empfohlenes VorwissenThe students should have a basicknowledge of information systems and be familiar with: - The fundamentals of strategic management
- The fundamentals of project management
- Elementary IT management processes (as described in the IT Infrastructure Library - ITIL).
AbstractThe lectures build on the more general IS content from the bachelor’s level. Their goal is to prepare the students for typical IT-related management positions in business, including line positions in industries with high IT penetration (e.g., Internet businesses, banking, insurance, and telecoms), management functions within corporate IT departments, or positions as technology-oriented management consultants. Moreover, the module is designed to enable the students to leverage IT/IS in order to optimize business processes and facilitate innovative business models. Consequently, the students are prepared for management challenges at the interface between business and IT (e.g., as process managers or those responsible for IT in business departments). At the beginning of the course, the independent strategic management of IT in corporations will be explained and its structure provided. During the lectures, a reference framework will indicate the various decision domains that IT strategy needs to incorporate and align. While undergraduate studies focus strongly on the internal structure of IT, the ‘Strategic Planning of IS’ will extend this perspective by investigating the value chain interfaces of IT. These include the sourcing aspect, the delivery of services, and the overall IT-business alignment via the IT strategy. To facilitate the students' learning, the course will cover IT strategy, IT business alignment, IT governance and standardization, demand management, enterprise architecture management, project portfolio management, vendor management, and benefits management. Lehrinhalte- Introduction
- Business Strategy for the Digital World
- Competition, Strategy and Firm Success
- Business IT Alignment
- IT Governance
- Digital Business Models
- IT Value Generation
- Enterprise Architecture Management I
- Enterprise Architecture Management II
- Project Portfolio Management I
- Project Portfolio Management II
- IT Innovation Management
- Sourcing, Partnerships and Networks
- Advanced IT Organization
Literaturangaben- Grant, K., Hackney, R., & Edgar, D. (2009). Strategic Information Systems Management. Cengage Learning EMEA.
- Ward, J., & Peppard, J. (2002). Strategic planning for information systems, third edition. Chichester, West Sussex, Eng.; New York, N.Y.: John Wiley & Sons.
- Riempp, G., Müller, B., and Ahlemann, F. 2008. "Towards a Framework to Structure and Assess Strategic IT/IS Management," in: 16. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2008), W. Golden, T. Acton, K. Conboy, H. van der Heijden and V.K. Tuunainen (eds.). Galway, Ireland: pp. 2484-2495.
- Luftman, J./McLean, E. R.: Key Issues for IT Executives. In: MISQ Executive, 3 (2) 2004, 89-104.
- Ross, J. W.: Creating a Strategic IT Architecture Competency: Learning in Stages. In: MIS Quarterly Executive, 2, 1, 2003, 31-43.
- Sobol, M.; Klein, G. (2009): Relation of CIO background, IT infrastructure, and economic performance, in: Information & Management, 46, 5, 2009, pp. 271-278.
- Weill, P./Ross, J.: IT Governance - How Top Performers Manage IT Decision Rights for Superior Results, Boston, 2004.
- Luftman, J./McLean, E. R.: Key Issues for IT Executives. In: MISQ Executive, 3 (2) 2004, 89-104.
- Leidner, D. E./Beatty, R. C./Mackay, J. M.: How CIOs Manage IT during Economic Decline: Surviving and Thriving Amid Uncertainty. In: MIS Quarterly Executive, 2, 1, 2003, 1-14.
- Bharadwaj, A.; Keil, M.; Mähring, M. (2009): Effects of information technology failures on the market value of firms, in: Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 18, 2, 2009, pp. 66-79.
- Cartlidge, A., Hanna, A., Rudd, C., Macfarlane, I., Windebank, J., and Rance, S. 2007. "An Introductory Overview of Itil V3," The UK Chapter of the itSMF, London, UK.
- Klasen, P., and Safaric, A. 2006. "Studie IT-Organisation Im Wandel: Was Kommt Nach Zentralisierung Und Konsolidierung?," Capgemini Deutschland, Berlin, Germany.
- Grover, V., Seung-Ryul, J., Kettinger, W.J., and Lee, C.C. 1993. "The Chief Information Officer: A Study of Managerial Roles," Journal of Management Information Systems (10:2), Fall 1993, pp. 107-130.
- Wigand, Rolf T.; Picot, Arnold; Reichwald, Ralf: Information, Organization and Management: Expanding Markets and Corporate Boundaries. Chichester 1998.
- Jeffery, M.; Norton, J.: MDCM Inc. (A) - IT Strategy Synchronization, case study, Kellogg School of Management, 2006
didaktisches KonzeptThis course takes a blended-learning approach. Students are expected to watch videos and read obligatory literature as part of their weekly preparation, regardless of their location. In addition, classroom discussions will enable students to critically reflect on the newly acquired knowledge and discuss open questions with the lecturer. Hörerschaft- WiInf-Ma-2010 > Wahlpflichtbereich > Wahlpflichtbereich I: Wirtschaftsinformatik > (1.-3. Fachsemester, Wahlpflicht) Modul "Strategic Planning of IS"