral and distributional effects are evaluated in a two-stage simulation making a distinction between immediate direct effects and possible long-run effects from increased productivity. The presence of sector-specific factors weakens Dutch Disease effects and shifts the burden of adjustment primarily to other exporting sectors. While the model simulates the effects of additional aid in Zambia it can be used as a blueprint for other African countries.

  • Raasch, J.; Weber, C.; Ziegler, D.: Perspectives for Battery Storage Systems in the National Australian Electricity Market. In: IAEE Perth 2012. Perth, Australien 2012. CitationDetails
  • Czudaj, R.; Beckmann, J.: Spot and Futures Commodity Markets and the Unbiasedness Hypothesis. In: Economics Bulletin, Vol 32 (2012) No 2, p. 1695-1707. CitationDetails
  • Schaeffler, S.: An Evaluation of Different Approaches to Capital Structure Regulation. 02/2012. Essen 2012. Full textCitationDetails
  • Bank, V.; Retzmann, Th.: Fachkompetenz von Wirtschaftslehrerinnen und -lehrern - Grundlagen und Befunde einer Weiterbildungsbedarfsanalyse. WOCHENSCHAU-Verlag, Schwalbach/Ts. 2012. CitationDetails
  • Clausen, V.; Schürenberg-Frosch, H.: Private Consumption and Cyclical Asymmetries in the Euro Area. In: Intereconomics (2012) No 47/3, p. 190-196. Full textCitationDetails
  • Wasem, Jürgen; Staudt, Susanne: Wie muss Wettbewerb weiter ausgestaltet werden?, Vierteljahresschrift für Sozialrecht, 30. Jg, Heft 3. CitationDetails
  • Grüll, G.; Kiesel, R.: Quantifying the CO2 Permit Price Sensitivity. In: Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, Vol 36 (2012) No 2, p. 101-111. doi:10.1007/s12398-012-0082-4Full textCitationDetails
  • Stahl, Gerhard; Zheng, Jinsong; Kiesel, Rüdiger; Rühlicke, Robin: Conceptualizing Robustness in Risk Management. 2012. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2065723Full textCitationDetails

    Working Paper, available at

  • Weber, C.; Bauermann, K.: Politische Instrumente zur Förderung der Erneuerbaren Energien im Wärmemarkt. In: Ökologische und ökonomische Optimierung des Wärmemarktes unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Endenergiebedarfs und von Biogas/Bioerdgas. Biogasrat e.V., Berlin 2012. CitationDetails
  • Belke, A.; Czudaj, R.: Theorien der Geldnachfrage: Von der Klassik bis zur Finanzkrise. In: WISU - Das Wirtschaftsstudium, Vol 12 (2012) No 4, p. 568-574. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Bank, Mit Volker: Fachkompetenz von Wirtschaftslehrerinnen und -lehrern. Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung eines bedarfsdiagnostischen Instruments. In: ZföB – Zeitschrift für ökonomische Bildung (, Vol 2013 (2012) No 1, p. 6-26. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.: Kompetenzentwicklung in der ökonomischen Domäne: - Ein Kompetenzmodell nebst Standards für den mittleren Bildungsabschluss in Deutschland. In: GW-Unterricht, Wien, Vol 2012 (2012) No 125, p. 41-58. CitationDetails
  • Schmiel, Ute: Anforderungen an eine nachhaltigkeitsorientierte Betriebswirtschaftslehre - Stellungnahme zum Beitrag von Jürgen Freimann „Betriebswirtschaftslehre als Sustainability Science“. In: Die Betriebswirtschaft (DBW), Vol. 72, Vol 2012 (2012) No Nr. 4, p. 279-290. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Clausen, V.; Behr, A. (Ed.): Essener Beiträge zur empirischen Wirtschaftsforschung - Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Walter Assenmacher. Wiesbaden 2012. CitationDetails
  • Himmes, P.; Weber, C.: Marktdesign für nachhaltige regionale elektrische Energiemärkte. Essen 2012. CitationDetails

    Im Rahmen dieses Papers wird das mögliche Design regionaler Märkte betrachtet. Ne-ben den erforderlichen Kommunikations- und Informationssystemen stellt dies einen wesentlichen Aspekt der Umsetzung dar. Neben einer Analyse der unterschiedlichen Handelsmechanismen und Auktionsverfahren bestehender Märkte werden insbesonde-re die spezifischen Anforderungen an einen regionalen Markt untersucht. Dabei spielen auch Fragestellungen wie die freiwillige oder mandatorischen Handelsteilnahme, das Engpassmanagement, technologische Charakteristika der Erzeugungsanlagen der Marktteilnehmer und die Ankopplung an übergeordnete Märkte eine Rolle. Aus diesen Überlegungen wird abgeleitet, dass insbesondere ein Modell mit mehreren Auktionen pro Tag, bei dem auch komplexe Gebote möglich sind, für einen regionalen Marktplatz mit vielfältigen unterschiedlichen Erzeugern und Nachfragern geeignet erscheint. Ent-scheidend ist jedoch auch die Frage der Kopplung mit den übergeordneten nationalen bzw. internationalen Märkten.

