Informationen zu den Modulen
Modul (6 Credits)
Selected Topics in Empirical Capital Market Research
- Name im Diploma Supplement
- Selected Topics in Empirical Capital Market Research
- Verantwortlich
- Voraussetzungen
- Siehe Prüfungsordnung.
- Workload
- 180 Stunden studentischer Workload gesamt, davon:
- Präsenzzeit: 30 Stunden
- Vorbereitung, Nachbereitung: 120 Stunden
- Prüfungsvorbereitung: 30 Stunden
- Dauer
- Das Modul erstreckt sich über 1 Semester.
- Qualifikationsziele
- meet the formalities of a scientific paper
- independently collect, systemize, compare, and review the state-of-the-art academic literature
- acquire a profound understanding of a specific subfield of empirical capital market research
- can evaluate scientific studies accurately, understand the methodology used in leading papers of the field, can interpret estimation results correctly
- are able to critically reflect on limitations of existing research
- are able to present and defend their term paper in a professional way
- are in a position to identify starting points for their own research
- Praxisrelevanz
The acquired skills and knowledge are highly relevant for work in the financial industry and related areas (e.g., asset management, equity research, fintech, corporate finance, risk management), but may also be of interest to economic research and teaching institutions.
- Prüfungsmodalitäten
The module-related examination consists of a seminar paper (usually 15 pages, 75% of the grade), and of an accompanying presentation (usually 20 minutes, 25% of the grade). To pass the module, both the seminar paper and the seminar presentation must have been evaluated with a grade of 4.0 or better.
- Verwendung in Studiengängen
- Bestandteile
Seminar (6 Credits)
Selected Topics in Empirical Capital Market Research
- Name im Diploma Supplement
- Selected Topics in Empirical Capital Market Research
- Anbieter
- Lehrperson
- 2
- Sprache
- englisch
- Turnus
- Wintersemester
- maximale Hörerschaft
- 15
- empfohlenes Vorwissen
Students are assumed to have a profound understanding of finance (for instance by having taken the lectures offered by the chair). Basic econometric skills are helpful to understand empirical research conducted in the academic papers which the module’s content is based on. A sufficient level of spoken and written English language skills is necessary.
- Abstract
The module provides students with the knowledge and skills to independently and critically analyze a practically and scientifically relevant subfield of empirical capital market research based on an in-depth literature review as well as an accompanying presentation.
- Lehrinhalte
Selected topics in empirical capital market research
Informationen zu den Voraussetzungen und zur Bewerbung finden Sie auf der Homepage des Lehrstuhls
- Literaturangaben
The literature depends on the specific topic. Students will be provided with relevant papers in the introductory session.
- didaktisches Konzept
Paper writing, presentation, discussion
- Hörerschaft