Informationen zu den Modulen
Modul (6 Credits)
Health Economics: The Demand for Health and Health Care Payments
- Name im Diploma Supplement
- Health Economics: The Demand for Health and Health Care Payments
- Verantwortlich
- Voraussetzungen
- Siehe Prüfungsordnung.
- Workload
- 180 Stunden studentischer Workload gesamt, davon:
- Präsenzzeit: 60 Stunden
- Vorbereitung, Nachbereitung: 60 Stunden
- Prüfungsvorbereitung: 60 Stunden
- Dauer
- Das Modul erstreckt sich über 1 Semester.
- Qualifikationsziele
Students taking the course will
- Understand the differences between health, health care goods and other goods.
- Be able to assess health care systems and the need for regulation in such systems from an economic perspective
- be able to critically assess problems and provide suggestions with respect to the health care markets as discussed in the media or in the public policy debate
- have the tools to understand the empirical association between health, individual health production, medical infrastructure as well as environmental factors, as discussed in health economic journals
- Praxisrelevanz
This modul provides a coherent introduction to health economics, focusing especially on health care demand and payment schemes in health care systems. It provides the tools to understand and evaluate current health economic problems as discussed in the media or in the public policy debate.
- Prüfungsmodalitäten
Final written exam on lecture and tutorial content (usually 90-120 min.).
Die Prüfung in diesem Modul darf nicht abgelegt werden, wenn "Gesundheitsökonomik I" oder "Gesundheitsökonomik: Gesundheitsnachfrage und Vergütung der Leistungserbringer" bereits bestanden ist.
- Verwendung in Studiengängen
- Bestandteile
Vorlesung mit integrierter Übung (6 Credits)
Health Economics: The Demand for Health and Health Care Payments
- Name im Diploma Supplement
- Health Economics: The Demand for Health and Health Care Payments
- Anbieter
- Lehrperson
- 4
- Sprache
- englisch
- Turnus
- Wintersemester
- maximale Hörerschaft
- unbeschränkt
- empfohlenes Vorwissen
Good knowledge of microeconomics required.
- Abstract
This course covers several basic health economic concepts, focusing especially on health care demand and payment schemes in health care systems. Students should be ready for a rigorous application of microeconomic models.
- Lehrinhalte
- Economic Evaluation of Life and Health
- Individual Health Production
- Empirical Evidence on Individual Health Production
- Peculiarities of Health and Health Care Goods and their allocative consequences
- Payment Systems: Regulating Incentives for Health Care Providers
- Risk-Selection and Competition between Health Insurers
- Literaturangaben
- Zweifel, P. / Breyer, F. /Kifman, M. (2009): Health Economics, 2nd edition, Springer, Berlin.
- didaktisches Konzept
Die Veranstaltung entspricht einem Vorlesungsanteil von 2 SWS und einem Übungsanteil von 2 SWS.
- Hörerschaft