  • Ahlert, D.; Kenning, P.; Olbrich, R.; Schröder, H.: Vertikale Preis- und Markenpflege im Kreuzfeuer des Kartellrechts. Springer Gabler, Forum Vertriebs- und Handelsmanagement 2012. CitationDetails

    Voraussetzung für die Funktionsfähigkeit des Wettbewerbs ist, dass sich möglichst vielfältige, konkurrierende Angebotskonzeptionen auf dem Markt positionieren und die Verbraucher umwerben. Werden bestimmte Handlungsmöglichkeiten, die z.B. auf vertikaler Kooperation, Preis- und Markenpflege basieren, untersagt, vermindern sich Angebotsvielfalt und damit die Verbraucherwohlfahrt. 

    Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen zu verhindern oder diesen vorzubeugen, ist die Aufgabe kartellrechtlicher Interventionen. Für sämtliche Reglementierungen der unternehmerischen Handlungsfreiheit im Wettbewerb gilt der allseits anerkannte Leitsatz, dass sie in regelmäßigen Zeitabständen auf den Prüfstand der (De-)Regulierung gehören. 


    Das vorliegende Forum bündelt vertiefende Grundsatzbeiträge zu wettbewerbstheoretischen, wettbewerbspolitischen und wettbewerbsrechtlichen Aspekten des vertikalen Marketings sowie Fachvorträge und Statements von Experten aus der Praxis, die sich kontrovers mit der vertikalen Preis- und Markenpflege auseinander setzen. 

  • Retzmann, Th.; mit Bank, V.: Fachkompetenz von Wirtschaftslehrern - Grundlagen und Befunde einer Weiterbildungsbedarfsanalyse. Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach/Ts. 2012. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Seeber, G.; Remmele, B.; Jongebloed, H. -C.: Bildungsstandards der ökonomischen Allgemeinbildung - Kompetenzmodell - Aufgaben - Handlungsempfehlungen. Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach/Ts. 2012. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.: Terra incognita: Das Fach »Volkswirtschaftslehre« am Weiterbildungskolleg in Nordrhein-Westfalen. In: Schuhen, Michael; Wohlgemuth, Michael; Müller, Christian (Ed.): Ökonomische Bildung und Wirtschaftsordnung. Schriften zu Ordnungsfragen der Wirtschaft Band 96. Festschrift für Jürgen Schlösser. Stuttgart 2012, p. 237-251. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.: Arbeitsplatzerkundung. In: May, H.; Wiepcke, C. (Ed.): Lexikon der ökonomischen Bildung, 8. Auflage. München 2012, p. 47-49. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.: Dilemmamethode. In: May, H.; Wiepcke, C. (Ed.): Lexikon der ökonomischen Bildung. 8. Auflage. München 2012, p. 181-183. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.: Fallmethode. In: May, H.; Wiepcke, C. (Ed.): Lexikon der ökonomischen Bildung. 8. Auflage. München 2012, p. 237-239. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.: Nutzwertanalyse. In: May, H.; Wiepcke, C. (Ed.): Lexikon der ökonomischen Bildung. 8. Auflage. München 2012, p. 431-433. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.: Planspiel. In: May, H.; Wiepcke, C. (Ed.): Lexikon der ökonomischen Bildung. 8. Auflage. München 2012, p. 472-473. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.: Produktlinienanalyse. In: May, H.; Wiepcke, C. (Ed.): Lexikon der ökonomischen Bildung. 8. Auflage. München 2012, p. 484-486. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.: Rollenspiel. In: May, H.; Wiepcke, C. (Ed.): Lexikon der ökonomischen Bildung. 8. Auflage. München 2012, p. 526-528. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.: Szenariotechnik. In: May, H.; Wiepcke, C. (Ed.): Lexikon der ökonomischen Bildung. 8. Auflage. München 2012, p. 605-607. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.: Zukunftswerkstatt. In: May, H.; Wiepcke, C. (Ed.): Lexikon der ökonomischen Bildung. 8. Auflage. München 2012, p. 760-762. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.: Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik in der ökonomischen und politischen Bildung - Curriculumentwicklung im Projekt »ethos«. In: Ihne, H.; Krickhahn, Th. (Ed.): Werthaltungen angehender Führungskräfte. Baden-Baden 2012, p. 287-308. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Mit Viona Hausmann: Wie lässt sich unternehmerisches Denken messen? Überlegungen zur Konstruktion eines standardisierten. In: Retzmann, Thomas (Ed.): Entrepreneurship und Arbeitnehmerorientierung – Leitbilder und Konzepte für die ökonomische Bildung in der Schule. Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach/Ts. 2012, p. 50-65. CitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.; Mit Karsten Schröder: Der Beitrag von Schülerunternehmen zur Entrepreneurship Education – Eine fachdidaktische Analyse der Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. In: Retzmann, Thomas (Ed.): Entrepreneurship und Arbeitnehmerorientierung – Leitbilder und Konzepte für die ökonomische Bildung in der Schule. Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach/Ts. 2012, p. 168-182. CitationDetails
  • Fritz, A.; Weber, C.: Kointegration von Energiepreis-Zeitreihen: Ist „Sein oder Nicht-Sein“ die richtige Frage?. In: Essener Beiträge zur empirischen Wirtschaftsforschung: Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Walter Assenmacher. Gabler, Wiesbaden 2012. Full textCitationDetails
  • Weber, C.: Betriebliche Investitionsentscheidungen und energiepolitische Weichenstellungen. In: Säcker, F. J. (Ed.): Investitionen in Kraftwerke zur Sicherung einer zuverlässigen Elektri-zitätsversorgung nach der Energiewende - Rechtliche und ökonomische Rahmenbedingungen. Peter Lang, Frankfurt a. M. 2012, p. 63-82. CitationDetails
  • Schwierz, C.; Augurzky, B.; Focke, A.; Wasem, J.: Demand, Selection and Patient Outcomes in German Acute Care Hospitals. Bochum, Ruhr Universität; Dortmund, Technische Universität; Duisburg-Essen, Universität; Wirtschaftsforschung, Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institute Für (Ed.), Bochum, Dortmund, Duisburg, Essen 2012. PDFCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Handelsmarketing - Strategien und Instrumente für den stationären Einzelhandel und für Online-Shops. 2nd Edition. Wiesbaden 2012. CitationDetails

