
Research at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics

Because of its size and interdisciplinary profile, the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics is involved in a wide range of research activities. These tackle the current burning issues in the differnt fields of business administration and economics. With this as the foundation, special attention is paid to the energy, health-care, trade and service providing industries as well as logistics, the automotive industry, IT enterprises and the auditing, tax and management consultancy professions.

Research Partnerships

The particular strength of the Faculty is the manner by which it bundles its areas of expertise within interdisciplinary and cross-faculty partnerships. In this context, the faculty’s researchers interlink their understanding of business administration and economics with the aim of identifying and analysing complex academic issues concerning global social and economic developments and to develop solutions. These activites are partly bundled in specialized research institutes, like the House of Energy Markets and Finance. These interdisciplinary, cutting-edge fields of research are also a sign of how the faculty will develop in the coming years and will influence the professorships that have to be filled in the future.

Overview of Researchers and Institutes

Promoting Young Academics

The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics offers young academics attractive training programs and development prospects. At the research groups, doctoral students are systematically involved in research at an early stage and are purposefully guided towards presenting their research results at scientific conferences. The publication of research results in national and international peer-reviewed journals has a high priority in order to strengthen the visibility of the faculty's young researchers. 

The „Ruhr Graduate School in Economics“ is funded by the University of Duisburg-Essen in partnership with the University of Dortmund, the University of Bochum and the RWI – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research. The focus of this doctoral program is on theoretical modeling and econometric analysis of economic and social issues. The program includes doctoral studies at the highest international level. In addition, an international conference for young academics, the RGS Doctoral Conference in Economics, takes place every year at different locations of the cooperation partners.

More Information

Success in third-party funded research

The faculty is very successful in acquiring and implementing third-party funded projects, both with regard to a wide range of DFG funding as well as funding from other renowned third-party donors, such as the EU or federal ministries (e.g. the BMBF). Particular strengths also lie in the implementation of practical projects, for example in the energy or healthcare industries. As a result, the faculty has one of the highest levels of third-party funding in Germany. Current and previous DFG projects are listed separately below to give you an impression of the thematic and methodological breadth of research at the faculty.
We cordially invite you to get to know this diverse research at the faculty!

Overview of selected Research Projects


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© Kzenon -
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