Informations about the modules

Module (expiring) (6 Credits)

Unternehmensmodellierung 2

Announcement for changes in the module

Das Modul wird letztmalig im Sommersemester 2024 angeboten. Bitte beachten Sie dies bei Ihrer Studienplanung.

Name in diploma supplement
Enterprise Modelling 2
Admission criteria
See exam regulations.
180 hours of student workload, in detail:
  • Attendance: 60 hours
  • Preparation, follow up: 75 hours
  • Exam preparation: 45 hours
The module takes 1 semester(s).
Qualification Targets

The students:

  • Understand advanced aspects of conceptual modelling and can describe, assess and apply pivotal concepts of conceptual modelling.
  • Understand elaborated object-oriented concepts and advanced abstractions in software engineering.
  • Understand potentials of domain-specific modelling languages (DSML) and are able to explain and assess them.
  • Can describe and compare pivotal enterprise modelling methods.
  • Understand the structure of a selected method in detail, can describe its embedment in the context of “Method Engineering” and can design and apply domain-specific modelling methods in the context of enterprise modelling.
  • Are aware of new trends and developments in the conceptual modeling/enterprise modelling domain. 
  • Are able to design elementary domain-specific modelling languages (DSML), to motivate design decisions and to analyze and assess existing DSML.
  • Are able to apply selected meta and multi-level modelling tools in a competent way and are able to utilize acquired competences for new modelling languages and tools as well.
Module Exam

Zum Modul erfolgt eine modulbezogene Prüfung in der Gestalt einer Klausur (i.d.R. 90-120 Minuten).

Vom Dozierenden wird zu Beginn der Veranstaltung festgelegt, ob durch freiwillige Testate in Form von technischen Miniprojekten, von Abgaben zu Übungsaufgaben, oder anderen Aktivitäten wie z. B. aktive Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung bereits im Vorfeld Punkte für die Klausur erworben werden können. Für die Möglichkeit der Anrechnung der Testate muss die Klausur unabhängig vom Ergebnis der Testate mindestens mit der Note 4,0 bestanden sein. Ist dies der Fall, so bildet sich die Endnote aus dem Ergebnis der mindestens bestandenen Abschlussprüfung zuzüglich der bereits über die Testate erworbenen Punkte. Die Möglichkeit der Anrechnung der Testate auf die abschließende Prüfungsleistung ist auf maximal 20% der in der abschließenden Prüfung maximal erwerbbaren Punkte beschränkt. Bestandene Testate haben nur Gültigkeit für die Prüfungen, die zu der Veranstaltung im jeweiligen Semester gehören. Es ist unabhängig von der Bearbeitung der freiwilligen Testate möglich, die volle Punktzahl für die modulbezogene Prüfung ausschließlich im Rahmen der abschließenden Klausur zu erreichen.

Usage in different degree programs
  • BWL EaFWahlpflichtbereich1st-3rd Sem, Elective
  • WiInfWahlpflichtbereichWahlpflichtbereich I: Wirtschaftsinformatik1st-3rd Sem, Elective
Name in diploma supplement
Enterprise Modelling 2
Organisational Unit
summer semester
Participants at most
no limit
Preliminary knowledge

Enterprise Modelling I: Lecture (Concepts and Theories)


This lecture extends the knowledge gained in Enterprise Modelling I. First, the participants learn to assess and use advanced concepts of object-oriented modelling. The engineering approach to developing software will be considered, then contrasted with alternative approaches, such as agile methods and the Soft Systems Methodology. After introducing the concept of meta modeling, the focus is assigned to the design of Domain-specific modelling languages. Domain-specific modelling languages (DSML) lie at the heart of conceptual modelling. The participants learn to judge the specific benefits and challenges related to DSML as opposed to general-purpose modelling languages such as, e.g., UML. A presentation of the core concepts and their specification through meta-models is supplemented by application scenarios – including model-driven software development.

Methods for enterprise modelling, which generally make use of DSML, are at the core of the lecture. An overview of important methods gives an idea of objectives and key abstractions. Against this background, the MEMO (Multi-Perspective Enterprise Modelling) method is taught in more detail, and its utility illustrated through various application scenarios. To enable a deeper understanding of MEMO, its conceptual foundation will be outlined including the language architecture and excerpts of meta-models. The goal is to lead participants to an understanding that enterprise modelling offers a versatile conceptual foundation for method engineering. Our hope is that our students will gain not only understanding of the concepts of reference enterprise models, but appreciate the remarkable effort it takes to develop enterprise models, and the set of challenges related to their construction and dissemination.  In addition, students will get familiar with new trends and developments in the enterprise modeling/conceptual modelling field.