    Wo intensiver Wettbewerb herrscht, sind Kreativität und Ideenreichtum gefragt. Dies gilt vor allem für den Einzelhandel mit Konsumgütern. Zahlreiche Anbieter werben mit verschiedenen Geschäftsformen um die Gunst der Verbraucher, bei Lebensmitteln ebenso wie bei Bekleidung, Haushaltsgeräten, Unterhaltungselektronik, Computern oder Bau- und Heimwerkerprodukten. Die Verbraucher können nicht nur aus einer umfangreichen Produktpalette wählen, sondern auch entscheiden, ob sie ihren Bedarf in Discountern, Supermärkten, Fachmärkten, Warenhäusern oder anderen Einkaufsstätten decken wollen. Die Vielzahl und die Vielfalt an Angeboten werfen die Frage auf, welche Instrumente ein Handelsunternehmen einsetzen kann, um die Verbraucher von den Vorteilen seines Angebotes zu überzeugen. Das vorliegende Lehrbuch bietet einen Überblick über die einzelnen Schritte, mit denen ein Einzelhändler seine Marketing-Instrumente gestalten kann. Neu in der 2. Auflage (die 1. Auflage ist bei Redline mi erschienen): Firmenbeispiele aus der Praxis sowie eine ausführliche Darstellung der Marketing-Instrumente für Online-Shops.


  • Czudaj, R.: Money or Output Gap: What Matters for Inflation in the Euro Area?. In: Schröder, H.; Clausen, V.; Behr, A. (Ed.): Essener Beiträge zur empirischen Wirtschaftsforschung: Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Walter Assenmacher. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2012, p. 107-124. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Rödl, A.: Was sind Kunden den Einzelhändlern in der Lebensmittelbranche wert? - Antworten aus den Daten eines Haushaltspanels. In: Schröder, H.; Clausen, V.; Behr, A. (Ed.): Essener Beiträge zur empirischen Wirtschaftsforschung, Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Walter Assenmacher. Springer Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden 2012, p. 273-292. CitationDetails
  • Henning Øien, Martin Karlsson; Iversen, Tor: The Impact of Financial Incentives on the Composition of Long-term Care in Norway. In: Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, Vol 34 (2012) No 2, p. 258-274. doi:10.1093/aepp/pps021CitationDetails

    In Norway, municipalities have economic incentives for choosing residential care in nursing homes for high-income clients and home-based care for low-income clients. Using a three-year panel, 2007-2009, on 427 municipalities we provide an analysis of the effect of the Norwegian long-term care (LTC) financing system on the composition of LTC services at the municipality level. Our main result is that the composition of service is determined by local government revenue and local need for LTC services. We cannot identify an effect of average income among older people in a municipality regarding the balance between home-based care and nursing home care. Hence, the results do not provide evidence of a service distortion.

