Informations about the modules

Module (6 Credits)

Health Economics: The Provision of Health Care Services and Health Insurance

Name in diploma supplement
Health Economics: The Provision of Health Care Services and Health Insurance
Admission criteria
See exam regulations.
180 hours of student workload, in detail:
  • Attendance: 60 hours
  • Preparation, follow up: 60 hours
  • Exam preparation: 60 hours
The module takes 1 semester(s).
Qualification Targets

Students taking the course will

  • Acquire an overview on health economic research (theory and empirical evidence) with respect to health care providers and health insurers
  • Learn how to critically assess the incentives of actors in the health care market from a microeconomic point of view
  • Are enabled to evaluate different policy interventions in health care markets

Actors within health care markets face different incentives. The health economic perspective analyses how these incentives influence the resulting market outcomes.

Module Exam

Final written exam (usually 90-120 min.)

Die Prüfung in diesem Modul darf nicht abgelegt werden, wenn "Gesundheitsökonomik II" oder "Gesundheitsökonomik: Leistungserbringer und Krankenversicherung" bereits bestanden ist.

Usage in different degree programs
  • GOEMIKPflichtbereich1st-2nd Sem, Compulsory
  • LA gbF/kbF BKMasterprüfung in der kleinen beruflichen FachrichtungSektorales ManagementWahlpflichtbereich Kleine berufliche Fachrichtung "Sektorales Management"1st-3rd Sem, Elective
  • MedMan MedGWWahlpflichtbereich IBereich Gesundheitsökonomie1st-3rd Sem, Elective
  • MedMan WiWiWahlpflichtbereich IBereich Gesundheitsökonomie1st-3rd Sem, Elective
  • VWLWahlpflichtbereich I1st-3rd Sem, Elective
Name in diploma supplement
Health Economics: The Provision of Health Care Services and Health Insurance
Organisational Unit
summer semester
Participants at most
no limit
Preliminary knowledge

Good knowledge of microeconomics required.


The students gain a sound knowledge topics related to the efficient provision of health care services and health insurance. The course covers theoretical as well as recent empirical contributions.

  • Hospital services and efficiency
  • Optimal design of health insurance contracts
  • Providers and third-party payers
  • Medical liability
  • The political economy of health care
  • The market for pharmaceuticals
  • Barros, P., and X. Martinez-Giralt. Health Economics: An Industrial Organization Perspective. Routledge Chapman & Hall (2012).
  • Zweifel, P., Breyer, F., and M. Kifmann. Health Economics. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2009).
Teaching concept

Die Veranstaltung entspricht einem Vorlesungsanteil von 2 SWS und einem Übungsanteil von 2 SWS.

Lecture with integrated exercise: Health Economics: The Provision of Health Care Services and Health Insurance (WIWI‑C0941)
Module: Health Economics: The Provision of Health Care Services and Health Insurance (WIWI‑M0722)