Überblick über die Lehrinhalte und Qualifikationsziele der Module und Veranstaltungen

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Module (6 Credits)

Energy Trading

Name in diploma supplement
Energy Trading
Admission criteria
See exam regulations.
180 hours of student workload, in detail:
  • Attendance: 60 hours
  • Preparation, follow up: 60 hours
  • Exam preparation: 60 hours
The module takes 1 semester(s).
Qualification Targets


  • are familiar with the structure of energy markets.
  • are able to work with standard models for energy- and commodity markets.
  • can valuate financial and energy-related assets, derivatives written on these underlyings and basic structured products.
  • understand some of the important regulatory and financial concepts underlying the energy markets as well as other commoditiy markets.

The models discussed and the quantitative techniques used are common standard and frequently used in financial institutions and within the energy industry.

Module Exam

Written exam (generally 60-90 minutes)

Die Prüfung in diesem Modul darf nicht abgelegt werden, wenn Energiehandel I bereits bestanden ist.

Usage in different degree programs
  • BWL EaFPflichtbereich1st-2nd Sem, Compulsory
  • EnergyScFortgeschrittene Energiewissenschaft1st Sem, Elective
  • LA gbF/kbF BKMasterprüfung in der großen beruflichen FachrichtungWahlpflichtbereich BWL, VWL, Recht, StatistikBereich BWL1st-3rd Sem, Elective
  • VWLWahlpflichtbereich II1st-3rd Sem, Elective
  • WiMatheVWL-Energie1st-4th Sem, Elective
Name in diploma supplement
Lecture Energy Trading
Organisational Unit
winter semester
Participants at most
no limit
Preliminary knowledge

Good knowledge in statistics and econometrics.


The course provides a thorough overview of recent developments in energy and commodities markets, modeling approaches for these markets as well as of valuation methods for energy derivatives and risk management techniques.

  1. Principles of energy  spot – and forward markets
  2. Futures, forwards and swaps
  3. Mathematical models for energy markets and energy price processes
  4. Modelling and valuation of derivatives used in energy markets  Risk management in energy markets
  • Burger, M., Graeber, B. and Schindlmayr. G.: Managing Energy Risk: An Integrated View on Power and Other Energy Markets, John Wiley & Sons, 2007
  • Kaminiski, V.: Energy Markets, RISK books, 2013 
  • Eydeland, A. and Wolyniec, K.: Energy and Power Risk Management, John Wiley & Sons, 2003
  • Geman, H.: Commodities and Commodity Derivatives, John Wiley & Sons, 2005
  • James, T.: Energy Markets: Price Risk Management and Trading, John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
Teaching concept

presentation, discussion

Lecture: Energy Trading (WIWI‑C0831)
Name in diploma supplement
Exercises Energy Trading
Organisational Unit
winter semester
Participants at most
no limit
Preliminary knowledge

Good knowledge in statistics and econometrics.


See lecture.


Recap, discuss, apply and deepen topics covered during the lecture with the help of scientific papers, practical applications and training exercises. Improve theoretical knowledge as well as applied research skills.


See lecture.

Teaching concept

Presentation, discussion

Exercise: Energy Trading (WIWI‑C0832)
Module: Energy Trading (WIWI‑M0678)

Aus Gründen der Performance und Übersichtlichkeit wird an dieser Stelle auf die Titel und vollständigen Namen der Dozenten verzichtet und es werden nur die Nachnamen ausgegeben. Die unterschiedlichen Titel der zugehörigen Dozenten  sind den Bereitstellern und Nutzern dieser Listen bekannt und bewusst.