  • Sunderkötter, M.; Weber, C.: Valuing fuel diversification in power generation capacity planning. In: Energy Economics (2012) No 34, p. 1664-1674. CitationDetails
  • Jahn, R.; Farrenkopf, N.; Wasem, J.; Walendzik, A.: Neuordnung der ambulanten Onkologie – Gutachten im Auftrag des Berufsverbandes der niedergelassenen Hämatologen und Onkologen e.V., der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hämatologie und Onkologie e.V. und der Deutschen Krebsgesellschaft e.V.. 193. Universität Duisburg-Essen, Essen 2012. PDFCitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Leyke-Hess, U.; Erzmoneit, B.: Leistungen von Apotheken im Urteil der Kunden - Fallbeispiel zur lokalen Marktforschung. In: Marketing Review St. Gallen (2012) No 6, p. 48-53. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Category Management in der Gruppenfreistellungsverordnung 2010 – eine Gefahr für die kooperative Markenführung. In: Ahlert, D.; Olbrich, R.; Kenning, P.; Schröder, H. (Ed.): Vertikale Preis- und Markenpflege im Kreuzfeuer des Kartellrechts, Forum Vertriebs- und Handelsmanagement. Wiesbaden 2012, p. 129-154. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Clausen, V.; Behr, A. (Ed.): Essener Beiträge zur empirischen Wirtschaftsforschung - Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Walter Assenmacher. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2012. CitationDetails
  • Clausen, V.; Schürenberg-Frosch, H.: Unterschiedliche nationale Konsumfunktionen als Quelle konjunktureller Asymmetrien in Europa?. In: Schröder, Hendrik; Clausen, Volker; Behr, Andreas (Ed.): Essener Beiträge zur empirischen Wirtschaftsforschung. Springer Gabler, 2012, p. 53-74. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.: Praktiken zur Steigerung der Effektivität und der Effizienz in der Distribution. In: WiSt – Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, Vol 41 (2012) No 03, p. 120-126. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Lauderbach, S.: Der Einsatz von Social Media im Einzelhandel - eine Bestandsaufnahme und Analyse des Kundendialogs. In: Deutscher Dialogmarketing Verband e. V. (Ed.): Dialogmarketing Perspektiven 2011/2012, Tagungsband 6. wissenschaftlicher interdisziplinärer Kongress für Dialogmarketing. Wiesbaden 2012, p. 153-182. CitationDetails
  • Schmiel, Ute: Warum Steuermoral? - Zur Explikation, Relevanz und Vorteilhaftigkeit von Steuermoral. In: Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB), Vol. 82 (2012) No 6, p. 59-79. CitationDetails
  • Schmiel, Ute: Ist der Ertragswert eine mögliche finanzwirtschaftliche Zielgröße für nachhaltiges wirtschaftliches Handeln?. In: Die Betriebswirtschaft (DBW), Vol. 72 (2012) No 4, p. 309-323. CitationDetails
  • Felix, B: Gas Storage Valuation: A Comparative Simulation Study. 01/2012. Essen 2012. Full textCitationDetails
  • Hanck, C.: Do Panel Cointegration Tests Produce `Mixed Signals'?. In: Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, forthcoming (2012). CitationDetails
  • Hanck, C.: Multiple Unit Root Tests under Uncertainty over the Initial Condition: Some Powerful Modifications. In: Statistical Papers (2012) No 53, p. 767-774. doi:10.1007/s00362-011-0379-0 CitationDetails
  • Demetrescu, M.; Hanck, C.: Unit Root Testing in Heteroskedastic Panels using the Cauchy Estimator. In: Journal of Business & Economic Statistics (2012) No 30, p. 256-264. doi:10.1080/07350015.2011.638839CitationDetails
  • Demetrescu, M.; Hanck, C.: A Simple Nonstationary-Volatility Robust Panel Unit Root Test. In: Economics Letters (2012) No 117, p. 10-13. doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2012.04.067CitationDetails
  • Steffen, B.; Weber, C.: Generation portfolios with intermittent renewables: Is pumped-storage the efficient complement. In: 9th International Conference on the European Energy Market Florence 2012 . Florence 2012. Full textCitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th. (Ed.): Entrepreneurship-Education und Arbeitnehmerorientierung - Mündige Erwerbstätige durch ökonomische Bildung. Schwalbach/Ts. 2012. CitationDetails
  • Bauer, D.; Benth, F. E.; Kiesel, R.: Modelling the forward surface of mortality. In: SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, Vol 3 (2012) No 1, p. 639-666. doi:10.1137/100818261Full textCitationDetails
  • Felix, B. J.; Weber, C.: Gas storage valuation applying numerically constructed recombining trees. In: European Journal of Operational Research (2012) No 216, p. 178-187. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2011.07.029CitationDetails
  • Bolton; E., G.; Brosig-Koch; J.: How do coalitions get built? Evidence from an extensive form coalition game with and without communication. In: International Journal of Game Theory (2012) No 41, p. 623-649. CitationDetails
  • Schmiel, Ute: Entspricht eine steuerliche Gewinnermittlung nach den Grundsätzen ordnungsmäßiger Bilanzierung dem Leistungsfähigkeitsprinzip?. In: Schröder, Hendrik; Clausen, Volker; Behr, Andreas (Ed.): Essener Beiträge zur empirischen Wirtschaftsforschung: Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Walter Assenmacher. Heidelberg 2012, p. 217-236. CitationDetails
  • Hanck, C.: On the Asymptotic Distribution of a Unit Root Test against ESTAR Alternatives. In: Statistics & Probability Letters (2012) No 82, p. 360-364. doi:10.1016/j.spl.2011.11.001CitationDetails
  • Schober, D.; Woll, O.; Weber, C.: Renewable energy integration - feed-in tariffs vs. premia schemes. Essen 2012. CitationDetails
  • Martin Karlsson, Henning Øien; Iversen, Tor: Scandinavian Long-Term Care Financing. In: Costa-Font, Joan; Courbage, Christophe (Ed.): Financing Long-Term Care in Europe. Institutions, Markets and Models.. Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, p. 254-278. doi:10.1057/9780230349193_14CitationDetails

