Error: Domain not found

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Error: Domain not found

The subdomain you were trying to access wasn't found.

All domains which end in "" belong to the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics of the University of Duisburg-Essen. However the subdomain you called wasn't found.

How could this happen?

The most common case is you found a very old link. In case a research group doesn't exist anymore we delete the domain after some years.

In case you are certain, that this subdomain should exist, perhabs we have technical problems currently. Please retry in a few minutes.

What to do now?

You were probably looking for a research group of our faculty - if that is the case the current list of all research groups is found on the page Subjects of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.

Alternatively you might want to use the search function for all websites of our university or the staff search of our university.

Übersicht alle Fachgebiete und Professuren der Fak. WIWI

Business Administration


Working GroupHeadContact
Work, personnel and organization Prof. Dr. Christian JulmiContact 
Economic EducationProf. Dr. Thomas RetzmannContact
Energy trading and FinanceProf. Dr. Rüdiger KieselContact
Energy EconomicsProf. Dr. Christoph WeberContact
FinancingProf. Dr. Heiko JacobsContact
International AccountingProf. Dr. Rainer KasperzakContact
Marketing and TradeProf. Dr. Hendrik SchröderContact
Health Care ManagementProf. Dr. Jürgen WasemContact
Production and Industrial Information ManagementProf. Dr. Stephan ZelewskiContact

Environmental Economics, esp. Economics of Renewable Energy

Prof. Dr. Florian ZielContact
Corporate taxationProf. Dr. Ute SchmielContact



Working GroupHeadContact
EconometricsProf. Dr. Christoph HanckContact
Experimental EconomicsProf. Dr. Steffen AltmannContact
Financial Market EconometricsProf. Dr. Yannick HogaContact
Health EconomicsProf. Martin Karlsson, Ph.D.Contact
International Economic RelationsProf. Dr. Volker ClausenContact
MacroeconomicsProf. Dr. Michael LamlaContact
MicroeconomicsProf. Dr. Erwin AmannContact
Public EconomicsProf. Dr. Kristina StrohmaierContact
Quantitative economic policyN.N. (formerly Prof. Dr. Jeannette Brosig-Koch)Contact
StatisticsProf. Dr. Andreas BehrContact

Assistant Professor

Working GroupHeadContact
Labour and Health EconomicsProf. Dr. Daniel KühnleContact
Labor, Migration and IntegrationProf. Dr. Sebastian OttenContact



Working GroupHeadContact
Private Business and employment lawProf. Dr. Wolfgang HamannContact