It is recommended that participants attend the accompanying tutorial (Enterprise Modelling II: Applying Methods and Tools).

  1. Object-Oriented Modelling: Advanced Concepts
  2. Focus on abstraction
  3. Modelling Languages Methods
  4. Enterprise Modelling
  5. Multi-Perspective Enterprise Modelling (MEMO)
  6. Alternative Approaches to System Development and Design
  7. Multi-level Modelling
  8. Quality of Models
  • Beck, K.: Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change. Reading, Mass., et al.: Addison-Wesley 2000
  • Checkland, P.; Scholes, J.: Soft Systems Methodology in Action. Wiley 1990
  • Frank, U.: Multiperspektivische Unternehmensmodellierung: Theoretischer Hintergrund und Entwurf einer objektorientierten Entwicklungsumgebung. Oldenbourg 1994
  • Frank, U.: Ebenen der Abstraktion und ihre Abbildung auf konzeptionelle Modelle. In: EMISA Forum, Band 23, Nr. 2, 2003, S. 14–18
  • Frank, U.: Outline of a Method for Designing Domain-Specific Modelling Languages. ICB-Research Report, Institut für Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik, Universität Duisburg-Essen, No. 42, 2010
  • Frank, U.: Some Guidelines for the Conception of Domain-Specific Modelling Languages. In: Markus Nüttgens; Oliver Thomas; Barbara Weber (Eds.): Proceedings of the Conference 'Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures' (EMISA 2011). Lecture Notes in Informatics, GI, Bonn, Germany, Vol. P-190, 2011, p. 93-106
  • Frank, U.: The MEMO Meta Modelling Language (MML) and Language Architecture. Revised Version. ICB Research Report, No. 43, Universität Duisburg-Essen, 2011
  • Henderson-Sellers, B.; Graham, I.; Younessi, H.: The OPEN Process Specification. Reading, Mass., et al.: Addison-Wesley 1997
  • Scheer, A.: ARIS: ARIS - Modellierungsmethoden, Metamodelle, Anwendungen. 3. Aufl., Berlin: Springer 1998
  • Zachman, J.A.: A framework for information systems architecture. In: IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 26, No. 3, 1987, pp. 277–293
Lecture: Unternehmensmodellierung 2 (WIWI‑C0523)
Name in diploma supplement
Enterprise Modelling 2
Organisational Unit
summer semester
Participants at most
no limit
Preliminary knowledge

Enterprise Modelling I: Tutorial (Applying Methods and Tools)


In this advanced course on enterprise modelling, students learn how to deal with modelling challenges in among others, such areas as object-oriented modelling and meta modelling. As an integral part of the module Enterprise Modelling II, the course applies the theoretical considerations on enterprise modelling (taught in the corresponding lecture) to hands-on modelling tasks. Students engage in modelling exercises, discuss their proposed solutions with each other and develop the advanced modelling competences essential to Wirtschaftsinformatik graduates. The course is based on modelling exercises, class discussions, student presentations, and literature research work undertaken outside of class. Successful completion of the course will prepare students to design, present, analyze, and evaluate different types of models, e.g., object-oriented models, meta-models as well as partial enterprise models. Knowledge of software development methods from the lecture will be enhanced and their respective strengths and weaknesses through the introduction of application examples identified. As a result, a student should be able to decide whether the application of some method is appropriate given the requirements of a specific context. In addition, the students will get to know new trends/developments in the enterprise modelling/conceptual modelling field.

  1. Object-Oriented Modelling: Advanced Concepts
  2. Metamodelling
  3. Domain Specific Modelling
  4. Method Engineering
  5. Enterprise Modelling
  6. New Trends in Enterprise, Conceptual and multi-level Modeling
  • Frank, U.: Ebenen der Abstraktion und ihre Abbildung auf konzeptionelle Modelle. In: EMISA Forum, Band 23, Nr. 2, 2003, S. 14–18
  • Frank, U.: The MEMO Meta Modelling Language (MML) and Language Architecture. Revised Version. ICB Research Report, No. 43, Universität Duisburg-Essen, 2011
  • Kelly, S.; Tolvanen, J.-P.: Domain-Specific Modelling. Wiley, 2008
  • Rolland, C.: Method Engineering: Towards Methods as Services. In: Software Process Improvement and Practice, Vol. 14, 2009, pp. 143–164
  • Henderson-Sellers, B.; Ralyte, J.: Situational Method Engineering: State-of-the-Art Review. In: Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 16, no. 3, 2010, pp. 424–478
Exercise: Unternehmensmodellierung 2 (WIWI‑C0522)
Module: Unternehmensmodellierung 2 (WIWI‑M0031)