    The Scandinavian countries — Denmark, Norway and Sweden — share a common history and common political traditions, which has led to very similar systems for social care being introduced in the three countries. This applies to the division of roles and responsibilities between different public bodies, as well as for the national policy objectives that have been laid down in various pieces of legislation. Thus, all three countries pursue the general goal of providing local care services free of charge to everyone in need, independently of their financial circumstances.

  • Lamla, Michael; Thomas, Maag.: The Role of Media for Ination Forecast Disagreement of Households and Professionals. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol 2012 (2012) No 44, p. 1325-1350. CitationDetails
  • Dräger, Lena; Lamla, Michael: Updating Inflation Expectations: Evidence from Micro Data. In: Economics Letters, Vol 2012 (2012) No 117, p. 807-810. CitationDetails
  • Frey, M.; Olekseyuk, Z.: The EU-Ukraine Trade Liberalization - How Much Do the Costs of Tariff Elimination Matter?. In: Osteuropa-Institut Regensburg, Working Paper (2011) No 308. CitationDetails
  • Helbach, C.: Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung. In: Amann, E. (Ed.): Spieltheorie für Dummies. 1st Edition. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2011, p. 253-268. CitationDetails
  • Steffen, B.: Prospects for pumped‐hydro storage in Germany. 07/2011. Essen 2011. Full textCitationDetails
  • Brosig-Koch, J.; Helbach, C.; Ockenfels, A.; Weimann, J.: Still different after all these years: Solidarity behavior in East and West Germany. In: Journal of Public Economics (2011) No 95, p. 1373-1376. CitationDetails
  • Weber, C.; Bauermann, K.; Eickholt, V.: Ermittlung der Betriebskosten, der CO2-Vermeidungskosten, die Entwicklung eines marktnahen Fördermodells und die Vergütungssätze. In: Optimierung der marktnahen Förderung von Biogas/Biomethan. Biogasrat e.V., Berlin 2011. CitationDetails
  • Woll, O.; Weber, C.: Hybride Ansätze zur Preismodellierung im Kontext von Portfoliomanagement und Kraftwerksbewertung. In: Vdi (Ed.): Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft. VDI Verlag GmbH, Duesseldorf, Düsseldorf 2011, p. 93-104. CitationDetails
  • Thomas, D.; Weegen, L.; Walendzik, A.; Wasem, J.; Jahn, R.: Comparative Analysis of Delivery of Primary Eye Care in Three European Countries. 189. Universität Duisburg-Essen, Essen 2011. PDFCitationDetails
  • Klose, J.: Political Business Cycles and Monetary Policy Revisited - An Application of a Two-Dimensional Asymmetric Taylor Reaction Function. 286. Paper, Ruhr Economic (Ed.), 2011. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Kristes, S.: Ungeplante Käufe. In: Markenartikel (2011) No 11, p. 116-118. PDFCitationDetails
  • Ahlert, D.; Kenning, P.; Olbrich, R.; Schröder, H.: Vielfalt durch Gestaltungsfreiheit im Wettbewerb. C. H. Beck, München 2011. CitationDetails

    "Vielfalt durch Gestaltungsfreiheit im Wettbewerb!"
    Ein ökonomisches Manifest zur Deregulierung der Konsumgüterdistribution

