Informations about the modules


Module (6 Credits)

Economics and Psychology

Name in diploma supplement
Economics and Psychology
Admission criteria
See exam regulations.
180 hours of student workload, in detail:
  • Attendance: 60 hours
  • Preparation, follow up: 60 hours
  • Exam preparation: 60 hours
The module takes 1 semester(s).
Qualification Targets

After completing the module, students will be able to:

  • Define core concepts to model social preferences, reference-dependent preferences, limited attention, and present bias.
  • Account for the models’ central theoretical insights and implications.
  • Critically assess theoretical and empirical studies at the intersection of economics and psychology.
  • Evaluate the results of these studies and identify limitations of the existing body of knowledge.
  • Critically reflect how economic theory, lab and field experiments, and other complementary empirical methods can be used to address research questions in behavioral economics.
  • Apply behavioral economic insights to theoretical problems and practical empirical questions.
  • Initiate and implement first own research studies on behavioral economic topics.

By investigating the psychological foundations of human decisions, behavioral economics offers a more profound understanding of how individuals behave in economically relevant settings and of the resulting market outcomes. These insights bear direct implications for a wide range of practical applications, including labor markets, financial choices, healthcare, marketing, and public policy.

Module Exam

Zum Modul erfolgt eine modulbezogene Prüfung in Gestalt einer Klausur (in der Regel: 90-120 Minuten) oder in Gestalt einer mündlichen Prüfung (in der Regel: 20-40 Minuten). Die konkrete Prüfungsform – Klausur versus mündliche Prüfung – wird in der ersten Vorlesungswoche von der zuständigen Dozentin oder dem zuständigen Dozenten festgelegt.

Usage in different degree programs
  • BWL EaFWahlpflichtbereich1st-3rd Sem, Elective
  • GOEMIKWahlpflichtbereich Bereich Volkswirtschaftslehre1st-3rd Sem, Elective
  • MuUWahlpflichtbereich IIWahlpflichtbereich II B.: Märkte und Unternehmen aus Marktperspektive1st-3rd Sem, Elective
  • VWLWahlpflichtbereich I1st-3rd Sem, Elective
  • WiMatheVWL-M I 1st-3rd Sem, Elective
Name in diploma supplement
Economics and Psychology
Organisational Unit
winter semester
Participants at most
no limit
Preliminary knowledge

A thorough knowledge of microeconomic theory (especially game theory and contract theory) and microeconometrics are required. Ideally, students should also have basic knowledge of experimental methods in economics.


Why do people volunteer and donate to charitable causes? Why do we often eat unhealthy food, exercise too little, and struggle with completing important tasks in a timely manner? Why do most people think that they are better-than-average car drivers, entrepreneurs, lovers, ... ?  From the perspective of conventional economic theory, these questions are difficult to answer. “Economics and Psychology” (aka “Behavioral Economics”) is an attempt to shed light on these and other puzzling phenomena. By enriching the traditional economic model with an empirically more accurate foundation of human behavior, Behavioral Economics aims at improving the predictive power of economic models and the resulting policy recommendations.

In this course, we will discuss the psychological foundations of human behavior and their economic implications. We will present the empirical regularities that have inspired the development of Behavioral Economics, analyze the key theoretical models that have been brought forward, and discuss a number of applications where insights from Behavioral Economics have contributed to a better understanding of individual behavior and market outcomes.


The course will focus on the following topics:

  • Fairness and Social Preferences
  • Reference-Dependent Preferences and Loss Aversion
  • Present-Biased Preferences and Limited Self Control
  • Limited Cognitive Resources and Attention
  • Behavioral Economics and Public Policy

The course will be based on lecture notes and research papers, as well as selected handbook chapters and survey articles. A detailed syllabus with required readings will be provided in the beginning of the course. The following survey articles provide a valuable introduction to the literature.

  • Rabin, M. (1999). Psychology and Economics. Journal of Economic Literature, 36: 11-46.
  • DellaVigna, S. (2009). Psychology and Economics: Evidence from the Field. Journal of Economic Literature, 47: 315-372.
Teaching concept

Lectures will supplemented with a number of guided practice sections (corresponding to roughly 3 SWS of lectures and 1 SWS of practice sessions). In the practice sections, we will discuss recap questions and homework assignments. Assignments will consist of theoretical exercises and empirical case studies through which the students can deepen and apply the knowledge acquired in the lecture.

Student participation and an active discussion is expected and encouraged.

Die Veranstaltung entspricht einem Vorlesungsanteil von 2 SWS und einem Übungsanteil von 2 SWS.

Lecture with integrated exercise: Economics and Psychology (WIWI‑C1232)
Module: Economics and Psychology (WIWI‑M0945)