

Electricity, Renewables and District Heating

Name in diploma supplementElectricity, Renewables and District Heating
Organisational Unit Lehrstuhl für Energiewirtschaft (
LecturersProf. Dr. Christoph Weber
Dr. Benjamin Böcker
Dr. Michael Bucksteeg
Cyclewinter semesterParticipants at mostno limit

Preliminary knowledge

Basic knowledge in the field of energy economics (i. e. "Einführung in die Energiewirtschaft")


  1. Subject and fundamental problems, research approaches including their meaning
  2. Management of power generation incl. renewables: Power plants as an essential resource, power plant scheduling, supply and sales markets, portfolio management for power generation
  3. Management of power transmission and distribution: Power-flow analysis, grid structure and operation, reserves, congestion management, grid usage – contract and billing principles, balancing, measurement and billing
  4. Perspectives for future electricity systems: power plant investment and long-term equilibria in power markets, consequences of increased electricity generation from renewable energies, congestion management and grid expansion, smart metering, prosumers
  5. Management of electricity supply and sales: key market segments, products and prices
  6. Management of district heat generation and distribution: Technical aspects, real world example, Management of cogeneration plants, operation, maintenance and expansion of district heat grids


  • Erdmann, G.; Zweifel, P.: Energieökonomik (2010): Theorie und Anwendungen; 2. (verbesserte) Auflage; Berlin.
  • Löschel, A; Rübbelke, D; Ströbele, W.; Pfaffenberger, W.; Heuterkes, M.: Energiewirtschaft (2020): Einführung in Theorie und Politik; 4. Auflage; München.
  • Schiffer, H.-W. (2019): Energiemarkt Deutschland; Köln.
  • Weber, C. (2005): Uncertainty in the Electric Power Industry: Methods and Models for Decision Support; Berlin.


  • BWL-EaF-Ma-2015 > Pflichtbereich > (1st-2nd Semester, Compulsory) Modul "Electricity, Renewables and District Heating"
  • ECMX-Ma-2019 > Wahlpflichtbereich > ME5 Economics > (1st-3rd Semester, Elective) Modul "Electricity, Renewables and District Heating"
  • EnergySc-Ma-2016 > Fortgeschrittene Energiewissenschaft > (1st Semester, Elective) Modul "Electricity, Renewables and District Heating"
  • LA-gbF-kbF-BK-Ma-2014 > Masterprüfung in der kleinen beruflichen Fachrichtung > Produktion, Logistik, Absatz > Wahlpflichtbereich Kleine berufliche Fachrichtung "Produktion, Logistik, Absatz" > (1st-3rd Semester, Elective) Modul "Electricity, Renewables and District Heating"
  • VWL-Ma-2009-V2013 > Wahlpflichtbereich II > (1st-3rd Semester, Elective) Modul "Electricity, Renewables and District Heating"
  • WiInf-Ma-2010 > Wahlpflichtbereich > Wahlpflichtbereich II: Informatik, BWL, VWL > Wahlpflichtmodule der Betriebswirtschaftslehre > (1st-3rd Semester, Elective) Modul "Electricity, Renewables and District Heating"
  • WiIng-Ma-2008 > Wahlpflichtbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Energiewirtschaft > (1st-3rd Semester, Elective) Modul "Electricity, Renewables and District Heating"
  • WiMathe-Ma-2013 > VWL-Energie > (1st-4th Semester, Elective) Modul "Electricity, Renewables and District Heating"
WIWI‑C0817 - Lecture: Electricity, Renewables and District Heating