    Die vorliegende Schrift basiert auf den Ergebnissen der Münsteraner Distributions- und Handelsforschung, die sich seit dem Jahr 1975 in ihrem Forschungsschwerpunkt „Marketing, Recht und Wettbewerb“ mit der wettbewerbsrechtlichen Problematik des vertikalen Marketings disziplinübergreifend befasst. In zahlreichen Studien zur Erforschung exzellenter Wertschöpfungssysteme hat sich der zwischen Industrie und Handel koordinierte Marktauftritt als einer der zentralen Erfolgsfaktoren herausgestellt. Diese Erkenntnisse konnte durch unsere „interdisziplinäre Markenforschung“ untermauert werden: Insbesondere in den neurowissenschaftlichen Forschungsarbeiten, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Universitätsklinikum Münster, ist die große Bedeutung der stufenübergreifenden Markenführung für die Herausbildung starker Marken deutlich geworden. Koordinierter Marktauftritt und stufenübergreifend gesteuerte Markenkommunikation setzen Gestaltungsfreiheiten in der Wertschöpfungskette voraus, die durch wettbewerbsrechtliche Reglementierungen schon seit längerem erheblich eingeschränkt werden.

    Den aktuellen Anlass unseres Manifestes bilden die jüngsten Entwicklungen in der deutschen und europäischen Kartellrechtspraxis, welche bedenkliche Ansätze einer Überreglementierung der Konsumgüterdistribution sichtbar machen. Diese Entwicklungen verwundern umso mehr, als aus der ökonomischen Perspektive längst genau das Gegenteil, nämlich die umfassende Deregulierung, als überfällig angesehen werden muss. Das Autorenteam, eine Gruppe von Marketingprofessoren aus der besagten Schule der „Münsteraner Distributions- und Handelsforschung“, steht dieser unnötigen Verschärfung kartellrechtlicher Interventionen äußerst skeptisch gegenüber und zeigt auf, wie sich die immer wieder vorgetragenen Rechtfertigungsgründe für staatliche Eingriffe in das vertikale Marketing entkräften lassen.

    Die Problematik der wettbewerbspolitischen und wettbewerbsrechtlichen Interventionen im vertikalen Beziehungsfeld zwischen Handel und Industrie wird aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven beleuchtet:

    Dieter Ahlert präsentiert einen disziplinübergreifenden, konzeptionellen Beitrag zur leitbildgerechten (De-)Regulierung des vertikalen Marketings und berichtet über den neuesten Stand der wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Analyse de lege ferenda.

    Peter Kenning würdigt die kartellrechtliche Reglementierung der vertikalen Preis- und Markenpflege aus Verbrauchersicht auf der Basis einer informationsökonomisch fundierten, repräsentativen empirischen Erhebung und vertieft den Aspekt der Behavioral Economics.

    Rainer Olbrich und Gundula Grewe fokussieren auf die Lebensmitteldistribution und arbeiten insbesondere die Konsequenzen der rechtlichen Ungleichbehandlung der unterschiedlichen Organisationstypen von Wertschöpfungssystemen für den Wettbewerb und die Verbraucherwohlfahrt heraus.

    Hendrik Schröder setzt sich nach umfassenden empirischen Recherchen in der Unternehmenspraxis kritisch mit der kartellrechtlichen Reglementierung der Kooperationskonzepte zwischen Industrie und Handel, insbesondere des vertikalen Category Managements, auseinander.

  • Sunderkötter, M.: Fuel mix characteristics and expected stock returns of European power companies. 06/11. Essen 2011. Full textCitationDetails
  • Sunderkötter, M.; Weber, C.: Mean-Variance optimization of power generation portfolios under uncertainty in the merit order. 05/11. Essen 2011. Full textCitationDetails
  • Himmes, P.; Weber, C.: Optimal environmental policy design in the presence of uncertainty and technology spillovers. Essen 2011. CitationDetails

    The stylized model presented in this paper extends the approach developed by Fischer and Newell (2008) by analysing the optimal policy design in a context with more than one externality while taking explicitly into account uncertainty surrounding future emission damage costs. Well-designed support mechanisms for renewables are found to play a major role, notably as a means for compensating for technology spillovers, yet also for reducing the investors’ risks. However, the design of these support mechanisms needs to be target-aimed and well-focused. Besides uncertainty on the state of the world concerning actual marginal emission damage, we consider the technological progress through R&D as well as learning-by-doing. A portfolio of three policy instruments is then needed to cope with the existing externalities and optimal instrument choice is shown to be dependent on risk aversion of society as a whole as well as of entrepreneurs. To illus-trate the role of uncertainty for the practical choice of policy instruments, an empirical application is considered. Under some plausible parameter settings, direct subsidies to production are found to be of lower importance than very substantial R&D supports.

  • Schröder, H.: Lean Management im Handel oder: die Steigerung der Effizienz in der Distribution. In: WiSt – Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (2011) No 9, p. 440-446. CitationDetails
  • Schmiel, Ute: Erwiderung auf Theodor Siegel „Zur Beziehung zwischen Maßgeblichkeitsprinzip und Leistungsfähigkeitsprinzip”. In: ZSteu - Zeitschrift für Steuern & Recht, Vol. 8 (2011) No 15, p. 251-255. CitationDetails
  • Czudaj, R.: P-Star in Times of Crisis - Forecasting Inflation for the Euro Area. In: Economic Systems, Vol 35 (2011) No 3, p. 390-407. doi:10.1016/j.ecosys.2010.09.006CitationDetails
  • Spiecker, S.; Weber, C.: Integration of Fluctuating Renewable Energy in Europe. International Conference on Operations Research, Zürich, Schweiz 2011. CitationDetails
  • Spiecker, S.; Weber, C.: Integration of Fluctuating Renewable Energy - a German Case Study. Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society 2011 General Meeting, Detroit, Michigan, USA 2011. CitationDetails
  • Spiecker, S.; Eickholt, V.; Weber, C.: The Relevance of CCS for the Future Power Market. Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society 2011 General Meeting, Detroit, Michigan, USA 2011. CitationDetails
  • Belke, A.; Klose, J.: Does the ECB Rely on a Taylor Rule During the Financial Crisis? Comparing Ex-post and Real Time Data with Real Time Forecasts. In: Economic Analysis and Policy (2011) No 41, p. 147-171. CitationDetails
  • Belke, A.; Klose, J.: Does the ECB Rely on a Taylor Rule? Comparing Ex-post with Real Time Data. In: Banks and Bank Systems (2011) No 6/2, p. 46-61. CitationDetails

    We assess the differences that emerge in Taylor rule estimations for the ECB when using ex-post data instead of real time forecasts and vice versa.We argue that previous comparative studies in this field mixed up two separate effects. First, the differences resulting from the use of ex-post and real time data per se and, second, the differences emerging from the use of non-modified real time data instead of real-time data based forecasted values and vice versa. Since both effects can influence the reaction to inflation and the output gap either way, we use a more clear-cut approach to disentangle the partial effects. Our estimation results indicate that using real time instead of ex post data leads to higher estimated inflation coefficients while the opposite is true for the output gap coefficients. If real time data forecasts for the current period are used (since actual data become available with a lag), this empirical pattern is even strengthened in the sense of even increasing the inflation response but lowering the reaction to the output gap while the reverse is true if ¿true¿ forecasts of real time data for several periods are employed.

  • Klose, J.: A Simple Way to Overcome the Zero Lower Bound of Interest Rates for Central Banks: Evidence from the Fed and the ECB within the Financial Crisis. In: International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance, Vol 4 (2011) No 3, p. 279-296. doi:10.1504/IJMEF.2011.040923CitationDetails

    In this paper we investigate how Fed and ECB monetary policy changed within the financial crisis of 2007-2010. We argue that due to the very low interest rates classical monetary policy rules like e.g. the Taylor rule could lead to false conclusions. We propose a new way of conducting monetary policy when the zero lower bound becomes binding via shaping the inflation expectations. Our results indicate that using this modified Taylor rule shows similar tendencies in the reaction coefficients as the standard Taylor rule at least if no interest smoothing term is included.

  • Klose, J.: Asymmetric Taylor Reaction Functions of the ECB: An Approach Depending on the State of the Economy. In: North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol 22 (2011) No 2, p. 149-163. doi:10.1016/j.najef.2011.01.002CitationDetails

    We introduce a new approach to estimate asymmetric Taylor reaction functions where asymmetries depend crucially on the state of the economy which is in the Taylor rule framework the combination of inflation and output deviations. Thus we categorize the sample into four subsamples which correspond to all possible combinations concerning inflation and output deviations. Moreover we introduce a quadratic  term of inflation and the output gap in the estimation equation for each state in order to capture possible nonlinearities within each state. The approach is tested using data for the ECB because the ECB has communicated an explicit inflation target.

  • Czudaj, R.: Improving Phillips Curve Based Inflation Forecasts: A Monetary Approach for the Euro Area. In: Banks and Bank Systems, Vol 6 (2011) No 2, p. 5-14. CitationDetails
  • Spiecker, S.: Analyzing Market Power in a Multistage and Multiarea Electricity and Natural Gas System. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the European Energy Market. Zagreb, Kroatien 2011, p. 313-320. CitationDetails

    Strategic behavior by gas traders is likely to affect future gas prices. Within this article a computational game theoretic model is presented which allows assessing market power on the natural gas market and its influence on the electricity market. This model uses typical time segments to represent both seasonal load fluctuations on the natural gas market and hourly load fluctuations on the electricity market. An application is presented covering 40 regions and simultaneously optimizing dispatch and utilization of transmission lines on the power market as well as supply, transmission and storage on the natural gas market. The model is used to evaluate the influence of trader market power in the natural gas market on the electricity market. We compute price changes, sales volume and power plant utilization for three different market power specifications.

  • Schmiel, Ute: Entspricht eine steuerliche Gewinnermittlung nach den Grundsätzen ordnungsmäßiger Bilanzierung dem Leistungsfähigkeitsprinzip?. In: ZSteu - Zeitschrift für Steuern & Recht, Vol. 8 (2011) No 8, p. 119-125. PDFCitationDetails
  • Schuerenberg-Frosch, H.: One Model Fits All? - Determinants of Transport Costs Across Sectors and Country Groups. 122 . Göttingen, University Of (Ed.), CEGE Discussion Paper, 2011. CitationDetails
  • Bauermann, K.; Weber, C.: Heating Systems When Little Heating Is Needed. In: Sioshansi, F. P. (Ed.): Energy, Sustainability And The Environment. Elsevier, Oxford 2011, p. 417-442. CitationDetails
  • Schröder, H.; Bohlmann, A.; Witek, M.; Zaharia, S.: Informieren und Kaufen bei Multichannel-Retailern – empirische Untersuchungen zum Verhalten der Endkunden. In: Deutscher Dialogmarketing Verband e. V. (Ed.): Dialogmarketing Perspektiven 2010/2011 - Tagungsband 5. wissenschaftlicher interdisziplinärer Kongress für Dialogmarketing. Gabler, Wiesbaden 2011, p. 149-176. CitationDetails

    Es gibt eine Reihe empirischer Studien, die das Verhalten der Kunden von Multichannel- Retailern untersuchen. Einige Studien betrachten mehrere Multichannel-Retailer, ohne die Besonderheiten der einzelnen Händler zu berücksichtigen, wie z. B. die Art und die Anzahl der Kanäle und die Vermarktungskonzepte. Wir sprechen uns dafür aus, die Marktauftritte der einzelnen Firmen als moderierende Variablen zu formulieren, wenn mehrere Multichannel-Retailer in einer Untersuchung erhoben werden. Im Übrigen ist es sinnvoll, einzelne Firmen zum Gegenstand einer detaillierten Untersuchung zu machen. Hierzu legen wir die Ergebnisse aus zwei Branchen vor.

  • Just, S.: Appropriate Contract Durations in the German Markets for On-line Reserve Capacity. In: Journal of Regulatory Economics (2011) No 39, p. 194-220. Full textCitationDetails
  • Heinrich, T.: Communication and reputation in procurement auctions - Some empirical evidence. In: Economics Letters, Vol 114 (2011) No 2, p. 164-167. doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2011.09.014Full textCitationDetails
  • Retzmann, Th.: Bildungsstandards = Lernzielorientierung reloaded?. In: Prieß, Wolf (Ed.): Wirtschaftspädagogik zwischen Erkenntnis und Erfahrung – strukturelle Einsichten zur Gestaltung von Prozessen. Festschrift für Hans-Carl Jongebloed zum 65. Geburtstag. Norderstedt 2011, p. 267-291. CitationDetails
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    Dieser Beitrag untersucht die dynamischen Effekte antizipierter und nicht-antizipierter Ölpreiserhöhungen in einer kleinen Währungsunion mit zwei Mitgliedsländern, die gleichzeitig durch asymmetrische Lohnanpassungsgleichungen und asymmetrische Zinsreagibilitäten der Güternachfrage gekennzeichnet sind. In dieser strukturell asymmetrischen Währungsunion führen gemeinsame externe Ölpreisschocks zu vorübergehenden konjunkturellen Divergenzen innerhalb der Währungsunion. Im Fall antizipierter Ölpreiserhöhungen kommt es im Verlauf des Anpassungsprozesses zu einer Umkehrung des Konjunkturgefälles innerhalb der Währungsunion. Die Stabilisierung der Outputentwicklungen innerhalb der Währungsunion ist über den gesamten Zeitraum grundsätzlich möglich, erfordert jedoch eine Ausgestaltung der Geldpolitik, die in qualitativer Hinsicht zeitkonsistent, aber in quantitativer Sicht zeitinkonsistent ist. Sie erfordert nämlich, dass die Zentralbank für den Zeitpunkt der antizipierten Ölpreiserhöhung eine Verringerung der Wachstumsrate der Geldmenge glaubwürdig ankündigt, letztendlich zum späteren Zeitpunkt der Ölpreiserhöhung eine etwas schwächere geldpolitische Reaktion implementiert.

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  • Schaeffler, S.; Weber, C.: The Cost of Equity of Network Operators - Empirical Evidence and Regulatory Practice. 01/11. Essen 2011. Full textCitationDetails
  • Schmiel, Ute: Steuerfreiheit von Gewinnen aus der Veräußerung von Kapitalgesellschaftsanteilen durch natürliche Personen?. In: Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB), Vol. 81, Nr. 10, Lohmar, Vol 2011 (2011) No Vol. 8, p. 1053-1078.